Chapter 38: "Parallel"

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

"Love? Nah, never considered it. Not many options here regardless... Wait, are you considering yourself an option? It doesn't work like that," spoke Helpy. "I never said a thing. Besides, I'm just curious. You have Freddy and Foxy, Springy and Mangle, and that's about it. Bon Bon did have a girlfriend, but... you know," said Springbonnie. "I'm aware, it's you, him, me, and Charlie though she... well considering she was a human and not that old to begin with... I don't need to say anymore to explain why it's best it stays that way. I mean who cares anyway if we don't have a significant other, I'm fine on my own. Don't need to go after anyone for being single or a virgin, unless your forty that is," said Helpy. "Why's that?" asked Springbonnie. "It means you probably have a good reason for not having a girlfriend or boyfriend, or aren't married by that point," he responded. "What if people don't choose to find someone to love or get married by that age? Is that bad?" asked Charlie chiming in on their conversation. "Well. I guess. I have no idea! Look I'm fine without somebody because I'm good enough and happy with my life. Besides, we don't know what will happened by the end of this week or who'll come out on top. If we live, we live. If not... Then it is what it is," said Helpy. "Also why do you call Springtrap Springy?" "Because it's a nickname for him. Like how we call Charlie Lefty for her nickname. Why do you ask?" responded Springbonnie. "Well... it kinda sounds weird. And pointless. You give people nicknames if their original name is too long, so you shorten it however to make it easier. Like Freddy or Foxy for example, their original names our Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy but we shorten it to just Freddy and Foxy to make things easier. You can't really shorten Springtrap and is doesn't matter because his name isn't long to say out loud regardless. Also because calling him Springy sounds like something a family member would say for their child or something," said Helpy. "He doesn't care so fine it's fine. Also, I could try coming up with a nickname for you," suggested Springbonnie. "Nah! I'll pass on that," said Helpy. Mangle and Michael walked through the door as they made their way over to where everyone else was. "Mangle should be good to go. We walked around and she seems like she is capable of participating in the training," said Michael. "Are you sure. She witnessed the last two parts of my training and she knows it will be the most difficult out of all of them, especially since she has to catch up on the training she's missed out on," I said. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Besides, I wouldn't like to be left in the dust with how far and powerful all you've become since this past week. At least let me in on the fun," Mangle said. "Guess there's no stopping you," I responded shaking my head with a smirk. "So how hard are we talking with the last bits of training?" asked Helpy. "Hard enough that I highly doubt you won't be able to master these things completely, considering the time we have left. And for this lesson it might... well be something you're not going to believe," I responded. "What the hell does that mean?" responded Helpy. "Uh... let's just say it might blow your minds," I responded. "Nah! We can take it! What is it? Being able to fly, go invisible, or something more cooler?" asked Springbonnie. "Actually, all of you are going to learn the ability to go through a different dimension," I responded. "What the fuck?! You're kidding me?!" responded Helpy surprised. "Woah... That's way more cooler than what I could predict!" exclaimed Springbonnie in excitement. "Going through a dimension? I think you need to explain yourself because I frankly don't understand. Well, more like I can't comprehend what you just said just now," said Michael. "Yeah, I don't blame you. I couldn't believe it either when Duality mentioned to me for the first time and explained it to me. I'll try to put it in the perspective as best as I can," I responded. "To start off this ability allows you to enter a parallel dimension that is similar to ours, one we and Duality named the Shadow Dimension. It's like a mirror world, the opposite of this plain of existence, if that makes sense." "I guess. But how the hell does another dimension exist? It isn't even possible? As far as I know, nobody has found clear evidence of another dimension, until now for whatever reason," noted Helpy. "Well, I'm not sure either. At least with what me, Duality, and Henry have theorized so far. You see this dimension is like a dark and purple variant of this world, like it's like still our world but a different shade of color. Everything in the world is opposite, basically that right is left and left is right, to make it simple. However, the colors of the dimension bring to mind two people," I said. "You don't mean... Shadow Freddy and RXQ?" said Michael realizing what I was referring to. "Hold up! Just because the color of the dimension is the exact same of those two doesn't mean they're involved with it! Where's the god damn proof?!" exclaimed Helpy questioning my reasoning. "You're right. A judgement like that is pointless without proof to back it up. However, I had Duality run some diagnostics as best as he could on the dimension and what we know of from Shadow Freddy and RXQ, and it seems powers from their forms are apart of the dimension itself, as well as traces of the Resurrection Power. Besides, as far as we know it seems William used the Ressurection Power to create their bodies, no doubt as an experiment or something for his plan. The power also explains how me, Foxy, Michael, and the old Mangle got jumped by RXQ without knowing, especially Golden Freddy who can teleport," I explained. "So basically we can travel through a dimension, one like ours but opposite. Does it work the same like this one, where