Yet Another Author's Note

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Hey guys! This one is going to be short this time, I promise...

I've decided to really focus on my own writing. I want to eventually become and author and go to college for writing, so having a strong basis on Wattpad could really help me out and make me seem more appealing. So, this summer, I made a new account: -lachance-

(Name based off of one of my favorite movie characters, Gordie Lachance, from Stand By Me. I highly suggest watching this film if you already haven't)

Anyway, I've posted the first part to a new story that I've been spending a lot of time and energy on. I'd really appreciate it if you guys would give it some votes and comments, and spread the word to your friends. 

And who knows? Maybe one day I'll be meeting you all at my own book signing :) A girl can dream!

Love you all and talk to you later! I really hope to update this story sometime this month. 


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