Chapter 17 The Human Experience

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All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.

― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

   As you and Jeff were walking once again inside the forest, making your way back at the mansion, you were slowly feeling your maniacal paroxysm that had gotten over you as you killed one of your family killers subside to the fullest. You couldn’t lie to yourself; it felt something a little more than just amazing to feel the life draining from inside of him and you being the reason for that. It kind of felt like justice was served once again. Now your existence in this world was justified, as you were completing at last the cause that brought you back from the dead and kept you in the living world. Revenge was the only thing that was even stronger than death it seemed. Though, you couldn’t really tell if you died or not, as your heart was continuing to beat as it seemed. Now, as every piece of the puzzle of your family’s murder was falling in place, you were sure that their souls would finally rest in peace.

   And you were happy. At least they would be happy up there. You would never be able to meet them again, since your Creepypasta nature was giving you an immortal life, but it was a small price to pay because right from the start, you chose this path; and the path to revenge comes with consequences.

  Still though, just looking at Jeff that was listing all possible ways to kill someone and have fun with it and thinking of all the others back into the Mansion, you couldn’t help but feel that even your broken and tortured soul had somewhere she belonged. And you were content with that. You had lost your family, but somewhere along the lines, you’ve found another one. And you were something more than just content with that.

   You disagreed with Jeff on another possible attack way, as you squeezed the mobile phone inside your hoodie pocket.

   Leaving the killer’s house, you had made sure to snatch any little thing that would lead you to the others also. Unfortunately, nothing was there to be found, except this little mobile phone that was saved from your outrage as you tore the room down. It wasn’t much, but at least it would help you find a lead for the moment. It appeared though, that the man sleeping in the room across the killer’s, was in fact his father. Jeff had taken care of him long before the screams started and in a way, you were happy for that. Dying while listening to your child’s screams was not a good way to go, no matter what the child had done.

  ‘Hey _____, what’tcha thinking?’ Jeff turned towards you, his face growing serious as he pushed away some branches. He had noticed that you had stayed silent for a while now, which triggered his curiosity.

  ‘Nothing much. Just, how I’m going to track the others down with this.’ You say and show the mobile to him.

His eyes fall on the small device and he smiles ‘We’ll think of a way. Don’tcha worry.’

That was when you were in front of the mansion gates. Jeff went in the garden first and you were about to follow him, when you heard someone laughing. You came to an abrupt stop and looked around you, your eyes scanning the dark forest. There was nothing to be seen, but you would swear that you heard something.

  Jeff noticed you ‘What is it ____?’ he asked, suddenly on guard. He knew that if you sensed something, there was something.

It took you some seconds to answer him ‘I think I heard someone laughing.’ You say, your eyes still looking inside the dark.
  Then it all happened too quickly for you to understand.

There was a small ‘poof’ from right behind you and two sturdy arms wrapped around you immediately, pulling you in the air as an insane laughter sounded beside your ear, deafening you. From your fright, the scream drowned on your neck, but you eyes still popped open.

   ‘Lemme take you to the carnival cutie!’ a hoarse male voice said to your ear.

Jeff that had went on attack mode as soon as the creature grabbed you, relaxed in these words and sighed irritably ‘Let her go LJ.’

  Obviously, they knew each other. And obviously, you didn’t really care.

You held your body still and with a swift move, you slid from inside his arms, falling to the ground. Grabbing your knives, you turned swiftly and slashed the man on the chest, tearing his clothes and giving him two sizable slashes that allowed his black blood to drip down.

 ‘DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH ME CREEP.’ You scream as you look at him for the first time.

  He was tall, way taller than you, maybe as tall as Slenderman. He had black, saggy hair that fell just below his ears and icy-grey eyes. He was dressed in a clown full-costume, with a noticeable lack of any color other than black and white, while his nose was….what the heck is that?....a sting? Yeah, let’s go with that. His arms were obviously longer than that of a human’s, but they appeared to change their length at the clown’s wish.

  He took a few steps back, looking at the slashes on his chest and laughing insanely.

   ‘Hahahahahahahaha Jeff, I think we found your female version ahahahahahahaha.’