we can interact and touch things? Do the same rules apply to here?" questioned Bonnie. "No they do not. Basically, for example, in the Shadow Dimension you will still be in the house but you cannot touch or feel anything. As well as thought there are no physics you could phase through a door or wall, and even the ground if you control it. You could also, theoretically, fly into the air with no basic physics or gravity to dictate that plane of existence," I answered. "So wait? We travel into a dimension, so we're basically entering parallel worlds that no one from this world can see us from right?" asked Bonnie. "From what we determined, yes. Unless, of course, someone is also in that dimension with you," I answered. "So we can easily slip by the pizzeria and head inside when it comes to the attack? It'll make things easier for us... Unless there's a catch there is," said Helpy. "Yeah, it's not so simple as you make it out to be," I said confirming his suspicions. "As I previously stated RXQ and Golden Freddy possess the Resurrection Power, meaning they both can enter the dimension as well, which is already a fact. Also if someone in the dimension with you they could possibly touch and make contact with you, meaning they could attack you, at least what I've determined with Duality as I discovered you can still use the Resurrection Power in the dimension. Besides, if our enemies hold the power as well, more so if they have mastered it, then they could account for us to use that method and be prepared to deal with us if used during the attack." "It's still useful and resourceful regardless if used properly. It'll give us an advantage in battle and when that last of Henry's devices is recovered," noted Mangle. "Right. Though like I said this is one of the most difficult parts of the power all of you will learn, and I can't guarantee anyone will be able to get through the basics. It was hard enough for me to learn myself so that tells you what all of you will be going through," I said. "Can't be too hard for us right?" said Springbonnie speaking for everyone. "That's depends on your perspective and went you actually put it into practice," I responded. "I will also say right now that Charlie will not needed to participate in this part of the training, considering she already knows how to use this ability. Bon Bon will also be partaking in this as well, considering the material itself with how complicated it is that it requires my instruction in order to be taught. Now! I'll demonstrate for all of you!" I activated my power and appeared in the Shadow Dimension a second later, now in the same house that was purple and black all around. It was silent now, considering I couldn't see anyone at all though I could imagine their reactions being filled with disbelief and shock from what I could do. After a couple seconds I returned back to the worlds plan of existence, as everyone either almost jumped or eyes widened at my emergence, clearly understandable considering this was happening in front of their eyes. "Now that was sick! I'm down to enter another dimension!" exclaimed Springbonnie. "I'm not sure if this is something I should be excited for or be afraid to do probably in the next couple of minutes," said Helpy. "I'd never thought I would be learning how to go through a parallel dimension, as if going to another world and this one wasn't enough," said Bonnie. "Still, we're ready to learn this ability. No matter what it takes," stated Michael. "Alright then. I should also mention when you enter the Shadow Dimension, you cannot see or hear anyone else that isn't in the dimension with you, another reason why using this for our attack won't work. As well as that time moves the same in Shadow Dimension as in this realm, meaning when attacking the enemy can move or change positions if you do so," I explained. "So then attacking while using this ability is pointless in battle, after all that," said Helpy. "At first thought, yeah. However if you are fast enough to switch positions in the dimension and be where someone else is, giving little to no time for a person to react and are able to anticipate or at least narrow down the area a person may move to, it can prove very effective and could even dictate a battle," I explained in response. "So it benefits both sides while also having it's disadvantages. Still, it's worth having especially if you can use it to the best of its ability," observed Bonnie. "Alright! Bonnie you're going to be the first one to try the power out," I instructed. "Right," responded Bonnie. "Ok! I want you to picture the area we are currently in with your mind. The garage, the items in this area, the floor, whatever would give a simple but effective layout of this place," I instructed. "Ok. Do you want me to close my eyes?" he responded. "No. Just focus on the room. Now focus on that room being a shadow and dark variant of it, think of it as a dark mirror world opposite to ours. Focus your power and energy into bringing that image into reality; know that it exists," I said. "I'm trying," said Bonnie. After about a moment of him trying to concentrate, nothing had occurred with the ability not activating. "Alright, that's enough," I said as he stopped now. "I don't understand. I did as you told me," Bonnie expressed confused on what he did wrong. "You partially did. You used your powers to focus on that image but the image in your head wasn't enough to activate the ability. You didn't have a good representation or image of what this room would look like if you were to enter into the Shadow Dimension, that or you could be lacking a creative mindset," I explained. "It's like someone describing something to you that you have seen but you have to draw it based on how that person describes it, rather than being shown the image of the thing being described to you. In this case to enter this dimension you have to have a clear or accurate image of what the Shadow Dimension would appear as in your