He or you confesses

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F/N means friend's name.

This is three days after a second date.
You were staring at the ceiling after another exercise that left you exhausted. You didn't feel like moving for at least an hour. Except maybe for food.

"Rrrrriiiiinnnnggg" you heard the telephone go off and you picked it up. It happened to be your best friend.
"Hey y/n what's up?"

"Just finished a workout. I'm so tired."

"I was gonna ask you to meet up with me someplace I want you to meet someone. I think they might be your type."

Your friend wasn't good at matching people up, though you didn't want to lose her friendship.

"Oh where do you want to meet up?"

"Let's meet at the mall close to your house in an hour okay?"


You hung up and got dressed in some blue ripped jeans and a nice black top. You saw the hair of f/n  from behind and ran up to her and jumped on her shoulders to scare her. She jumped a little and said, "y/n you know I don't like being scared like that"

"That's why I love to do it," you said with a coy grin. She rolled her eyes and grabbed your wrist; basically dragging you off somewhere. You could ask her where you were going though she would ignore you with a pouty look.  You soon were led to a high-class restaurant and you felt self-conscious since you were dressed casually.

"Hello Jack/Daniel (if your name is Jack, then pick Daniel and vice versa) this is y/n"

"Hello pleasure to meet you," he said though you didn't have a good feeling about him. As soon as your friend left, you felt nervous though tried to fake a smile at the man.

"So what do you like to do?" You asked.

"I don't have time for myself I'm a busy man. I am a chairman of a very reputable family business."

"Oh r-"

"Did I say that you could speak?" You looked at him in confusion with a raised eyebrow and he continued.

"Honestly, you don't seem very well suited for me. You are underdressed at a very expensive restaurant, you didn't ask permission to speak, and what could you possibly offer me? I have everything. I knew this was a waste of time."

You grabbed his collar and snarked, "I couldn't agree more. Let's never be in the same room ever again you disgusting prick"

You pushed him away and walked out of the restaurant in a foul mood. How dare he treat you like that! You walked faster and wanted to burn some steam, so you walked around some more and bumped into someone you hadn't expected.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Gon said.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You can trust me y/n besides I can help."

"Okay then though not here please" you grabbed his wrist and started walking towards a nearby park so that you could get some privacy on a bench with him. Looking around, you two were alone.

"My friend set me up with a rich stuck-up dude and he said that I was underdressed though I couldn't help it since I wasn't told what type of date it was. He said that I had to be given permission to speak and I hated it so much I grabbed his collar and told him off. I was already feeling self-conscious yet for him to point out my clothing just made it worse."

You looked down at the ground. Gon put his hand on your back and started rubbing it to comfort you. He didn't speak for a moment before stating, "y/n your right that guy was a jerk. You don't deserve that kind of treatment"

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