Chapter 9

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"Clove!" Madge Undersee squealed as she pulled the raven haired girl into a hug. "Hey, Madge," Clove greeted the blonde with a light laugh, and then proceeded to say hello to the rest of her friends. They all gave her warm smiles as the group took a seat under a large oak tree on the school grounds. 

"How'd the dinner with the new kid go?" Jackie asks, earning the full group's attention. "Yeah, how did that go?" Finnick asked, slinging his arm over Annie's (his girlfriend) shoulders. The action made the redhead blush. 

Clove sighed, taking her bag from her shoulder and setting it on the grass next to her. She bit her bottom lip like she always did, trying to come up with exactly the right thing to tell her friends. She didn't plan on filling them in on the crazy dream she had the night before. It made her uncomfortable even thinking about it, let alone admitting she had dreamt her and Cato were in a relationship. 

"Well," Clove started off with, a small sigh escaping her lips. "His mother seemed nice enough. Like any other woman in this town. Cato, well Cato is different. He's... um..." 

"Tell us!" Marvel hollered. "Come on, Clove." 

"Well," Clove murmured. "He's rude and repulsive and crass!" Clove's voice rose, and her friends gave her looks asking for her to elaborate. "He cussed," Clove told them. "And then he went on to practically dis religion all together. And he kept looking at me." 

"In what way?" Katniss asked. "I mean, all of that other stuff is horrible, but how is him looking at you bad?" 

Clove shrugged, gaze falling down to her lap. "Cato's exactly what Jackie described him as: a guy I'd usually fall for. He's tall and has blonde hair and the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I may hate his attitude, but the way he looks at me makes me feel... I don't know. I makes me feel alive." 

Speak of the Devil, and he shall appear. 

"Look!" Peeta exclaimed, pointing to the parking lot. Cato was making his way up to the sidewalk. 

"Wow," Johanna blinked. "He looks like trouble." 

Clove bit the inside of her cheek. He is trouble, she thought to herself right as the blonde spotted her. The two locked eyes for a moment before Clove turned away. He still kept his eyes fixed on her as he made his way closer to the building. 

She knew she should stay away from him. But something about the way he was looking at her made her want him to look at her in that way all the time. 

And this scared her. 


Cato smirked to himself as he slammed his locker door shut. Clove just couldn't keep her eyes of of him. All day he found her staring at him. Back in Miami, that was a good sign. The desperate girls where always the easiest ones to hook up with. 

But this situation was different. This was Clove Sevina, the preacher's precious little girl. And this town was nothing like Miami. The girls here believed in true love and sex after marriage and going to mass every single Sunday unless some natural disaster. 

He had never felt this way before either. He had never felt the way he had when he was around Clove back home. 

Speaking of Clove, as Cato rounded the corner, he caught sight of her. She was laughing and talking with some of her friends, smile on her face. Cato's lips curved up into a grin and he made his way behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up as she yelped, and he let out a laugh. 

Once the girl's feet were planted on the floor she whirled around and glared up at him. "You're a jerk," she sneered, before turning to her locker and ignoring the looks her friends were giving them. 

"You know you like it," Cato said smugly, leaning against the locker next to hers. Clove snorted, turning to face him for a split second, and then to putting books in her locker. "And you know I hate you," she declared. 

"Wow," Cato chuckled, folding his arms over his chest. "I didn't know people in this little town were able to hate things. Aren't you supposed to love everything?" 

Clove growled, as it dawned on her that he was right. Her parents didn't teach her to act like this. They taught her to see the beauty in all things. 

Except this time, that just wasn't possible. "I think I can make an exception," she huffed. "I. Don't. Like. You." 

Cato smiled and brought his face closer to hers. His hot breath tickled her skin as he whispered in her ear, "You know you want me, baby." 

Clove smiled as she slammed her locker shut. "I know I want you gone," she stated, before pushing past him. Her friends just looked at him before running after Clove down the hall. 

Cato laughed again. The things that this girl did...


I really don't have much to say for this one. 

I watched The Hunger Games last night and I cried during the feast scene as usual. That's not surprising.  

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