Deer squad:Mission in the rain

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Kai's POV:
Lemme tell you a big secret.I have a crush on Lola.Please don't tell her!Or I'll use my water power to defeat you.

It was a rainy day.Sir Steel sent out his drones to deliver his toy robots to all the kids in Platinum City to make them think he's nice.But...the drones went haywire when the rainwater went into them.
Deer Squad has a mission!

I ordered,"Lola,fly up there and try to stop some drones.Bobbi,Rammy,let's use the jet packs."They nodded.We went inside to find the jet packs while Lola was out there flying around catching drones.

Suddenly,we heard a big crash outside.We ignored it because we thought Lola hit the drones to the ground.A while later when we found the jet packs,we went outside and heard a faint noise.It sounded like someone was talking.We went out to see what was going on.We followed the sounds to the lake and gasped.

It was Lola.She crash landed in the lake.I could see the tip of her Rocket Rabbit on the surface.The rest were underwater!Then where's Lola?I took the submarine with Bobbi and Rammy.We brought our swimsuits too.I drove the submarine to the Rocket Rabbit...and found Lola in it!She was stuck in her seatbelts and couldn't get out!We couldn't let her drown so we wore the swimsuits and together we unbuckled her.Bobbi and I carried her to my sub while Rammy pushed Lola's Rocket Rabbit to land.Lola's eyes were closed and she wasn't breathing.Bobbi told me not to lose hope and that she had just stopped breathing a minute ago.Rammy I quickly drove the sub back to dry land so we could get out.

I carried Lola to our HQ with Bobbi and Rammy.We placed her on her bed.I yelped,"What can we do!?!There's not much time left!She could die!!!"Rammy shrugged but Bobbi suggested,"CPR?"I said,"Yes!Um,but who should do it?"Bobbi smirked at me,"You of course!You have a lil crush on her and this is the perfect chance to be her hero!"I covered his mouth,"Don't say it out loud!"Well,before,I only told Bobbi about my crush on Lola because I was afraid that Rammy would make fun of me.But,Rammy asked,"He does?"Bobbi nodded at him.I covered my face cuz I was totally embarrassed.Bobbi put his hand on my shoulder and said,"Don't worry,Kai. Come on!Do it!Unless you don't want her to live..."

I ran to Lola's bed and placed my mouth on hers.I did CPR on her.I could see my friends looking very excited.*facepalm*After a while Lola moved a little and coughed out some water.We were relieved.I took a plastic bag for her to throw up the water out.Thew!She's alive!We stayed with her till she could breathe normally.

I asked her,"Why did you crash land?"She answered weakly,"The rain went inside my Rocket Rabbit and it went haywire just like the drones."I thought,"Oh no!Why didn't I thought of this before?"I shouted,"It's all my fault!I should have thought of this!This would have never happened if I thought carefully!"I ran to my room,crying.

I was crying and scolding myself.Just then,Lola opened my room door,"Kai?"I asked,"Lola?What are you doing here?"She said nothing but turned my head to face hers and kissed me on the lips.I was so shocked that my eyes were wide.I started to enjoy it.And after a minute later,we let go,gasping for air.Lola said,"They told me everything."

She opened the door revealing Bobbi and Rammy with a camera.Rammy told me,"We recorded the whole thing!"Bobbi took the camera and let me see the video of me and Lola kissing.I stuttered,"B-but how?"Bobbi pointed at my door,"There was a small gap in the door."My face turned red,"Gahhh!"Rammy said,"No need to be embarrassed!" "Because we're all your friends!"Bobbi added.I hugged them all,"Thanks everyone!Let's go celebrate with some ice cream!

So,we went to get some ice cream in the ice cream shop.We all shared a humongous ice cream sundae.Lola shifted her chair closer to me and asked,"Hey Kai!Wanna um,sleep with me tonight?"I replied,"Sure!"

Bobbi and Rammy:

Bobbi and Rammy:Tee hee hee!

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Bobbi and Rammy:Tee hee hee!


Kai:Stop it you guys

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Kai:Stop it you guys.

To be continued...

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