Autistic soulmate

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This may be a controversial chapter, though I wanted to challenge myself by accepting this request. I researched more about autism and how to write autism characters, so I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Gon got used to the disorder, though he did not have much experience with it.

He tried to research and learn about it for your sake to understand you better. 

It took him some time, though he began to grasp the disorder better.

He talked softer with you.

Gon would give you some distance if he noticed you were distressed.

His first instinct would be to want to hug you, but he knew you needed the distance. 

Sometimes he would surprise you with your favorite food and just leave it at the door when you needed some comfort.


Killua noticed early on that you were different from the rest. 

He noticed that you would struggle with conversations sometimes and constantly pick at your skin.

Killua did not know why, though he formed some theories. 

He eventually figured it out through someone else you were close with and then better understood your behavior.

He was surprised at first since you were pretty high functioning. 

He found it harder to get close to you, though once he did, he was proud of himself.


Illumi is the type of guy to pick up the strange behaviors, though he would not look into it or ask you about it.

Also, normally autistic people do not tell people they are autistic, so Illumi would probably not figure it out.

Also, autistic girls in general mask their disability better.

That would depend on how high functioning y/n would be though. 

If y/n did behaviors that were damaging to themselves, Illumi would not let it slide.

He would ask about it if it became a problem in other words. 

If y/n did not give in, then he would look into it and try to find the answers on his own.


Hisoka is a stalker, so he knows everything especially about the people close with him.

He analyzes info after interactions, so he would figure out pretty quickly that y/n is autistic. 

As the info would come together, he would not distance himself from you because in some aspects, there are advantages and new struggles that would make you more interesting. 

He would still think you are a strong person.

Hisoka is attracted by strength and admits that he has issues, so he can accept people even with their weaknesses.

As long as he sees them as strong, Hisoka does not place high value on the weaknesses of others unless he is fighting them. 


Meruem has some similarities to autism. 

This would make him better understand y/n's problems and difficulties with socializing and overstimulation. 

As for how he would figure it out, I do not think he would. 

That is because he does not have the experience to determine what is normal behavior in a person.

Y/N would be one of the first humans he would meet.

If he did figure out, he would not mind because he knows y/n is a great person. 

A great, strong person.


Feitan has a good grasp on mental illnesses and phobias in order to better perform his job.

When breaking people, having a better understanding on how can assist in doing exactly that. 

He would never want to break y/n, though he would see the signs really quickly. 

Feitan would not make a big deal about it.

I figure he would keep it to himself and brush it off.

He would also notice when things were going wrong.

When those things would be happening, he would try to ask what was wrong.

I will wrap things up right here. This was a shorter chapter, though it was harder to write since I had to do research on autism. That isn't a complaint and researching about this helped me understand autism as a whole a little better. Even though I did some research, I wasn't completely sure how the characters would react to an autistic s/o. 

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