‘Shut the h#ll up LJ. _____ this is Laughing Jack, but call him LJ.’ Jeff groaned.

The monochrome clown straightened up, giving you a grin that could easily match Jeff’s ‘Hello fair lady! Hahahahaha! I’m honored to meet you! Hahahahahahaha.’

‘I’m Halloween. But you can call me ____.’

‘Ahaaaaaa! So you are the notorious psycho Halloween! Hahahahaha. You look so small and covered in blood.’ He grins at you.

‘I still managed to wound you though.’ You just shrug.

‘Ahahaha! This is true.’

‘LJ is our last member of the creep family.’ Jeff explained ‘As usual, Slender recruited another Pasta.’ Jeff said to LJ, while pointing at you.

‘Hahahahahahahahahahahaha welcome to the family then Halloween.’ LJ grinned while laughing menacingly.

 ‘Y-yeah…’ you say as you watch the clown and Jeff making their way inside the mansion, talking to each other and grinning evilly.

 Well…this was strange….anyway, the cold hits you the moment you are over your surprise. You fold your arms in your chest and follow the two men inside the house. Once the door is closed behind you, you sigh loudly. Warm once again.

   The house is now empty. All Creepypastas have gone to sleep or are out hunting, leaving the house dived into complete silence. You can hear the cold wind hitting against the old wooden walls, making them creak from the resistance they showed against it. It was so silent that it made you kind of uncomfortable to tell the truth. That was one of the problems since your family was gone and you were wondering around town endlessly; it was way too silent. You were brought up in a house that was full of cheerful voices. It wasn’t silent until very late at night.

So going from one state to the other was kind of harsh for you.

  You walk up to the bathroom. A nice hot shower would be just fine to warm up your cold skin. Making sure no one was inside –or hiding-, you take your clothes off and enter the bathtub. The warm water falls lightly on your cold skin, making you let out a deep sigh of relief as you allowed it to take away the fatigue of the day, along with the blood of the mouse. It relaxed you; you needed to calm down and return to your old –and crazy- self and let aside the bloodlust for the minute. You were once again back home and safe.

‘Hold on to the night; rolling to the sound…. flying so high; never coming down… Together we’ll be dancing to the sound, tomorrow will be crushing to the ground…’ you sang lightly to yourself, trying not to wake anyone up.

 Slowly but steadily, you felt the monster inside your head growling lightly and returning to the dark corners of your mind that were more than you used to have; a price for accepting insanity. You dried yourself up and got a new pair of clothes on. Now you would finally be able to relax and sleep a little bit. You were already feeling your limps grow numb from the fatigue, so you were literally craving for the time you would curl up on a ball and sleep on your corner; yes, you were still sleeping in this position.

  But as you went out of the bathroom, you noticed something strange. Or rather heard something strange. The once silent house was now flooded by a rather strange, alluring music. You gazed on the two living rooms downstairs, but no one was there and the music seemed to be coming from deeper within the house. It sounded like a piano. And it sounded amazing (Only piano- Midnight Dancers by Adrian Von Ziegler . You instinctively closed your eyes to savor the sound.

  It was somewhat light and kind of faster than the usual deeper sound of the piano, but it could still send shivers down your spine. It sounded like a soul was singing. A pained, full of sorrow soul, that cried for something that it never had. Something that it wanted so badly. Something that was of great importance. Like a sorrowful angel had came down and decided to play a song for his long lost lover. And it was so full of pain, so full of sorrow that you wanted to find the source of it and hug him just to reassure him that everything would go okay. Because everything will always be okay. Wounds heal, time passes by and the pain numbs, leaving only the good memories behind, to remind us what we loved was worth loving from the start. Because paths may many times grow apart, but the memory of their meeting always stays inside the heart, a constant reminder of the mark it left there.

  Your mind grew completely numb and your feet drove you by themselves. Walking slowly, taking quiet steps in fear that you would interrupt the heavenly sound, you descended the stairs and turning to your right, you passed the second living room, walking towards a door in the back, that lead deeper and deeper into the house. Your heart was pounding loudly inside your heart and your mind was completely empty, unable to make even the smallest thought. The heavenly music left you that dumbfounded. And the beast inside your head was as dazed as you, seizing to react to any of your surroundings altogether. For a moment, you felt it absent; like you were a human once again.

