Chapter 85: "Judge"

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

It was strange walking into the office, especially knowing it was our enemy's territory. The office was relatively small with a desk and chair in the middle of the room, along with multiple file cabinets against the walls. As much as we were pressured with the thought of William unleashing his army on the world at any moment, it was hard to focus on the mission with everything that had happened so far. Losing Bon Bon, Mangle, and Helpy. Then learning of William's plans and reason for everything. Even Nightmare who decided to hold off Ennard to allow us to reach our objective. All in the span of however long it had been, which I was starting to lose track of what time it was right now. It had to at least be three in the morning, though that was only a guess. Resurrection Day would soon commence and we had to there to stop it, along with William Afton. "Any sign of the entrance to where William is?" I asked looking around. "I'm not detecting anything," responded Duality. "It is logical to assume William made sure to install countermeasure systems to hinder our abilities on unraveling the entrance. He doesn't want to prevent us from finding his location, but merely delay us for as much time he can make," noted Scott Cawthon. "Then we'll have to find it ourselves," I responded as I turned to look back at everyone. I could see everyone looking all tired, unmotivated, and frankly burnt of any life. "The battle is talking its toll, isn't it," I said sighing. "It is," responded Michael, who I was somewhat surprised to be effected after everything we had been through. If people could be broken once, it was always possible for it to happen a second time. "It's hard... Losing those closest to you. It's hard to forget everything they meant to you. The time you spent together, the moments you shared, and how they were always there to support you... It's hard to ignore the pain..." continued Michael. "If we don't stop my father, then their deaths wouldn't mean anything. I know that better than anyone here. However, it's hard moving forward without those that were at your side." "I know the feeling. You can't ignore what happened to them, and you shouldn't. Still, the thought of those we lost makes us wish more won't follow and that this bloodshed would just stop. Even the thought of just stopping or giving up peers in your mind from time-to-time," I responded looking at him. "We've lost so many people. Friends... Family. Freddy... We may not make it out alive... " expressed Foxy. "We may not even get what we want," said John. "Hell, I might be dead by the time we find William. As much as I want to be human again... I might not get the chance to." "Guess we've realized we may not come out of this alive... I understand the feeling, considering I felt the same way a while ago... The thing is, we've made our peace. Well... Maybe some of us, but we've accepted that we may not have a future... Well... In a way... It's ok to wish we lived out our lives, enjoying it to the fullest until death comes naturally for us, if it ever would. Some of us had their lives stolen already," I said. "However we're giving our lives to ensure seven billion live on, whether that be good, evil, or in-between... I haven't had the chance to tell all of you, but I discovered what William's plans our exactly and what he intends to do." "What are they then?" asked Charlie as everyone was focused on hearing my answer now. I sighed for a moment and had my head down for a moment, before finally looking at everyone. "Michael's father was abused by his parents... Scott showed me himself. William couldn't take it and eventually burned his apartment with his family in it, alive," I started. "Then even as a child he was a monster," said Charlie. "There's more," I said turning to Michael now. "Michael. Your father always loved your mother. I saw proof of it by Scott. Your father tried to create what remained of her when she was murdered by Fredbear, Ballora is proof of that... Your mother was never meant to be killed, it was a miscalculation by your father. A mistake. I don't know why he kept that from you or made you believe that was the case, but it seems she was the only person that meant something to him." Michael looked away in shook of the news, like he was trying to process the information. "He... He's always loved her. This whole time?" Michael said to himself. "But why hide that from Michael? For what purpose?" asked John. "The answer is easy to understand. He does not want us to understand him, to figure out what drives him. What he's doing, to him he is justified. He see's no wrong from what he's doing, and believes nobody can change his mind. Therefore this is no reason, in his mind, to understand his past and his reasons for enacting change in his mind. In a way he is correct," explained Scott. "This is a man that will not hear reason or change his mind. No opinion, voice of reason, or compromise can persuade a man that has gone this far now. Silencing his voice is the only viable option." "Maybe, but using reason and talking it out is always better than going in head first. Once civil conversation falls apart, then you resort to using your fists to end the problem at the source," I added in. "That method is illogical and pointless. Effort directed at killing William Afton would ensure a better chance of victory than having lunch with the enemy," said Scott. "Maybe. However it's always best to act civil, settle a matter in the most peaceful way before resorting to fighting when necessary. That's what separates us from William and people like him," I said. "Hmm. You're reasoning is logical. Heed my warning regardless; not everyone can be bargained with," responded Scott. "Going back to his past, it's the reason for everything he's done for so long now. His parents and abusive childhood