Chapter 29 'Stay Away'

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The forest was silent around you.

   The first rays of light had made their way to the ground a long time ago, bouncing off on the snowy surface and gently flooding the place with the warmth of the sun. The whole forest was submerged under an uplifting orange light, that signaled the coming of the day and the new beginning for every single creature that lived on the blue planet. It was yet another day; full of new opportunities and chances.

  The few snowflakes that made their way to the ground were being carried away softly by the almost unnoticed breeze that filtered through the forest, bringing a touch of fresh air that was just what every living creature needed to start that magnificent day. The tall trees leaned above the snow-covered ground, the silent inhabitants of the luxurious forest, with their branches moving, giving a small murmur to the breeze, as if they were whispering softly among themselves. What a sight it was to see… The whole nature was beginning to awaken…

  Your eyes had opened softly, with your conscience beginning to stir out of the numbness of sleep, as the faint light woke you up. You quickly found yourself inside the trunk of a hollow tree, completely protected by the elements that took over the forest at night, sleeping with your head leaning on the tree trunk. At first you were puzzled as to why you were there; but as your conscience took over, the memories of last night returned as the Furies from Greek mythology… Jeff had kissed you….EJ had kissed you… you had jumped out of the window and ran into the night to get away…

  Whining loudly, you crawled out of the tree and picking yourself up, you started walking further inside the forest.

  They both kissed you. As much as that, you could process all the info that were running loose inside your head. But why did they do this?!

Especially both of them?! And out of the blue!! Had they been thinking about doing that for some time? And why hadn’t you noticed a thing? And what the absolute hell was that empty feeling you had been getting on your stomach every single time you had been thinking of the kisses? And it was, in a matter of fact, all the friggin time… like…….butterflies?


You pushed these thoughts away from your mind and started running through the forest at full speed. You just wanted to disappear from this world right away. All these thoughts were confusing to say the least, and you just couldn’t take them anymore.




‘Hey _____, come out.’

  ‘____ are you in?’

Both boys were outside your door for quite some time now, but the complete lack of response by your side had begun to worry them. Something was amiss. They just didn’t know what. And the facts of last night were filling them with remorse and guilt. It was the first time in their undead life that they were actually feeling guilty.

  ‘Hey! What do you f*cks want from ____?’ a visibly irritated voice sounded from behind them.

  Turning, they saw both Jane and Clockwork standing on the edge of the stairs, looking curiously at the both of them, with Jane having folded her arms above her sizeable chest, her black stare being ominous even under her white mask.

  ‘Mind your own f*cking business, you sl*t.’ Jeff growled, but the girl flipped him off.

 ‘We’ve been trying to make _____ come out, but she doesn’t even answer.’ EJ informed the girls calmly, seeing that ____ was more likely to respond to her best friends than the two of them.

  ‘What? Why?’

‘It’s already late, she should have gone down by now.’ Clocky informed Jane calmly.

 ‘You’re right. Something must have happened.’ Realization dawned at Jane and she turned at the two guys furiously ‘You two idiots didn’t dare do something to her, did you?’

   Instead of giving her an answer, both males just averted their gazes; EJ lowered his head, tangling his hands together behind his back and Jeff growled slightly, putting his hands in his pockets and kicking the ground mindlessly, averting his gaze to the ceiling as if it mocked him terribly. The total lack of responses made the two girls throw glances at each other full of there-is-definitely-something-fishy-going-on-here.

Nodding at each other, they made their way to the bedroom door of their best friend.

 ‘We’ll take care of this.’ Clock stated.

 ‘Step aside losers.’ Jane reached the door first, pushing the guys to the side and taking a deep breath, she knocked hard on your door ‘_____? It’s me, Jane.’

 No response.

 The girls looked at each other. They knocked again, but nothing happened.

 ‘Maybe she has her headphones on.’ Jane commented.

Clockwork nodded ‘She has extreme hearing abilities. She would be able to hear us.’

 ‘Then something’s wrong.’

‘Step back.’ Clockwork said and kneeled in front of your door, pulling out some tools and started messing with your lock.

  ‘What the f*ck are you doing?’ Jeff protested.

‘Breaking in.’ Jane simply shrugged, as the lock clicked and the door opened.

 ‘I knew something was up!’ Jane growled as they all rushed to your empty room.

The window was wide open, almost torn off its hinges.

  Jane stood by the door, crossing her hands over her chest, as Clockwork looked out of the window and the two boys stormed in only to realize what had already been said. You weren’t there and the coldness of the room pointed out that the window must have been open for quite a while. EJ looked around your personal space not failing to wonder if you had ran out after you ran into your bedroom. He had followed you up, but never found the courage to knock on your door and instead he left you on your own to calm down. Did something happen to you while he was standing indecisive at your door?

  From his point of view, Jeff couldn’t help but think that something might have happened to you. He was sure that you had returned but afterwards, he knew nothing. Something that pissed him off more than anything. But as always, the girls were one step ahead from both boys.

  Silently nodding at each other, they both made their way towards the window.

‘Where the f*ck do you think you’re goin?’ Jeff threw at them angrily.

 ‘To bring her back. I’ve already tracked her scent.’ Clockwork mumbled softly, passing her foot and standing on the window.

 ‘We’ll come with you.’ EJ stepped up.

‘Of course we’ll f*cking go.’

‘Like hell I’ll let you!’ Jane snapped at both of them ‘I’m sure that you did something to her that caused her to run away, so if you don’t want me to f*cking inform Slender, you’ll sit here and f*cking wait.’ Jane said and turning at Clocky, she simply nodded.

  Both of them jumped out.


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