Chapter 56: "Talk"

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

"Was that better?" I asked. "Your efficiency has gone up by 0.234651009% since the last time you asked me that, which, as a reminder, was a minute ago," said Duality. "Sorry, I'm just seeing if I'm making progress here," I apologized. "I'll will say that you have improved since you continued training. Your attacks are more powerful and faster, you can enter the Resurrection State longer, and your perception of prediction and being ready for anything to happen only increases. You're making progress. However I can calculate that still isn't enough for you," noted Duality. "I know. I just need to be ready. I mean, tonight will be Friday, the day we are set to stop William and when his plan will go into motion as well. If I'm not ready, or everyone else, we'll only lower our chances of succeeding," I responded. "Speaking of everyone else, what time is it right now?" "About seven forty two. You worried that they aren't here yet," said Duality. "I am. Enemy could've shown up, or something worse. They been one step ahead of us and we still haven't figured out how," I said. "As long as everyone is prepared in case things go wrong, they'll be fine," he responded. Suddenly I could hear the sound of the car driving up the driveway, meaning everyone had arrived back. "They here," I said walking on over to the wall to press the button to open the garage door. The door for the garage slowly lifted up, as I could see the car waiting for it to open as well. Finally the car backed up into the garage slowly, fitting itself in the garage, though we didn't have any room now. Still we could always move it out once we were done when needed. Once they were parked inside I pressed the button the close the garage door, as it slowly closed now. The doors for the car opened as everyone stepped out of the vehicle, all battered and destroyed. They look roughed up and in bad shape with injuries that were noticeable at a glance. The trunks doors opened as well with Bonnie and Charlie stepping out as they pushed out the cart with wheels with two bodies laying to rest on it. Bon Bon and Springbonnie. I walked over to them concerned, looking at the both of them to see what had happened. "What happened to them?" I asked Bonnie looking at him. He looked sad, wounds covering him, nothing that could hide the pain on his face. "Elizabeth chopped off Bon Bon's leg. It can be reattached and he'll be fine," said Michael walking up to me with Foxy and Mangle. "And Springbonnie?" I asked. He immediately looked away, giving my answer to her fate. "No," I said realizing that Springbonnie was gone, a husk of life that had left long ago. "How? How did it happened?" I asked. "The enemy had me on the ground, I was defenseless. Springbonnie protected me and the device, gave... gave her life... to save me... " said Bonnie trying to hold back the pain. I couldn't believe to actually see it, the toll of war and what we were fighting for. Losing a life, any life, it was surreal. She wouldn't reach heaven or hell, not even receive any after life. Just a void. A void full of nothing. 

"I can't fucking believe this!"

We all turned to Bon Bon's voice, as he was looking at me dead on. "You think you got any right to mourn her?! After staying here doing nothing like usual!? All the fucking time you sit around, acting like watching from the sidelines is going to prepare you for battle?! How about you actually decided to be at the battle and do something for once?! Stop crying about your fucking problems and realize this is war! People fucking die and give their life for a cause worth fighting for! You have no right to respect their sacrifice and all that have died because of this war when you think your problems matter more than what's as stake! Your pathetic!" 

Everyone stared at him, shocked to see him make a comment at such a moment. In that moment I couldn't hold it back anymore, I was sick of his hatred towards me like I had done something wrong. 

"You know what Bon Bon? You know what you're fucking problem is? You! Every since I came back to life you've had a problem with me, a chip on your shoulder at every moment. Then you found Bonnet's body, and everything went to hell after that! Your attitude went to shit, your went all bloodthirsty on Elizabeth, and you refuse to work with us! Every god damn time the enemy got the jump on us or we made a mistake I'm the one you point the finger at!" I exclaimed angry at this point. "You hate me! Like I did something wrong or I ruined your life! I don't even know what it is that is the reason for you acting this way! You don't talk to me when I ask you and I can't even have a fucking conversation with you running off to deflect any solution to this problem! So we're settling this now!" I exclaimed. Everyone stared at me, probably shocked to see me angry for the first time. I just had to let off some steam, especially from everything that had been going on. I was going to get this resolved. 

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