Short Author's Note

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So. I haven't talked to you guys in the longest time.

I can assure you I am in fact alive and okay. I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating, I've just been figuring some things out.

Freshman year was an experience. It had its highs, and it had its lows. I didn't write much through the year. I read more, though, but suffered from a long period of writer's block.

I'm also trying to become more serious about my writing, and coming up with my own characters and straying away from fanfiction.

A lot has happened since we last talked.  I have two new baby cousins, I completed my first year of high school and a second year of summer school, I turned fifteen and got my permit (but I still haven't tried to drive yet. I should probably get on that), got my second set of braces on and two teeth pulled, went to a concert, and entered my sophomore year. Which, by the way, has been okay so far.

Except for the fact that picture day was yesterday and my hair didn't turn out the way I wanted. I didn't feel pretty and cried for the whole day.


I really miss interacting with you all. Honestly, going back and reading old comments is one of my favorite things to do when I'm bored because they always bring a smile to my face and tears of joy to my eyes. I'm going to see if I can start writing on here again. It may be hard, seeing as life is getting busier and I'm trying to get more involved at school, but I'll try.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I really feel bad about not updating (like, hardly at all) so far this year. And I know I feel like I apologize a lot but I really do feel terrible.

Thank you to all of you who have stayed so supportive :)

Please comment about anything and everything. Feel free to ask me questions about what's been going on since I last filled you guys in. I love talking to you all!

Much love,

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