head from what I've told you about it." "This is certainly difficult to what we've done so far, especially the method of using the power," expressed Michael. "Of course this isn't any fucking better way to use this power. How the hell do you expect anyone to figure out the basics if it depends on our mindsets, huh?" questioned Bon Bon. "Even someone with a more simple or basic mindset can enter the Shadow Dimension, you just have to view the dimension with the way your mindset works and how it views things. Don't just try to create an image of what the Shadow Dimension from my view, think of how it is viewed in your mind," I responded as I looked over at Bonnie. "Ready to try again?" "Yeah. I think I got it down," he responded. "Alright, just remember what I said," I reminded him. He focused on the image, as least from what I could tell as everyone patiently waited. Suddenly he disappeared as everyone was ecstatic and surprised he was able to pull it off. "I'll be right back," I said as I activated the ability and appeared in the Shadow Dimension. Bonnie was looking at around the whole place and taken a back from the type of surroundings he was staring at in front of him, definitely the same feeling I had the first time I entered this parallel world. "To think I'm actually in a different dimension," said Bonnie still looking around. "Yeah. It is something, isn't it?" I said. "Anyways, now we get you back into the original world. All you have to do is focus on the image of the normal garage in our dimension, or Henry's garage if you want to be specific. Think of the inverse of the place or how your mind views a normal garage." "Alright then. A normal garage," responded Bonnie focusing his attention on getting back. After about a couple seconds he disappeared, as I did the same with the both of us back in the garage of our dimension with everyone present in the area still. "There is no way I'm getting used to that," responded Bonnie. "Alright, Springbonnie. You're up next," I said. "Let's do this!" exclaimed Springbonnie, who was clearly excited to try this out. "Ok. Try to picture-" "Already know what to do," said Springbonnie cutting me off. "After about a moment she disappeared, clearly understanding how the ability worked which was not really a surprise, considering her mind was more suited to have an imaginative view of certain things. I made my way into the Shadow Dimension, as I found her observing the place. "Wow. Place really is dark and purple. Definitely does look like where RXQ and Shadow Freddy would live," Springbonnie said turning to look at me. "Yeah. For sure," I responded. "Anyways. You'll probably have no trouble understanding how to get back, so just picture the garage of how your mind views it." "Easy," she responded. "Done." Not even five seconds and she was gone again, leaving me in the dust so soon. "Heh. She really can do anything," I said with a slight chuckle, as I returned myself back to the garage. "Now that was rad!" expressed Springbonnie. "You think going to another dimension is rad? Maybe if you were someone asking to destroy everything you would know about this world and wonder still how the fuck another dimension exists," responded Helpy baffled by her enthusiasm. "If you had her way of thinking you would probably understand where she's coming from," said Bonnie. "Alright, Michael you're next," I said. "Ok. Just picture how I could view the Shadow Dimension in my own mind," he responded. We all waited for a moment as he stood concentrating on entering the dimension, until he finally disappeared. I entered the dimension once more, as I found him looking around the place. "You're weren't kidding. This place does look like something RXQ and Shadow Freddy created... Something made from Frank and John... Still can't believe Shadow Freddy never told me this," said Michael. "Can't blame him with trying to get this down and the power itself," I responded. "Anyways, getting back on track here. To get back just view the garage of the house in your mind the way you view it." "Alright," responded Michael. After a moment he disappeared as I exited the Shadow Dimension, ending up in the garage again. So far everyone was having little to no trouble with this ability, though just entering and leaving it was the easy part compared to using it effectively. "Alright, Mangle you're up next. And I'm sure I don't need to repeat again on how to enter the Shadow Dimension," I said. "Right on," she responded as she concentrated on activating the ability. I was confident with Mangle's skills, as well as being able to activate the power with little to no trouble. I had barely begun teaching her the basics and she had already mastered them in no time, proving she could learn everything about the power probably by morning. She disappeared as I once again traveled to the Shadow Dimension, finding Mangle looking around the area. "You know, this ain't the first time I've technically been to another dimension. We traveled to a place called the Flipside, where we encountered that Scott Cawthon A.I for the first, that was another world. That's if you count it considering our world itself isn't real," said Mangle. "Yeah. Fabricated by Scott and William. Still don't why to be honest," I responded. "Guess you're also made from the both of them, along with Bonnie and Springbonnie." "Indeed it does make the three of us his creations, but we're still our own people that don't follow whatever twisted ideology he's focused on to change the world. Especially not after what he did to everyone I knew and our world, even if they were created to serve a higher purpose than our understanding," responded Mangle. "So? Going to show me the exit to this place?" "Heh. Of course," I responded with a small smile. "Just do the opposite for entering the dimension." "Imagine the original garage with how I view it? Got it," she responded. A moment later she returned back to the original world, as I did the same and ended