has lead him to believe people who like them don't deserve to live on his world. So he plans on using his army to kill anyone that is evil by his terms, whether that be anyone that has done a crime, lied, or even done something that is considered bad," I explained. "Anyone that is evil or bad? By what extent does that entail?" asked John. "He's right. There's a thin line that borders on a grey area as to what is considered bad," said Michael in agreement. "I'm not sure. We'll have to ask your father that himself. Regardless about 80%, from Scott's calculations, will be killed because of William's idea, while the rest are granted the right to live," I responded. "That's crazy! How's he even going to do that?!" exclaimed Foxy in shook. "We don't know. I have a feeling there's still something things we don't know ourselves, which is why we have to stop William at any cost. These people, regardless of what they've done, do not get to be judged by one man alone and executed by his own authority. Even if he believes what he's doing is for a good cause, he is one man that has decided by his own views and ideals who is good and who is bad. He has no right to do so. No man should have that kind of power unchecked, especially own his own accord," I said. "He believes he can judge the world. He has the right to do so. He can decided to view the world however he wants and believe who is good and who is bad. However that doesn't mean the world or anyone can judge him, his ideals, or his views on the world. He is not immune to how we view him. By our perspective of William, he is an evil man. He has reasons for why his views were shaped the way they were, which are understandable, but not right from our point of view. Therefore, by how we view him, he is a danger to this world and must be stopped." "You're right. It's a battle of ideals and ideas. A fight to see which one is accepted in our world and is a perceived as the truth. The only truth that exists of what is right and wrong. We're here to show the world why my father is wrong. That's all that matters," said Michael. "That's all we want to show to this world. Once it's over, whether we live or die, and if your father dies or not... the world will be saved. And maybe then, will we give the people of this world a reason to make their own judgement on technology and what is good or bad. That's what our friends died for. And that's what we'll die for," I said placing my hand on Michael's shoulder as I looked at everyone else. "We're in this together, as well as ending everything William has done for years now. So let's move forward instead of going backwards." Michael nodded in response, along with everyone else who seemed motivated by my words. "An impeccable speech if I say so. Your ways with words is a gift that seems to come in handy when needed," spoke Scott taking notice. "Now! We have a job to finish. Let's all look through the office and find a way that'll allow us to find William and his army. Knowing him he'll have a button or something that can open up a secret passage for all of us. Go through his desk, file cabinets, anything to find something that seems off or could open a secret passage," I said. "What makes you think there even is a secret passage in this office? Or if there even is one?" questioned John. "You should know from the time you worked under my father that he likes secrets, and especially secret doors and entrances," responded Michael as we all spread out across the office. I walked on over to one of the file cabinets and opened up the bottom drawer before pulling out all the papers inside, all while tossing them on the ground and looking around inside. I felt my around to see if there was anything hidden, though nothing seemed off as I continued to do so. "Are we sure the entrance is here?" asked John opening up one of the cabinets as well and taking out all the papers. "I've calculated the entrance to be behind the wall where the desk is, or more specifically an elevator. Of course the elevator is behind the wall, which means there are another means of accessing it that we are not aware of," answered Scott. "There's invoices of parts. Thousands, maybe even more. There's even one here that dates back to 2012," said John holding up a piece of paper. "There's one here that goes back to 1996," said Foxy holding up a paper that looked to be really old and some of the wording was also faded a little. "All these parts. That must've costed millions. Maybe even billions." "Indeed. William Afton found many ways to produce money. His advancements of technology and robotics earned him many awards and opportunities, so much that he has a name in history," answered Scott. "You mean everyone in the world knows of him? Is he famous?" asked Charlie. "To extent, yes. While Fazbear Entertainment and the pizzerias produced under made a name for himself, again it was his knowledge and ability of being ahead on robotics that made his name. It's why technology like A.I or robots were able to advance sooner than expected. Of course William Afton didn't tell them everything on how he was able to create A.I like me and Duality, or created intellectual robots with personalities like most of you, for example. Of course, he used other methods of creating money by investing and buying stocks, selling merchandise from the Freddy Fazbear's pizza locations and brand. After all to buy and produce animatronics, the pizzerias. Even his own army. All that would go beyond a trillion dollars to make possible," said Scott. "And he managed to get the funds. Legally or illegally?" asked John. "Both. As I stated before William Afton was able to achieve his funds by a multitude of different ways. His primary source was stealing from multiple banks across the world," responded Scott. "Multiple banks? They must've realized money was just randomly missing at some point," I responded opening another