Chapter 25: "Can't Go Back"

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Charlie's P.O.V

"Alright! Attack!"

Springbonnie shot a Shadow Blast three times at the three cardboard cutouts, managing to knock all of them off the boxes they were standing on. "Good work on hitting all three," congratulated Freddy. "Finally. Had to spend this long just for her to hit all three damn targets, instead of just saying she no more chances," said Bon Bon. "Everyone has to be prepared to fight, and that means to Freddy nobody will be forgotten," responded Mangle. "Would make things go faster if we abandoned those who aren't ready. Freddy did that to us himself," said Bon Bon. "But he came back. Didn't he?" asked Mangle in response. "Yeah! When the damage was already done!" exclaimed Bon Bon irritated. "Seems like to me you rely on him, too much," she responded. "I do not rely on someone who can't rely on their own self!" yelled Bon Bon.

Everyone turned to him from his sudden outburst, still facing Mangle with a face as to tell her to back off as she held the face of someone who would not back down. I had admired her for her determination of being a true leader, one even I wish I had the strength to fully be at times.

"Are we done for tonight or not!" he exclaimed turning to Freddy. "You're all dismissed, unless you got something to say to me," he said staring at Bon Bon. "Figure it out yourself," he responded walking away from all of us and towards the door. "I need some damn sleep after all that!" expressed Helpy while yawning. "We should probably go ahead and do that then. We'll continue things tomorrow night, because it'll be a long one," instructed Freddy. "Better make sure the house is locked then, I'm not going to be the one hassled at for forgetting to lock the garage door," noted Helpy

Just him mentioning my father made me realize I had promised to talk with him, not because I didn't want to chat with him but the dread and pain of what we would have to talk about. Though I had to get through to accept how the rest of my life would go until the end.

"I call couch again then!" exclaimed Springbonnie as she and Bonnie walked on over to the garage door. "No point when we're the only one's who use them," said Bonnie. "Ah, but you never know when someone like Helpy might decide to want to sleep on it for once." said Springbonnie. "Like I need to sleep on a couch covered in Cheetos dust when I have an actually comfy bed to sleep on," responded Helpy. "Then you wouldn't consider... you know? Letting someone use it for one night?" asked Springbonnie. "I'll think about it," responded Helpy. "You could get a chance to sleep on a comfy bed," said Springbonnie to Bonnie. "I think I'll stick with the couch," he responded as they both entered the house through the door. "I think I'll get ready for the night as well," announced Michael. "You better if you want to regain that strength you lost today," said Mangle to him. "I could say the same for you," he responded. "Don't worry about me I'll gain my strength back in time. And I trust Bonnie with my position for the time-being. You just better still be here before I'm back in my prime," she responded. "I'm not dying anytime soon, not as long as my father lives... " he responded as he planted a kiss on her cheek. "And I'll make sure that kiss won't be the last one." "Go get some sleep already," Mangle responded. Michael smiled back in response as he walked over towards the garage door, though not before saying his farewell for the night. "You make sure you train hard yourself. You're just as important as all of us remember?" he said to Freddy. "Don't you worry, I'm striving to be prepared for when we finally face my father by the end of this week. It's a lot of effort to learn all my powers by then but it's for the greater good," he responded as he held out his hand that was formed into a fist. "I'm at your side until the very end." Michael stared at him for a moment before walking over and fist bumping him. "Can't go back now can we?" said Michael. "I already decided that I'm not turning back from this," responded Freddy with a smile. "Heh. Same here," he responded as he walked away now, while Foxy made her way towards Freddy. "Are you going to bed?" she asked approaching him. "Yeah, once I'm finished putting this stuff away for tonight," he responded looking at the sheets and whiteboard. "See you when you're done then," she responded before planting a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight." 

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