Chapter 60: "Proposal"

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

"We should have some privacy now," I said closing the door to room with the various parts and tools. "You seem different," noted Foxy. "Good different or bad different?" I asked in response. "Good different. You kinda seem like your old self, especially with your speech during the funeral. That was a good speech," she continued. "Well, a speech is a speech for me. It just comes from the heart and my mind, and just me going up with it on the spot," I responded with a little shrug. "Yeah, but that one was... the best speech I had ever heard," she said. "Well, not much when I've made more speeches than I've ever lived. Which I doubt isn't true when I think about it," I said. "Anyways, you seem a little better than we last spoke." "That's not saying much... I haven't been well ever since our last talk," responded Foxy. "Charlie mentioned how you lost control during the mission? Wanna talk about it?" I asked. "I'm not proud of what I did... I... I've tried to do things on my own... and I couldn't handle it... I was beat up badly from the battle, was pissed at Charlie for trying to help me... and I took it out on the enemy... " she responded as her tone changed now. "By losing control," I said. "Yeah... brutally killing the enemy... attacking the bodies of the enemy beyond what was needed... I couldn't handle it," she responded. "I thought being alone with my own strengths would help me with this conflict, if things got bad." "What do you mean by that?" I asked. She looked away for a moment, seemingly trying to ignore having to explain what she meant for that time, before she finally looked back at me. "Freddy... you know... we all know, that there's a chance we might not all make it. When we siege the pizzeria tonight, who knows if we'll be still alive when we finally reach William. Like they enemy will let us walk through their doors and let them kill their leader," she explained. "Look. We don't know if you, me, Michael, or whoever will be the one to face and kill William, and especially whoever survives what he throws at us. He may be a man and not like the rest of us that have powers or seconds lives or whatever thing that makes sure us animatronics don't die easily, but he's smart and probably prepared if we do get face-to-face with him. We need to be prepared if you, Michael, or anyone dies before getting to kill him... If it's down to me to take his life... " "So you're telling you've been training yourself or be prepared if it was down to you to kill William and be on your own, if the rest of us failed?" I said realizing what she was trying to tell me. "Was, trying to train myself. Like you've said we don't what will happen and if it were down to me to save the world, be the only left to save it, I had to be ready. Only this whole time I've proved I don't have what it takes if it came down to me being the one saving the world; I'm not strong like you, Michael, or anyone here for that matter. Especially you, that's for sure," she responded. "Well, Foxy. I can see your heart was in the right place," I said to her. "Like we've said... too many times at this point. We don't what will happen during our attack: who will rise and will fall? Things could go good for us, or bad for us. We have to be prepared if things go wrong, because they very well could and probably will. However you were wrong about one thing." "Wrong about what?" she asked. "About being weak. One thing I've noticed since we met is that you rely on others. Not to use them to exploit their weaknesses but to share strength with them. Your allies and people around you is what brings out the best in you, why you were able to be yourself around me and more towards the people around you. Without me, without everyone, you wouldn't be at your strongest," I explained. "The thing is you see it as a weakness, something holding you back, when you're only holding yourself back by pushing back that strength. There's nothing wrong with having the rely on others if you can't rely on your yourself. If they aren't there to guide you let their example and what you've learned from them lead you to where you want to go." "Is it enough though? What if I act irrational again and no one is there to call me out? What then?" she asked. "Sometimes no one will be there to help you and you got to rely on yourself. Like I said have those around represent what they would tell you to do if you were to lose control again, be all alone with no one to help you. Like me," I said. "You know, during our training I only got through because there was only one person on my mind that helped me get through it, someone always helping me," she said. "I know. We both know who you're referring to," I said. "Then will you always be there at my side? Even in my heart?" she asked. "Of course, you know that. Me, Michael, Henry, all of us will be in your heart to guide you through whatever our life takes us. We always have been," I said. "These past few days I've started to realize something; sometimes we don't get to choose the life we desire. Sometimes we need to choose the life we need, not the one we want. You'll be going one direction and the next thing you know you take a detour that leads to another, and another, until you going down a different road than what you had planned on taking beforehand. Our lives have changed than what I thought they would end up at, especially mine. It tore me up how we would never get to experience a full life like a human would, being able to do what I wanted or desired. Wasn't many desires or things I wanted anyways and not like I had the time to do so. I've accepted that now, where my life will end up at. However I've been trying to get things I wanted done and not have any regrets before we reach the end of our destination." I grabbed and held Foxy's hands now, as she looked up at me unsure of what I was doing. "Foxy, I don't care if this isn't how these things usual go or if isn't normal but I just hope you don't mind. This has been on my mind for a couple days now but I think if I want it to happen, now is the time," I said. "Foxy. Will you marry me?" Foxy looked stunned, almost like she thought she would never hear those words come out of my mouth. "I know it's sudden, and yeah, we've only been a couple for a while. I guess. I don't know... but if you don't want-" "Yes. Of course Freddy," she said as she kissed me. I'll tell you hearing those words made me so happy, and it wasn't just a temporary happiness that would last a moment or so. No, this was true happiness, something that I would feel every time I would reflect back on this moment. We both hugged each other as tears streamed from Foxy's eyes, out of pure happiness of course. "Heh. I couldn't really be any more happier," I said with a smile on my face. "I just hope you like what we do for the wedding. I want it to happen tonight and it won't be much, but I want to get married, even if its just a budget wedding," I said. "Freddy. I don't care about that. It's the thought that counts. Besides, not like we do things normally do we?" she said sniffling. "Guess not," I responded. "I hope we fixed things. The best we could, maybe not everything and maybe the problem will never go away, but it was something. Something to reduce the severity of it." "Let's just stick together from now own, even when you're not here," she said. "I'd like that," I said as we both smiled at each other. Suddenly the door opened as me and Foxy found Henry standing at the doorway, as we both looked at him. "I hate to ruin the moment for the both of you, but Freddy I require you immediately," he said at once. "Can it wait a minute?" I asked. "Sorry, but no. We need to install some upgrades to your system for Duality when you and him are linked, and I'm afraid it must be done now, considering they will be needed to set up now and it will took about twelve hours to complete," Henry explained. "Twelve hours?!" I expressed. "Twelves hours for the systems to load. Don't worry you won't be awake for twelve hours, I just need to set up the upgrades and you'll need to be plugged in with Duality until they are finished. Still it'll take a while to set up so I suggest we start now," he explained. "Alright then, I'll go," I said. "Foxy, I suggest you head to bed now. I've already let the others knows and all of you will need to wake up early tomorrow to prepare for tonight," said Henry looking at her. "Alright," said Foxy. "I'll see you tomorrow. As soon as we wake up we'll finish your training and you'll be ready," I said. "Looking forward to it," she said. "I just hope you make the wedding a good one," she said as she kissed me on the cheek. "You know me, you won't be disappointed. Good night," I said. "Good night," she responded as I kissed her on the cheek. I walked away from her now with Henry, making our way out the room. 


I stopped to turn and look at Foxy, waiting for what she was going to say. "Thank you, for everything. It's good to have you back," she said. I gave a warm smile back in return, offering my own thanks in return. "It's good to have you back too," I said. "And yeah. It's good to be back."

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