cabinet drawer. "Indeed. A sum of money just randomly going missing would raise alarms and questions as to how, though not unless it was a small amount that nobody would bat an eye towards. Something as small as just a cent," responded Scott. "I don't follow," said John. "William Afton knew if a cent, something so small that is unnoticeable, was going missing, nobody could catch on. So every bank, credit union, no matter where in the U.S or country, he implanted a code into their systems that would take one cent every minute. Of course when you span that over the hours in a day, weeks, months, years. Then they start to add up to hundreds, then thousands, then millions. And so forth. With the pizzeria and other methods of money laundering, nobody ever suspected of what William Afton was doing. That being himself and I, of course," continued Scott. "Let me guess, you were apart of taking money from the banks?" I asked. "Indeed. That was one of my primary functions for years and during the time I spent with William Afton. He had managed to created me around the time Fredbear Family's Diner had opened to the public, and when he had started taking money from the banks. I was to overseer all the funds that had transferred to him and calculate how much was needed for his army. When that was done William Afton spent the later part of his life, after the latest Freddy Fazbear's Pizza was shut down, focusing on building his army. He created mechanisms and code for machinery to do all the work for him, and even created a factory that exploded just around a year ago now, which authorities were never able to properly deduce what the cause was." "Self sabotage. To hide the evidence," I said. "Correct. With his army built William Afton shipped all of them himself over to this location during the time it was being built. He built different measures, whatever necessary to have everything according to plan and so that no one would find out. When they did he would either send his minions like Elizabeth Afton or Ennard to handle the problem, or by ensuring the matter looked to be an accident and not directly related to him. William Afton has done everything to get to this point, but he also had countermeasures to ensure if anyone would take control of his army," said Scott. "I think I found it!" called over Michael as we all turned to him. "I will inform you of what it is once we have the time," said Scott. All of us walked on over to Michael by the desk with the top drawer open as we all looked into it. Michael reached for the top part of the desk as we all turned around behind us to the wall opening now and revealing an elevator just as Scott had mentioned. "There really was an elevator behind that," said John to himself as we walked on over to it. "Shouldn't you be to used to this?" asked Foxy. "Never have. Never will," responded John as we stopped in front of the elevator now. There were three buttons that displayed a first floor, a second one, and a third, with the third floor button being lit up. I pressed the first floor button, as it made a sound now to indicate the elevator was on its way up. "Guess your father knows we found his elevator," said John looking at Michael. "He knew we were always going to find it. We'll see if he's ready to see me again," responded Michael. The second floor button lit up and beeped before finally the first floor button lit up and beeped, before the elevator doors finally opened. "There's not much room. Only enough to fit four people inside," pointed out Duality as I looked inside. "Alright, then. Me, Foxy, Michael, and John will go then first. Charlie, you and Cassidy wait here until we reach the second floor, then the both of you join us," I said. "Alright. Be careful," said Charlie in response. I nodded in response as I walked into the elevator now, followed by Michael, Foxy, and John. Once all of us were inside I pressed the button for the second floor, which caused the doors to close and the elevator started to move now. To think we were essentially close to finding William, it really felt like the end. Everything to end up here. All our friends who had died to finally have a chance to end things here. We only had one chance and we had to make sure we didn't mess it up. "Be ready for anything when the doors open," I said to everyone. The doors opened now as we were greeted with the face of control and power, and exactly what an army was. It was a huge room of endoskeletons, Prototypes, as well as some Redbear's, Tangles, and White Rabbits, which appeared to be thousands of them. I had never seen anything like it, especially with the sight being in person. "There's... There's so many of them," expressed Foxy speaking for everyone here, while we all walked out of the elevator. "All these years, and it was right under my nose. Quite literally," spoke John. "Indeed. This whole area of the pizzeria and beyond that, has a mechanism that will allow this army to reach the surface to enact William Afton's plans. This is also where he was sending his units from," spoke Scott. "Are they active?" asked Michael. "They're on standby mode. Right now William Afton could send them to take us out right where all of you are standing, though he seems to be allowing us to live. For the moment," responded Scott. "Wouldn't matter anyways. We would be able to enter the Shadow Dimension to avoid most of them," said John. "Possible, yes. Still, he wants us to reach him. Still, his tactics right now seem illogical. Something else is amidst he is hiding from us. Only I cannot calculate what," spoke Scott. "I agree. There is something William wants us alive for. That's what concerns me," said Duality. The elevator doors opened to the sight of Charlie and Cassidy, as they both stepped of the elevator. "This is his army?" asked Charlie looking around. "Yeah. An army he can use for his own bidding. They have to be stopped," said