Then, as you walked down a corridor, following the music, you looked to your right and managed to locate the source of the sound.

   The room was plain. It had an absolute absence of any furniture. The old, wooden floor was somewhat dusted, giving it an old and creepy feeling, as the moonlight that was peering through the large windows, illuminated everything and submerged the place in a nightmarish tint. The only thing that existed in this empty, but still majestic room was an old, massive grand piano. It was white with carvings on both sides of it and –of course- dust covering it also. Behind it, the one that was playing the piano, was none other than EJ.

 When your eyes fell on his royal blue mask, a small gasp of surprise left you lips, which he immediately noticed. His fingers hit the keys hard as he looked up at you in surprise. Still, as you felt his empty stare falling on you, you saw his shoulders immediately relax and a small sigh left his lips as he turned his head towards the piano once again.

 ‘Why aren’t you sleeping ____?’ he simply said, his voice with a tint of tiredness inside of it, as he continued to play.

 You made your way towards him, running your fingers on the breathtaking piano. He, seeing you approach, made space for you sitting on the edge of the little chair.

 ‘I just had some insomnia.’ You smile at him as you sit beside him ‘I didn’t know you were able to play the piano.’

 ‘I didn’t know either, until one day, I came in here. Then it kind of poured out by itself.’ He admitted.

 ‘And you don’t remember ever learning to play?’ you ask politely.

‘No. There aren’t many things I remember from my human days. Other that I attended med school.’ He shrugged.

   ‘That’s…. a bit unfair….not being able to remember.’ You say, looking at the empty spaces on his mask.

  ‘Is it?’ he simply states, while he stopped playing and turned lightly towards you.

‘Well yeah. Memories are what makes us who we are. They are part of us. Not remembering is like losing a part of yourself.’

‘This is highly controversial. Sometimes memories are what wounds us the most.’ He simply argued you, turning and gazing on your sorrowful face.

  In response to his words, you turn your face away and bite your lip in sorrow. Considering this for a moment, you found it even more painful to have completely forgotten about your family. Even if the memories where now more painful than anything in this world.

‘Your heart is beating again.’ He observed.

‘Yeah. I don’t know why.’ You admit.

‘Can I ask you something _____?’

You turned and smiled at him encouragingly ‘Of course you can.’

‘How was it like to be human?’ the serious tone in his voice made you once again look at him.

  You tried to guess why he was asking that. Why that from all the questions? But the emotionless mask never gave away the true meaning behind his words. Eventually, you just sighed and considered your answer.

 ‘It’s like a rollercoaster. It has ups; they are amazing, since they make your heart fill with joy and sheer happiness. When you are up, you gaze down on the world and feel invincible; like you are the true king. You feel like all the horizons are open for you. And then the rollercoaster takes you down; it’s a very dark place for anyone to be in, as it fills your heart with despair and sorrow. When you are down, you feel like destiny has beaten you down; like you are nothing in front of the vast and overwhelming dark world in front of you. All hope seems to be lost and you can’t really smile. Humanity is being able to cherish all the things you love just because you know they won’t be there forever. That’s the tragedy of life. You love these things, not because you must, because you feel like it.’ You simply say with a sorrowful smile and look at him.

  His gaze remains fixed at you and you can hear all the gears inside his mind turning and working, trying to take in the explanation you just gave him. You were unable to see his face, but you were quite sure that under the mask, he was frowning.

  ‘I see.’ He finally said ‘But if you had the ability to change things, to make your family come back, would you do it?’

  ‘I would without a second thought.’ You admit ‘But I wouldn’t be a part of them anymore. In the end of the day, I’m already a monster.’

‘Monsters are way different than you ______. It is a disgrace for you to call yourself a monster. Very few of us haven’t turned into that. Just look at me. Look at Jeff and at so many others. We are the real monsters. Humans altered beyond recognition, cursed eternally.’

   ‘No. I don’t believe that. No one is beyond salvation.’ You say seriously.

