Chapter 40 Pray The Lord My Soul To Take

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 As the two killers opened the metal door that lead to the dark basement, they were greeted by the penetrating darkness. Nothing was illuminated inside the room, and the light that tried to break through from the outside seemed to be completely devoured from the vast abyss that lay in front of them. It looked so thick, that it gave you the impression that if you raised your hand and tried to touch it, you would be able to feel the silky touch of darkness brushing against your skin. Everything was silent; not a single sound could be heard coming from within the room, something that gave the already unnerving darkness a feeling of horror, even towards the two undead killers.

  As EJ and Jeff stood in the threshold, they could really feel all the hair on the back of their necks being raised and chills went down their spines, that had absolutely nothing to do with the coldness that was emitted from the snow outside. No; this was far worse, far more complicated than the coldness that was coming from outside; it wasn’t the coldness that comes from the snow, the rain, the weather. It was a different coldness. A coldness of death.

   Jeff caught himself reaching for his knife, his unblinking eyes trying to penetrate the thick darkness and try to discern even the smallest detail as to what they were up against now. But EJ’s hand rested on his shoulder reassuringly, as the eyeless male nodded to his friend that everything was alright and they were not into any kind of immediate danger. Jeff let out a small, annoyed growl but eventually let go of the knife, as EJ searched the walls around them to find any possible light switch.

  EJ smirked to himself wearily under his navy-blue mask, when his fingers indeed found a small switch and turned it on.

  There was a small flash of light and a neon light right above the two killers lit up, its lamp buzzing lightly, a sound that resemblanced a bee, shedding its light down on the killers. The light fell down on them, lighting a small circle around their feet, enabling them to see the majority of the surgical room, proving that the darkness was not, in fact, impenetrable, and allow them to take a good look at the room, despite the fact that the darkness in the back of the room was still present.

  But with the retreat of darkness, sight was not the only sense that came back to the killers.

  The moment the darkness was broken, the strong scent of blood, mixed with metal and rust reached their noses, making the unblinking killer cringe and the eyeless man try to cover his nose the best he could. The strong smell reeked from every possible corner, every fiber inside the room, being so strong that for a moment made the two killers stomachs turn in disgust. Even they had a hard time taking in this entire stench. But if they were careful enough, they would realize that inside the strong smell of blood and metal, rested a faint aroma of peaches.

   Looking around, the whole room could pretty much fit a horror movie.

  The mint painted walls and the white tiles on the floor were so much covered with a thick layer of blood -some fresh, some many days old- that if you didn’t look closely, you would be unable to discern where the paint started and the blood ended. Even the ceiling had a considerable amount of blood on it, while the most disturbing fact was that some unidentified pieces were stuck on various places on the walls and ceiling, which both killers silently agreed not to investigate them any further.

   Still, when their gaze wondered further, they discerned that all the medical counters that were resting against all walls on their right and one their left, where completely clean and spotless, with all the medical tools needed for a full-time operation displayed neatly and ready for immediate use. They were so many, that both killers gaze darkened when it fell on them, taking in the vast amount of them, which in fact were accompanied by jars filled with various organs. As EJ gazed upon them, it was obvious to him that these were not human organs.

  On their left, there was a huge medical bed, with no mattress at all and all covered in blood, that appeared sticky even from that far, revealing that it rested there for some days now.

  EJ and Jeff took a few steps forward inside the room, closely inspecting their surroundings and making sure that no foe would charge against them from the shadows. But they didn’t fail to notice that large and solid silver rings were placed in various spots on the walls around them, all connected with silver chains, that were a little bit too large to not cause any suspicions and were hanging loosely from the walls, with all the chains leading to the farthest corner of the room, the one that wasn’t lit at all. It was as if all chains connected there.

   Jeff threw a suspicious look on EJ and the blue-masked male nodded, as both of them came to a stop, their stares piercing the darkness in front of them.

