Chapter 4 Into The Woods

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~One Month Later~
In the Slender Mansion

  Masky, Toby and Ben were watching TV, sitting on the comfortable but worn out sofa in their usual living room inside the Slender Mansion. Ben had the controller in his possession, after a fierce fight with the other two, with many broken bones and cuts and bruises. Still, their excitement over who would have the remote control was soon turned into utter boredom, as the TV had absolutely no interesting things to see. Ben was murmuring how this was a total waste of time and that he could be playing videogames. Masky was half asleep, his head leaning against the soft back of the sofa and Toby was complaining openly on how he could have found a better show. All teenagers were bored beyond belief.

   Next to them, a few steps away, just in front of the window and sitting on his usual armchair, Jeff was looking out the window. His face had a huge smile as always but his mind was absent while he mindlessly played with his favorite knife, twisting it between his fingers. His gaze was lost between the dark trees that surrounded the outer space of the yard, that was now covered with a thick layer of snow. His mind was going back to his recent killing spree in a town nearby. Five victims were sliced in their sleep and the killer only left a message written in the victims’ blood. Go to sleep. As he was remembering the kills, the blood that had stained the walls, the screams and pleads from the victims, he couldn’t help but feel a strong euphoria go throughout his whole body. He wondered when the next killing spree would be, but Slenderman had ordered them not to do anything for the time being. This only pissed Jeff off.

   But there was also someone else in the room.

Just beside the door, Eyeless Jack was leaning calmly against the wall, his hands crossed on his chest. He had just returned from his late night hunting spree and just needed some time to catch his breath. Under the blue mask, he was calmly watching the trio of the sofa talking to each other and changing the channels. Well, he didn’t actually see but he was able to have sight through his mind. Ben settled for the News at that point and EJ thanked him mentally for choosing that, over the cooking show.

  Then the reporter changed the subject and asked for the viewers to remove the children from the TVs. This only attracted the attention of all the five men in the room.

 ‘I bet it’s him again.’ Ben exclaimed, making himself more comfortable on the sofa.

‘Once again five more bodies were discovered early this morning on the streets of (your hometown). Among them there were two women, around the ages of 24 and 30. Just like the previous victims, they were found stabbed to death with fifty stabs each all around the torso area. The killer that has been roaming the town for at least a month now has left the same message behind, signing it with his name: Halloween.’

‘Seems that you have a rival Jeffy.’ Toby threw at Jeff mockingly.

‘Shut the f*ck up Toby. And don’t call me Jeffy.’ Was the response Toby took, while the black-haired male was throwing menacing glances at the TV screen, as if the TV dared to challenge him.

‘He’s been out there for a month and no one has caught him. Maybe he’s one of us?’ EJ wondered to his fellow murder comrades.

‘Eh, I don’t think so.’ Toby responded.

‘If he is, I’m going to put him to sleep for f*cking daring to challenge me.’ Jeff swung his knife.

‘I am afraid that EJ is right children.’ A haunting voice was heard and the owner of the house walked inside the living room. Almost immediately the temperature dropped a few degrees but none of the killers was able to notice.

Trick And Kill~~Jeff The Killer X Reader X Eyeless JackWhere stories live. Discover now