‘You are naïve to believe that.’ He throws angrily at you.

‘I may be naïve EJ.’ You say and take his hand in yours ‘But I can still see the good in others. Hell, who told that killers don’t have feelings? We were made this way for a cause and sometimes against our own will.’

  ‘Don’t act like a blind person _____. Nature wasn’t involved in this. We chose it for ourselves. And we are punished by being alone for the rest of eternity. That’s how cruel nature is to monsters.’

  ‘Yes, we may be alone EJ.’ You admit looking with determination where his eyes should be ‘But you forget something; even if we are alone, completely cast out of the human race, we still have each other. Maybe nature decided to give us something in return for our humanity. We are not alone.’ You smile.

 He chuckles lightly ‘I can still prove you wrong, but I’ll let you slide for tonight.’

   ‘You know I won you.’ you say playfully as he once again turns and starts playing.

‘We’ll see about that. You just have to wait for a few years to pass. Then we can have this conversation again.’

  ‘I’ll still be right and you know it.’ You say as you lean your head on his shoulder, allowing the music to engulf you once again. He made no move to distance himself, so you made yourself comfortable.

 This time, EJ chose to play Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven.

   One month ago, you wouldn’t even be able to think that you would be able to form connections with other living creatures. You wouldn’t be able to realize that nature hadn’t in fact abandoned you and that you wouldn’t be alone for the rest of your days. Back then, you had simply accepted the fact that you were all alone, and cursed to be all alone. But after all the wonders that you’ve seen inside this family, it was pretty clear inside your mind, that even if you were abominations, you were still children on the eyes of God and that He had chosen for you a different life, but with companions by your side as well. Because, not even the darkest and most cruel creature is all alone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

_____ hadn’t moved for quite a while now.

 Leaning comfortably against his shoulder, she had remained still for a while, the only movement coming from her, being her calm breathing. EJ finished playing his last song as soon as the sun made his way up the distant horizon, his early and weak sunbeams, illuminating the forest that was still engulfed in a thick mist that had spread rather quickly inside of it, covering everything in its path.

  EJ turned to _____ to say that it was time for both of them to go to their beds, only to find her sleeping peacefully on his shoulder.

  Her eyes were closed and her whole expression was relaxed and, if he had to say, somewhat beautiful. It was a rare moment for EJ, as he got to see the girl with her guards completely lowered, revealing that she was just that; a beautiful and still innocent girl that tragedy had stricken her with the worst way possible. She didn’t deserve all this. Yet, she was still a part of this nightmare.

  Being extra careful not to wake her, he picked her up and carried her towards her bedroom.

  The girl, without being disturbed at all from her deep sleep, leaned in the base of his neck and continued to sleep peacefully as he carried her up the stairs. It was clear to him that whatever dream she was having, it was a good one, as she smiled a faint smile as he placed her gently on her bed, her head resting against the cold pillow.

  But when he turned to leave, her hand shot up and grabbed him from the edge of his hoodie.

 Surprised, he turned to her.

  If he had eyes, they would definitely be widened from the spectacle he saw before him.

  ______ was still sleeping; for this he was completely sure, but her hand was holding on to him for dear life, restraining him from moving at all, while large tears descended the girls’ sleeping eyes, her once relaxed face had now turned into a mask of complete despair.

 ‘…….Don’t…..leave……don’t….le-ave me….alone…..again….’ she murmured in her sleep, her voice stained by the pain and sleep.

  Surprise took him aback, but before he was able to understand what he was doing, he was already sitting beside the fragile girl, her arms wrapping immediately around his waist. Why was he doing this? What’s the matter with him? Has he finally gone totally insane? What would she think if she found him beside her when she would wake up? Would she think ill of him? Why did he care? Why did the opinion of this girl mattered so much?

  But as his gaze fell bewildered on the girl’s teary-sleeping face, all thoughts were erased and only one was left inside his mind.

   She was utterly sweet and beautiful. 

A/N: The song you were singing at the shower is Halloween365 by Drama Club, I own nothing from the songs, all rights to their rightful owners (ps. I LOVE Adrian, he's an amazing composer) :3 Love ya all darlings :D

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