Chapter 5

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The rest of the evening was definitely awkward. Catherine brought the food in from the kitchen with the aid of Cynthia, leaving the two teenagers and John. The man eyed Cato suspiciously, not liking the way the boy was looking at his daughter. Clove seemed to be oblivious to it. She glanced around the room, keeping her gaze away from her father. 

Once all of the food was on the table, John cleared his throat. "I believe it is my turn to say grace tonight," he stated, joining hands with his wife. Clove followed, grabbing her mother's hand. Cynthia gave a small nod and joined hands with John. The group all turned to look at Cato, who huffed. "I don't pray," he declared, not moving an inch. 

Clove glared at him and his lips curved up into a grin. He liked the way she looked at him, for an odd reason. Yes, she felt that being rude was wrong, but the way she dealt with her frustration: snapping remarks and her cold looks made Cato drawn to her even more so than he was before. 

Cynthia turned to her son, trying to remain calm. His behaviour so far was getting on her last nerve. "You do tonight," she told him, turning back to the table, bowing her head. "Hold hands with Clove or- I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Sevina- I swear to God that you will be sorry." 

Cato rolled his eyes but obeyed, reaching out and grasping Clove's small hand. Something in him changed in that moment. Something about the way her hand fit in his massive one, something about the way her skin felt against his. It sent a jolt of electricity through his body, though he dared not show that just a simple gesture had that much of an effect on him. 

He allowed himself to look over at her for a moment, only to find she was still staring at him. She wasn't glaring or smiling, she was just looking at him. Brown orbs stared into blue as the other adults bowed their heads. Clove was the first to turn away, closing her eyes and mirroring the others. Cato thought he was a small smile on her face. 

After grace was said, the group dug into the food on their plates. Cynthia complemented Catherine on her cooking, and the two women along with John engaged in small talk. Cato and Clove just sat there and ate, not really paying any attention to anything that was being said. 

Clove did occasionally glance at him, Cato noticed as she shifted her position in her seat. Something about her made him curious, but something about her beliefs made him question her. Sure, she seemed to be just like her parents, but he wondered if the whole thing was just an act. 

"So, I hear you'll be attending school with Clove," Catherine pointed out, the statement directed at Cato. He nodded before saying, "That's correct. I believe I begin classes within the next few days. There is still some unpacking yet to be done." 

"He likes to procrastinate it," Cynthia chuckled. "Doesn't like packing things, unpacking things. Too much work and takes too long, he says." Cato rolled his eyes. "It is, though," he insisted. 

"Is this your first time moving?" Clove couldn't help but ask. "Is that why you hate it so much, Cato?" There was hat stupid feeling again. It came whenever she spoke his name. "Nah," he told her. 'This is the second time. We moved to Miami from New York because-" he suddenly stopped. 

Clove looked at him oddly, before shrugging his sudden halt off. "Wow, so you must be used to living in a big city," Catherine said. "It must be difficult coming here, then." 

Cynthia nodded and said, "Yes, it most certainly is. But I feel this is what will be best for my son and I." 

The doorbell stopped any further conversation. "I'll get it," John announced and stood up, exiting the room. "Cynthia?" Catherine asked the other woman. "Can you help me with the dessert in the kitchen?" 


That left just Cato and Clove. At first, the two didn't say anything to each other. Clove kept her gaze on her lap and Cato looked around the room. 

"So..." he drawled. 

"So..." she repeated, biting her lower lip. 

"Why do you do that?" 

She raised her eyebrows, the question dumbfounding her. "Why do I do what?" she asked him back in response. 

"Why do you bite your lower lip so often? Is it like a habit of yours or something?" 

They were both shocked that he had even noticed such a thing, let alone brought it up. She shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I do it when I'm nervous, uncomfortable, happy. There's really no reason." 

Cato planned on seeing more of the lip biting.He planned on seeing more of the girl who was doing it. 



So, I had no school today because they cancelled it. It was too cold today. I also recently found out I don't have to go tomorrow due to the same reason. I have to say that I'm thrilled! :)

What do you guys think of this so far? I have some plans for this, so I hope you are all liking it so far. 

I had gym yesterday and tap class and my legs are really sore! Especially my left one!

And who has a Twitter. Follow me and I just might follow you back! @Clato_Brallie

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