Michael. "They will. William Afton made sure, in case of anyone could deactivate or control his army, to have a countermeasure that would implode and overload the systems of every single one of his units. I calculate that method would be close to William and whatever systems he has in place, which will be how he is controlling his army in the first place," said Scott. "What if he deactivates that countermeasure? Surely he'll know we'll go for it," said John. "Then I have a backup plan to ensure we succeed," responded Scott. "Which is what?" asked Foxy. "I will not say, as I'm sure some of you will not take favor to it. It will only be necessary if the primary plan is not an option," responded Scott. "I suggest we reach the third floor. I am 96.382938301% sure William's Afton's primary base of operations, as well as himself are below waiting for us." "Then this is it. No turning back now," I said. "Like any of us we're planning to," said Michael. "We've come this far. We may not be ready for what we find or what happens to us, but we're ready to see what fate lies for all of us," said Foxy. I nodded and gave a small smile in response as I turned back to Cassidy and Charlie. "Both of you wait here again until we reach the final floor," I said to the both of them. They both nodded in response as me, Foxy, Michael, and John walked into the elevator again before I pressed the button for the third floor. The button made a beeping sound once I had pressed it before the doors closed, along with the elevator moving down now. "Are you scared Freddy?" asked Foxy suddenly looking at me. "Scared? Well... No... Just nervous," I responded. "Me too," she responded. "Whatever happens. To one of us, or both... We do this together. Just like we promised," I said in response. We both smiled at each other for a moment, sharing the bond we had formed ever since the day we formed it. It only felt like yesterday when we met along with everyone like Bon Bon, Bonnet, Elizabeth, Ennard, Lolbit, Ballora, Yenndo, Minireena, and Bidybab. To think I would be here now, fighting a battle that had gone on for so long now and being at the end of it. It felt to surreal, yet I don't regret partaking in this war. Resurrection Day would be stopped with William, and everyone affected by him and his plans would either rest in peace or find closure they were never given. The doors opened finally, as we found ourselves staring down a hallway. There were bright lights above to show the same old checkered pattern of the walls and floor like at every location, as well as revealing a futuristic looking door at the end that appeared to be the same one where Scott Cawthon was stored. All of us walked out of the elevator and looked at the door down the hallway, all while the doors for the elevator closed a moment later. "You detect anything Scott or Duality?" I asked. "Affirmative. Lots of radio waves and other signatures of machinery in the room, as well as one heat signature," answered Scott. "William Afton," said Duality finishing for him. "That's not all. I detect another signature inside, though I cannot identify what or who it is," continued Scott. "It's Ballora... It's my mom," said Michael. "You sure?" asked John. "We haven't seen her at all. At least what remains of her. I have to set her free, only if its a husk that remains of her," said Michael. "That relies heavily if your father allows you to. He believes he has brought her back after all and will, most likely, prevent you from doing such a thing," said Scott. "Are you sure you want to do this yourself? Even if you this isn't fully your mother... in a way... You'll be killing her... It doesn't have to be you," I asked Michael. "I'm sure. It has to be me... not matter how much it hurts," responded Michael. The elevator doors opened as Cassidy and Charlie walked out of the elevator and towards us. "Is William behind that door?" asked Charlie. "He is. And probably Michael's mom that is in Ballora's body," I responded turning to look at the door. "Be ready for anything. We're at the heart of William's territory, which means he probably has a few surprises for us." "You ready?" asked Duality. "Yeah. Let's give William a warm welcoming," I responded. We all slowly walked across the hallway and closed in on the door, ready for anything at this point. William had to have known we were here, but it was bothering me as to why he was allowing us to reach him. Perhaps it was a trap, or something more we weren't aware of. We finally approached the door as it slowly slid up from our presence, which revealed the room inside. I couldn't even begin to describe what I was looking at. There were computers, machinery, all whole bunch of systems that were modified and a whole lot of wires connected to them. Then there were multiple screens on the wall which looked to have counted up to hundred at least, all turned on with rainbow static. I noticed at the top of the ceiling a giant class case along with some giant claw, which I had a concern over what its purpose was. The room was big with a lot of space to move around, so at least we had that advantage if we were to fight against William and his minions. It took me a moment to notice someone in a chair at the desk in front of us at the end in front of some of the monitors and machinery, which I didn't even have to guess who it was. The person in the chair turned it around and looked at all of us directly, with everyone else immediately realizing who it was as well. William Afton. He appeared to be wearing a suit with a purple tie, though I hadn't considered he was around his sixties by this point. His physic could say other wise as his hair was still black and his skin had some wrinkles, thought not a lot for his age. He really had seen it all, especially how much technology had evolved from the time it was created.

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