up back in the garage with everyone else. "Ok! Bon Bon you're next," I said. "Just remember-" "I know," he responded cutting me off. He still had his usual attitude towards me, though he was holding back from speaking more. It was unlike him to hold back, but considering the amount of times everyone had warned him perhaps he finally considered the consequences of his attitude and how it was affecting everyone around him. He focused on activating his power for a moment, then disappeared as I followed him in the dimension. He didn't seem interested that he was in another dimension as he was staring straight ahead and focusing on anything else. "Tell me how to leave," he said impatiently, probably not wanting to be in the same place with me. "Just do the opposite. View the garage in your own mind," I said. He wasted no time on returning to the garage, as he was gone in a matter of seconds while I did the same after. "Wow! That was quick!" exclaimed Springbonnie. "Yeah, I wonder why," said Helpy clearing understanding probably that Bon Bon did not want to be near me at all. Bon Bon shot him dirty look as Helpy flipped him off when he turned back around. I just sighed in an attempt to let that slide, as I couldn't bother to call out Helpy at the moment. "Alright Helpy, your turn. You know what to do right?" I said. "I know what to do. It's a matter of can I do it," he responded. He concentrated on activating the power, and after a minute he was able to enter the Shadow Dimension. I did the same and found him observing the place, taking in the place he was in currently. "There's no way something like this should exist," he said looking around still. "I mean, it does. You're standing in another dimension," I responded. "Yeah I can see that my own eyes. Guess it's a good thing we're the only ones able to enter in this parallel world, don't want this type of knowledge falling into the wrong hands," he responded. "Yeah, maybe it's for the better," I said in response. "Anyways to get back just do the opposite for entering this world and instead focus on the garage that is normal in your mind." "Thank god that's easier than imaging this place," responded Helpy as he focused on returning home. A moment later he disappeared, as I followed behind and returned back to the original world. "Alright, it's just down to you Foxy. Remember what to do?" I said. "Yeah," she responded lightly. She didn't seem alright. She had no energy in her voice and sounded sad, depressed even. I hadn't talked to her since before she left for the previous mission and I've respected her wishes of her not involving myself in her problems and solving them without me, but the guilt of wanting to be there for her was starting to form in my heart. Maybe leaving her with her problems wasn't the best choice for her, even if she thought it was. She concentrated on entering the Shadow Dimension and a moment later she disappeared, as I did the same. I found her standing still, just look down and more so than before; I had never seen her like this before. "Foxy. You ok?" I asked. "Yeah... " she responded. I wasn't convinced, especially with her mood not changing. "Are you sure?" I asked again. "I said I am! Ok!" she snapped suddenly at me. I had never seen her like this and it only made it more abundant things were still not going her way. "Ok then... To exit this place you just-" "Don't tell me! I'll figure out!" said exclaimed cutting me off. "But-" "Remember your promise? Don't break it," she said cutting me off again. I remained silent as she stood in front of me, thinking on how to leave this place. I could tell she was thinking hard though I wasn't sure if she would figure out. I wanted to tell her, considering this was more than about breaking our promise and doing my job on teaching everyone about how to use the power. "Foxy-" "Stop! I'll figure it out!" she exclaimed back cutting me off. After about a minute her expression changed to her understanding what to do, as she disappeared a moment later. I was glad she was able to figure it out, though I still feared for her mental health and problems she was facing. However, I was torn on respecting our promise or attempting to help her the only I knew how, sharing the pain with each other. I returned to the garage as I found the others waiting, probably wondering why it took us the longest out of everyone to get back here, or maybe they already knew the reason why. "Alright, good job everyone! All of you did better than expected, which gives me hope you'll have not as much trouble with the other aspects of this power. Use the images of how you view the Shadow Dimension to enter it instantly, especially if you have a clearer or better image of the room you are in that it would look like in the parallel dimension. Same goes with returning to this world from the Shadow Dimension, and being able to picture either will be crucial in battle if you wish to evade an enemies attack. You'll also need to memorize or anticipate where someone is if you return to this dimension to attack them or ensure you don't get attacked again upon exiting the parallel dimension. All of that is what we'll focus on next to ensure everyone has a better understanding of how to use this ability effectively," I explained. "Can't wait to do that," said Helpy sighing. "Perfecting this ability isn't going to be easy and I doubt anyone will effectively master it, as I haven't fully fixed the common mistakes I've made myself. However everyone has shown they will give it their all to understand or complete their training, to reach the finishing line all of you've been racing towards," I responded. "Now the finishing line is close when it seemed so far from the beginning and you're all going to cross it. So make sure all that blood and effort is worth something in the end and show me you can finish this, because I'm counting on all of you. Just as all of you are counting on me."

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