Chapter 39 If I Die Before I Wake

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  ‘Jeffery Woods, you’ve been found guilty for your crimes and thus, I convict you to DEATH!’

  A low chuckle reverberated in the total silence.

  Liu’s eyes opened with surprise, throwing a quick look around him to locate the source of the sound, only to discover that it was in fact his own brother that was laughing. The low, menacing laugh found its way out of Jeff’s lungs cold and hard, able to drain every living person from its sanity and throw him into the nightmare realm. Liu pressed his lips together in annoyance, bringing the knife even closer to his brother’s neck, so close, that it started wounding his flesh, with streams of blood coming down from it.

  But instead of being scared for his own life, Jeff was laughing.

It started as a low, almost audible sound, like it was coming from beyond the grave, until the smiling killer was thrown into a fit of laughter, insanity coursing like hot iron through his veins, his head falling back and his insane red eyes unable to focus anywhere. It was an unsettling thing to watch. The loudness and insanity that it enclosed within, made Liu cringe and shivers went down his spine, but he nonetheless kept the knife at place.

  ~Liu…Liu…Liu..~ Jeff laughed ~I think it’s time to Go To Sleep!~

  The back of Jeff’s head landed straight into Liu’s face.

  The brown-haired man gasped and fell back, his hand flying on his injured face and completely unaware that his grip on his brother doesn’t exist anymore and that his brother is standing up right at that moment. Instead of noticing fast, Liu felt a foot land against his stomach, ejecting him hard on the wall behind him, back connecting with it and blood coming out of his surprised lips. He tries to recollect himself fast by standing up, but he’s not fast enough. Jeff twists and lands another powerful kick on his brother’s chest, with Liu coughing up more blood as his ribs are being shattered.

 Jeff draws back his clenched fist, letting out an insanity-painted victorious scream, catapulting it against his brother, that manages with a lot of effort to block it with his hand. Seeing that his attack was stopped, Jeff only laughs maniacally, grabbing Liu by the shoulders hard and twisting the both of them, smashes his against the opposite wall hard, proceeding to do the same on a window, and three other walls. The places where Liu’s head connects under Jeff’s pressure, form sizeable bends, while the window shutters into little pieces, with the glass injuring Liu further in the face and neck.

  Jeff grabs Liu hard by the waist and swinging him over, he throws him hard on the floor behind his back. The tall male turns and pulls out his knife, his carved smile widening and dripping with blood, as his brother’s eyes fall terrified on the cold and menacing blade.

  ‘W-what are you doing Jeff?!’ Liu tries to distance himself from his threatening brother. Memories of the first night this whole nightmare begun, flashing before his eyes.

  ~What does it look like Liu?~ Jeff smiles even more cocking his head to the side ~You really are a f*cking dipsh!t for messing with my doll. To f*cking dare touch her so thoughtlessly. I’m gonna take your life for that.~ he says and kneels above his terrified brother.

  When the knife lands on Liu’s stomach, the green-eyed male can only cough up blood, which drowns away his desperate screams for help. It was the nightmare all over again. Just like that fateful night so many years ago, where Jeff slipped inside Liu’s bedroom and turned his whole life into a nightmare… The night he left him for dead. His own little brother, who dared to destroy his whole life. The next stab finds him on the shoulder… Liu is once again so terrorized, that he can’t even move. He begs and begs his body to move, to avoid, to DO SOMETHING!, but terror is a powerful foe that freezes the mind. It was only when Jeff stabbed him straight in the neck, that his body decided to take action.

  His clenched fist found Jeff between his unblinking eyes, making him bad away and enabling Liu to kick him straight in the chest, completely freeing himself from the death-grip.

  He quickly stands up, struggling to pull himself together and races towards the door.

 If he just manages to take a turn, he will easily escape.

 But his brother will not let him go this time.

 Jeff’s knife cuts the air in two as it’s ejected fast and hard from his master’s hand and lands right into Liu’s spine, cutting the nerves that enabled him to run. Liu lands on the floor hard, tears now falling freely from his eyes and clawing his way out, he tries to escape, only to feel someone grab him hard by the feet and pull him back inside the room.

  Jeff’s laugh echoes like a whip on the desperate male’s ears, as he proceeds to cut the tendons that existed behind Liu’s knees, completely cutting off any possible way of escape.

  So the green-eyed man is left completely to the mercy of the deranged killer…


  When Jeff finally stands up and backs away from Liu, breathing heavily, his white hoodie is so drenched in blood, that there was no way it was going to get cleaned. Still, the male doesn’t even gives a damn about it, as a small chuckle is still audible in his lips, while he gazes upon what was left from his brother. He was still breathing; the rhythmical ups and downs Liu’s chest made were concrete evidence that the killer was still alive.

   Liu was in a far worst condition than the first time Jeff laid his hands on him. The old cuts were re-opened and far more serious than the last time, while the only thing that was recognizable from the browned haired killer, where his green eyes that where somehow blurry, focusing in nothing in particular and barely holding on to the last fragments of his own self.

  Jeff had punished him enough. All the rage and sorrow he felt from the day _____ was kidnapped came out in a powerful wave of pure hatred towards his own brother. He used to love him; yeah, he f*cking did and in fact he regretted ever hurting him in the first place, but from the moment he dared to lay a finger on _____ and proceed to toy with her fragile little self, that was the final move that threw Liu in the depths of Jeff’s hatred.

  Smiling even more, he bends down, grabbing Liu’s hair and brings his mouth near Liu’s ear. The other male cringes and tries to speak, but only muffled sounds come out, making his brother smile even more.

  ~You know Liu, at first, I wanted to f*cking kill you~ he chuckles ~But as we fought, I decided to let you live. Live with your pathetic life, knowing that you owe me your life. Because I know, that this will f*ck you up more than death. So see you again my brother.~

 Laughing mockingly to the tears that rolled down Liu’s face, Jeff stands up, stuffing his knife back into his pocket and proceeds to walk out on the corridor.

  His unblinking eyes fall down the hallway, to the only door that leads to the basement. He starts walking, only to hear a low groan coming from behind him. Turning immediately, with his hand reaching for his knife, his unblinking gaze falls on EJ that cripples his way towards the door as well, his clothes all torn and bloodstained.

  ‘You okay Jack?’

The blue masked male groans ‘I’ve been better. You?’

 ‘Dealt with the ‘nuisances’.’ He smirks.

  EJ walks up to Jeff and the both of them soon reach the door, pushing it open, only to reveal another small set of stairs, that leads to a single door. The tension can be really cut with a knife as the two killers make their way towards the door, unlocking it with a key that hanged nearby.

 The door flung open.

 And the killers are greeted by the complete darkness.

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