  EJ took a deep breath and…


 His voice sounded like a gunshot inside the complete darkness. Still, he got no response. The silence continued to be deafening around them.

  Jeff clenched his jaw firmly ‘_____ you there?’ his gaze was fixed on the darkest corner of the room.

 Again, there was absolutely no sound coming from anything other than the killers’ breaths. But in the sound of Jeff’s voice, something changed inside the room. One second everything was as it was, calm and a little bit chilling and in the next second, both killers felt a pair of eyes falling on them hard. Like an invisible concrete wall, it peered through the darkness and fell hard on the killers, making them tense up tremendously and starting to drain their remaining sanity rapidly. Whatever was looking at them, was definitely not normal. Both of them were now sure, that something was lurking inside the darkness.

  Jeff drew out his knife with careful moves, his smile widening and with blood starting to ooze from its corners, as he fixed his unblinking eyes into the darkness ‘Come out you f*cker.’

  ‘Take it easy Jeff.’ EJ said, gaze fixed on the darkness as well ‘We don’t know what it is.’

  ‘Whatever it is, it won’t f*cking keep us away from her. SHOW YOUR SELF MOTHERF*CKER!’ his voice boomed inside the room.

  Another few minutes passed in total silence.

 And then something inside the darkness moved.

  The movement wasn’t really visible to the two killers, but the slow rattling and moving of the chains revealed that whatever the thing hidden in the shadows was, it was moving. The chains must have been connected with it, maybe a restrain to keep it from completely running loose and exterminating anything on its path. The killers were able to hear its steps, as it was moving up towards them, slowly, painfully slowly, while they pulled their weapons out. Jeff growled slowly while EJ pulled his scalpel, the small blade flashing on the faint light. Both of them stayed still, waiting for the creature to enter the lighter parts of the darkness. One by one, the switches inside their minds started to turn off, allowing the sheer madness to fuel them up, rushing inside their minds like a black mist and completely covering anything sane in its way.

The creature’s steps grew closer and eventually stopped; both killers leaned forward, ready to attack upon first glance, waiting for the monster to take that last few steps that would place it inside their field of vision.

  The monster took that one last step into the lighter parts of the darkness.

  There was complete silence.

The scalpel and the knife fell on the floor, the metallic sound reverberating inside the complete silence.

 Jeff’s eyes widened even more.

 EJ’s mouth opened in surprise.

Both males remained in their positions, their brains unable to process all the sudden information that were given.

  There, inside the almost complete darkness, stood ______.

  It was you; it was truly and utterly you. You stood there, right in the between of light and darkness, looking at the two teenagers that were left stupefied with a big smile on your face. You were wearing nothing more but some bandages tightly wrapped around your chest and hips, hiding away what should not be seen and you were smiling broadly at the two killers. The tsunami of happiness and relieve that hit both Jeff and EJ was so strong, that the killers felt themselves being completely consumed by it in the process. They had never, ever, felt happier in their entire lives than now that they were looking upon your petite figure, as you stood there in flesh and bones, safe and sound, and most importantly, alive.

  But there was something wrong with you.

Five large rings, one around your neck and the others around your wrists and ankles, connected you with the large chains, tying you up like an animal. But the most frightening thing of all, the one that made happiness inside the men minds turn to horror, was your appearance.

  You were smiling; yeah, as far as that went everything was okay. But the smile was not the sweet and kind one that you always seemed to flash at the two of them, making their dead hearts reach a point before beating once again, no, it was a frenzied one, that no one had ever seen you pull before, a smile that literally reached your ears, even if you hadn’t cut your cheeks like Jeff did to form it. It was disturbing; it was a nightmarish smile, it sent shivers down the Creepypastas spines. It was a deranged smile. It was a hellish one.

   But gazing upon you, the smile was the least of their concerns.

