How you meet

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I would suggest listening to this as you read. Note that all of these are gender neutral.
You were in Yorknew and happened to be there for the auction. You were walking through the streets when you saw a young green haired boy arm wrestling and a long line of participants. Somehow, the boy was beating every one and that impressed you, so you decided to challenge him.

After paying the entrance fee, you stepped up to the table. You said, "hello nice to meet you" and grabbed his hand. After a minute of fake struggling, your hand inched closer towards his side. He seemed to actually struggle against you and you saw a bead of sweat go down his face. You successfully brought his hand to the table and smirked. Then, the jewel was handed to you and you walked away. Not looking behind you, you could tell that the boy was dumbfounded.


You went to the gym and went to the stationary bikes for a warm-up. Across from you, you noticed that there were two boys who effortlessly handled large weights. You watched them and went to the weights after ten minutes. You approached the white haired boy and said, "how can you handle such large weights?" He rolled his eyes and ignored you. The boy with spiky green hair came up to you and apologized. You responded with I don't care and walked away.

You started lifting and ignored the boys thinking they are probably not worth my breath. After your workout, you went to a vending machine and got some chocolate milk and saw a guy who was taking a long time and was pushing against the machine. After a closer look, you realized he was trying to steal something. "Sir are you trying to steal something?" He stiffened and looked behind him looking surprised that you were asking him something like that. "Judging by your reaction, you probably are so step aside" you stated. Regardless, he didn't step aside. "You are holding up the line sir, and if you cause trouble for me you will regret it" someone behind you said.

You were on a walk through the forest when you noticed two tall men fighting in a clearing. The black haired one seemed angry at the redhead."If you kill Killua, then I will kill you. Don't even suggest it you baka" They both seemed scary though, you concealed your aura and slowly approached them so you could stop the fight with your nen ability.

Getting closer, you recognized the black haired man. He was Illumi Zoldyck one of the best assassins in the world. You were confident in your nen ability though so you got within twenty feet and conjured two nen handcuffs. You threw the nen handcuffs faster than the speed of light when you saw an opening and smirked when the handcuffs had connected the ankles. The pair looked surprised and tripped on their feet landing haphazardly on their front.

You set a timer for an hour which would automatically release them.


You were training at a dojo and you saw a strange red-haired man with card symbols on his shirt walk in. "I want to challenge your strongest sir" he told the grand master. "Sir you cannot just disrupt everyone else here and challenge a fight this is not a movie. You have to schedule an appointment like everyone else."  The red-haired man rose an eyebrow in annoyance and asked "Well then at least tell me who is the strongest in this room?" "Everyone has their own strengths, so I think everyone in this room is strong in their own way. Now leave or schedule an ap-" The clown grabbed him in a choke hold and raised him above the ground as if he was weightless. 

Your jaw dropped and you rushed in and punched him hard in the face. His eyes widened and he released the grand master. "If you want a fight I'll give you one you clown!" "Oh my, you look so cute when you're angry" You looked at him confused and disgusted and rushed in. You kept punching at him left and right, though he avoided every single one. You ran out of breath and stopped a moment though he gave you an upper-cut and you flew like a rag doll. Nevertheless, you grabbed a throwing knife and managed to hit one on his leg. It looked pretty deep, though only enough to leave a scar. He took the knife out and said, "I guess I lost, good bye butterfly"


You were a guard in the palace. Before walking through the entrance room, you heard strange sounds, so you ducked and peeked inside while hiding your aura. There were blood and bodies everywhere, so your eyes widened in shock."Who's there?" you heard a deep masculine voice say. You stayed silent and quietly panicked inside trying to formulate a plan. "Swoosh" a green, tall, being was in front of you and inches from your forehead. He got closer so that he was eye level.

"Another rare human, what a treat" You stared at him directly, confused by what he meant. Though you could sense his ill-intent, so you froze you hand and stabbed it into his stomach. His skin was hard, though you spread the ice to his chest and detached your hand. Then, you ran past him, though he used his tail to trip you and you landed on your chin. "Don't interfere" he told the other strange creatures. "Interesting... you actually put up a fight unlike the other mortals." he said as he walked to you. "Maybe I should keep you just for fun" he said with a deranged grin.

Hello just to make some clarifications. Hisoka is 17 in this, so he is trying to get more experience by fighting people everyone else is the same age as they were in the anime. Anyways if you 

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