Chapter 12

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Clove let out a small sigh as she took a sip from her glass of water, bored out of her mind. During dinner, her father usually rambled on about what was going on at the church that week, which wasn't very exciting, and Clove didn't have to hear about it fifty times to understand it all. Her mother would talk about her day, once and a while throwing in service opportunities that the family could to together. 

Clove didn't talk much, only when her parents asked her questions. That was very seldom, seeing as the married couple had enough to discuss between the two of them. Clove would just sit and eat her dinner, nodding on occasion to whatever her dad was saying. 

"Clove, did anything interesting happen in school today?" Oh. So they were speaking to her now. 

Clove shrugged, clearing her throat. "No, not really. We went over Romeo and Juliet in class today. Cato and I actually grasped the concept of the play so well, our teacher is offering us the roles of Romeo and Juliet in the school play." 

John's grip on his fork increased, and he sat frozen, eyes fixed on the tablecloth. Catherine sat up in her seat further, eyes wide as plates. Clove shook the look her mom was giving her off, and proceeded to continue with her food. 

"And?" her father pressed on, wanting his daughter to elaborate. "And what?" Clove shrugged. "Cato and I read a little bit of it together the other day, and I have to say, it felt right. I'm thinking about auditioning, but I probably won't make the part anyway. I don't deserve it. Someone like Madge does. She takes those theatre classes, you know. Puts a lot of her time into it. But then again, the only role she's ever played is Mary during the Christmas pageant down at the church." 

"I need to go down to that school," John announced, setting his fork down on his plate finally, eyes darting back and forth between the girls on either side of him. "Look into what kind of literature they're making you read." 

This confused the black haired girl. "Why?" Her father scoffed. "Why? Because, Clove. You know how I feel about things like this. They shouldn't be teaching you about that kind of stuff. Kids disobeying their parents, being ungrateful for the things they have. That's sinning." 

Clove was unable to stop words from flooding from her lips. Normally, she would sit there and agree automatically with whatever rubbish her father was preaching. for an odd reason, she couldn't do so in this situation. 

"And I suppose we should call the parents sinners too?" she growled. "For bringing their children into their own problems! You can't fight love." 

Catherine gasped at her child's little outburst. John leaned back in his chair. "I can tell you both this," he said, looking straight at Clove. "If that boy- Cato- is Romeo, I am not letting you be Juliet. I don't think that boy should be around you anymore. He's a bad influence." 


Cato rolled his eyes, tossing his phone onto his bed. Yet another girl called him back from Miami, telling him how much she missed him and asking him if he missed her just as much. So far, that was the tenth desperate female begging for his attention. But hey, who's counting? 

He couldn't even remember this one's name. All he remembered about her was meeting her at a party, getting totally wasted together, and then going upstairs into one of the bedrooms were they had a very heated make out session. This one was especially horny, and was practically begging him to sleep with her. She was halfway undressed before they could even shut the door. 

Did he let it get very far? No. He may have been a ladie's man and a total womanizer, but he strangely enough never let it get that far. He just kissed her, kissed her all over her body. He was saving the sex part for someone he really felt like he should've been doing it with. And, after all, he didn't want to end up banging a girl and it end up with her getting pregnant. That would be a problem. 

Cato sat down at his desk, and opened up his laptop. He scrolled through his social media accounts, gazing upon photos of his friends partying, drinking, smoking, and the list went on and on. In most of them, everyone was drunk, and that would greatly effect colleges looking at them within the next year or two. 

Cato smirked when his phone went off, only to find a text from his friend back in Miami, Blaze. 

Blaze: Hey! What;s up, man? Gotten down and dirty with any girls yet? Any of them frisky?

Cato: Nah. All the chicks here are pretty religious if you asked me.

Blaze: Oh, those kinds of people. But, like I've always said, a challenge can be fun. Got your eyes set on any hot vixens yet?

Cato: Well...

Blaze: Spill the details!

Cato: Her name is Clove, and she's the freaking preacher's daughter. But she's gorgeous, Blaze. Got a great smile and laugh and her eyes are just... I could go on for hours already. I don't think she likes me much. We've already had our first fight. It's weird. One minute, she acts like she hates my guts. The next, she acts friendly. We've both been offered roles as Romeo and Juliet in the school play. We'll see if that changes anything.

Blaze: Careful, sounds like she's making you go soft.

Cato: She is NOT!!!

Blaze: Whatever, bro. I got to go. This girl is giving me hickies all over my chest and I'm getting really turned on. 

Cato: Ha ha, You have fun with that. 

Blaze: Oh, trust me, I will. 

Cato: Use protection!


I AM SO FREAKING SORRY!!! I wasn't updating because I had a cold last week, and school work has just been really crazy. And we got scores from a test we took in the fall that dictate what some of our classes are in high school and it's really stressful figuring out all that. And we have an orientation thing next week and I'm not looking forward to it. At all. 

And I have to work on a saint report for confirmation and I have a language arts project where I had to read a classic and then I now have to write a literary analysis on it and it's super stressful. Not to mention I just found out that one of my friends who moved cut herself. It. Sucks. 

If any one of you EVER feels like you're not good enough, need to vent and rant, or just need someone to talk to, shout me a message. I try my best to give you all answers and talk to you as soon as I possibly can. I check my Wattpad account daily. so if you ever need someone, I'm here for you. 

And go check out the contest @JabberyJay_Doll is doing. I can't participate seeing as I'm busy and stressed right now, but I know you guys will have fin with it!

Oh, and did I forget to mention, I may be in a magazine? Yep. You read that right. A MAGAZINE!!! My teacher asked me to send her a little short story and she submitted it to this teaching magazine. We should know by March if mine got in and if it did, it will be in the April issue. I'm so anxious!

I apologize if this sucks. Forgive me. I just really wanted to get something up for you guys. 

Oh, and this should make my sister happy. If you have not preordered Shawn Mendes' album Handwritten you need too. That kid is SUPER talented and my sister loves him. So, yeah. Go do that. 

My computer decided to spazz out as I wrote this and then it said I lost my internet connection and it wouldn't accept the wifi password. Lucky for me, I copied all of this and then after being frustrated because the internet wasn't working, pasted it all onto a TextEdit document, put it on a flash drive, walked down the stairs to our nice, new, and pretty laptop. stuck in the flash drive, copied the words, and then pasted them here. I. Am. Pissed. And the cherry on top? My sister and friend were laughing at me the whole time I was trying to figure everything out. 

Thanks, Ashley. Thanks Madison. 

Oh, and yes, I finished the first Harry Potter book. In three days, I might add. Sorry for my rant. I say sorry a lot. Sorry. 

Preacher's Daughter: A Modern Clato FanficWhere stories live. Discover now