   Your whole body seemed as if it was glowing by itself. Your once (s/c) skin had turned paper white, seemingly illuminated by the faint light and as if it was emitting its own, it gave off a sick glow, especially if you considered the fact that your once healthy body had turned completely skeletal. Your bones protruded from every possible corner, making you look the least malnourished, with your hands and legs ready to snap in the faintest wrong move, while your cheeks and eyes had sunken towards the inside, making you look a lot more like a skeleton, rather than yourself. Various wounds, old and new could be clearly seen all over your body, with clean cutting marks starting from your collarbone, all the way down to your lower belly, while your legs seemed as if they were consisted of a completely different skin than the rest of your body. From head to toes, you were covered in blood, in some spots fresh, in others dried out.

  But what was the most disturbing of all on your appearance, was your eyes.

 The two bright orange moons that decorated your eyes had completely vanished, and instead only the black abyss was visible. There were no irises on your eyes. Only darkness. The light that burned inside of you had gone out and that was something that was seen by the two boys immediately. You were different, yet the same.

  You had nailed your gaze on the two of them, looking back and forth between EJ and Jeff, no sign of recognition lighting your gaze up, while you made no other movement whatsoever.

  Jeff clenched his jaw tightly and pulling his guts up, broke the silence.

 ‘Doll, are you okay?’

In the sound of his voice, you fixed your gaze on him, as if you were piercing through him and tilted your head to the side, without uttering a single word.

 Jeff swallowed hard and prepared to ask you again, but everything happened simultaneously.

 You were standing right in front of them and in the next second you had disappeared. Both surprised males weren’t even given the time to process what on earth was going on, before you reappeared right in front of Jeff, a crazed smile altering your characteristics to the extreme, as you lunged towards him with complete insanity, hands flying in the front, trying to claw their way on the killer’s neck, as a hellish dual-sounding growl sounded from deep within your chest, reverberating in the room, as the animalistic frenzy had completely taken over you, while you tried to rip Jeff’s neck to pieces.

  Unable to react, Jeff’s eyes widened even more, while time seemed to stop for the deranged killer, as he saw your clawing hand coming towards him threatenly and he was unable to do anything about it. He just couldn’t find his arms and legs to do something. But even if he could, how can he bring himself to hurt you?

  The chains rattled hard and your hand stopped.

Puzzled, Jeff looks at you, only to see your face altered to that of complete and inextinguishable anger, as you literally threw yourself in the front, continuing to growl madly like a tiger on its cage, but with the chains depriving you from managing to reach the eternally smiling killer, then after a furrious fight, you throw your head back and begin to laugh maniacally, your laughter cold and insane.

  Jeff turns his gaze to EJ ‘What the f*ck is going on doc?’

EJ is snapped out of his trance, tearing away his eyeless gaze from you and turning towards his best friend.

 ‘She….she doesn’t seem to react.’

‘Doesn’t react? She seems feisty to me.’ Jeff growls and takes a step back, just to be sure.

  EJ would roll his eyes if he had any, so instead he walks up to both you and Jeff and waves his hand in front of your face, but far enough so that you won’t reach him.

 ‘______ it’s me. EJ.’

  No response. Only another round of growls.

 ‘See? She doesn’t recognize us.’ EJ turns to Jeff, who clenches his fists hard.

‘What the f*ck have they done to her?’ Jeff growls and turns towards you, his hot-tempered nature getting the best of him ‘What did Liu do to you _____? Say it! WHAT THE F*CK DID HE DO TO YOU?!’

  ‘Jeff, it’s not good to yell at her right now!’ EJ tries urgently to calm Jeff down, as you look at Jeff tilting your head to the side in curiosity.

 ‘I’ll do whatever the f*ck I want! Did Liu touch you ____? Did that f*cker laid a hand on you? TELL ME!’

 ‘Jeff, dude calm down!’


‘YOU’LL F*CKING SCARE HER MORE. GET AWAY FROM HER!’ EJ shoves Jeff away from you.




