When they go yandere for you pt. 2

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Since you had been running from Gon, you tried to move often and not give any clues that you were there.

After moving to an isolated island after a week, you figured that Gon had given up since you had not seen nor felt his presence.

You decided to start living normally.

After shopping, you came to your apartment and could hear someone rummaging through your things.

You came in silently not ready for the sight in front of you.

"Hello y/n I noticed you stopped moving. Are you ready to come back?" Gon said.

"No! Now get out this is my apartment and I don't want you in it!"

Gons face darkened and he replied, "I came all this way and the first thing you say is to leave"

"I know everything how you were the one to stalk me so that you could manipulate me into moving with you!"

Gon started walking towards you with a menacing look on his face and you stood your ground having your hands up ready to fight.

He punched his right hand toward your face, though you dodged and kicked his right knee and his leg buckled and he tripped.

You ran to your room and locked the door and placing a chair in front of the door.

You started packing again except a lot quicker since you knew that Gon could get through that door.

You heard his footsteps coming closer and closer to your room and you noticed he was limping.

Without warning, you heard a smash and the door flew off its hinges.

You grabbed your backpack, ready to escape like that time, though Gon was already behind you.

He grabbed your throat and stomach and said, "don't move"

You hesitated since this man was the one you had grown to love and yet he changed.

He turned you around so that you were facing him and started hugging you softly.

"I'm sorry. Can you give me another chance? I won't do it ever again,"

You relaxed and said yes and started hugging him back.

The first torture method Killua used was electrocution.

He started at a low setting and went higher and higher.

He said he would stop if you would say sorry for saying that you wanted more freedom.

You would yell and plead with him for hours to stop, though he seemed to enjoy seeing you in pain.

After the fifth round of electricity, he approached you with a twisted smile on his face and caressed your cheek.

You flinched from his touch and he said, "I never thought I would enjoy seeing you in these chains, but I do. In these chains you truly are mine."

You gritted you're teeth and tried to head but him since that was the only thing you could move.

He dodged and said, "I guess you aren't compliant yet, though it's nothing a little torture can't do"

He continued with the torture and after round 8, he said that more electricity will affect your brain, so he hung you back on those chains you woke up with.

Then, he started whipping you and after one round of ten whips, you passed out.

He checked your pulse and took the chains off.

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