  Both killers freeze in place. Slowly, very slowly, they both turn and look at you, only to see you staring into space, bending in such an angle, that it made you look completely unnatural, let alone sane, with your torso leaning backwards and your hands resting on your nonexistent cheeks, barely even noticing their presence in the space.

 ‘W-what did you say ___?’ EJ almost whispers.


  The two male Creepypastas exchange a gaze full of concern, but you interrupt them once again.

~I…can hear you…….ALIVE!!!~ your voice sounds dual, as your previous alluring and lulling voice has completely disappeared, and instead a gruff and a hard female voice come out ~I can hear you alive!....alive……a-live……ALIVE!!!!~

 You lean forward again, arching your back and with your head almost touching the floor, acting as if you were a cloth doll~Two thousand thirty three……two thousand thirty four…..two thousand thirty five……..SIX! SEVEN! ALIVE!~

  The guys look closely at you, as you continue with your delirium.

~Beneath your lovely….oh, so lovely…lovely, lovely, lovely, FACE! and cute….cu-te…..cuuuuute…….SMILE….smile, ALL you are……..are……two thousand and thirty one……..are, ALL YOU ARE………i-s……PAIN!!! ALL YOU ARE IS PAIN! ALL YOU ARE BENEATH IS PAIN!!! THREE THOUSAND AND ELEVEN, THREE THOUSAND AND TWENTY! ALL YOU ARE BENEATH IS PAIN!!!’

Your voice booms loudly inside the room, as you rattle the chains vigorously, as if they were whips.

 ~I……….uuuuuhhhhhhhhh…………three thousand and fifty nine….nine……uhhhhhhhhh……………….I want to……….I w-ant……….take you……….I want to………..I want y-o-u……you………….carefully……..breaaaaaak…….care-fully…….I want to break you carefully……break you carefully……… carefully……….carefully……..~ you trail off and lump your head in the front, before you throw it up again in the next second, on a silent scream, while you wrap your hands around your neck, bloody tears running from you eyes, only to meet with the ones that had already trailed down your face days now.

  ~SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ you scream on the top of your lungs.

  The guys watch you closely, as you throw your hands around yourself, trying to hold your own self into one piece and proceed to withdraw yourself once again in the shadows. All this fit of insanity with a mixture of pain that you just shown them made their hearts shatter into millions of little pieces, while guilt and pain over-flooded them again, since they knew that you were like that because they hadn’t found you in time. How much pain you must have gone through, how many tortures they put you through?! At that time, both males had the strong urge to take you in their arms and just disappear with you somewhere where no one could ever find you.

  But after these thoughts settled down, they silently decided that it was time to take you the hell outta there.

 Jeff walks up to the walls, grabbing the chains that bound you down and with a powerful pull, tore the whole rings off the walls, one by one freeing you, while EJ made an attempt to get close to you and grab you. Being more careful than ever, he starts walking towards the darkest part of the room, where you had been hiding and when he hears the low growl, prepares himself for the inevitable.

  In a flash, you have charged up against him, throwing your whole body weight on him, pinning him on the ground. You growl loudly and insanely, as you grab his neck with your boney hand, tightening your grip so much, that the male soon begins to choke. Flashes of the very first time you two met, pass through EJ’s mind, as he manages to grab your other hand before you were able to slash his neck wide open. You put all your strength, trying to subdue his steely grip, but instead he keeps the grip unmovable. EJ is putting all his self control to the test as he tries both to restrain you and not break anything in the process. Your fragile wrist seems paper thin under his hand and the eyeless male knows that the slightest move might shatter your bone underneath.

  But all things end well for him, as he reaches inside his pocket with his other hand, drawing out a needle, proceeding to inject you with the anesthetic it contained, on your thigh, the only place he could reach easily. You growl loudly, attacking him once again, trying to bite him on the neck and fighting fiercely, but as the drug runs in your veins, you feel yourself lightheaded and eventually, your eyes grow heavy and eventually close, with your limp body falling on top of EJ.

  ‘Is she finally out?’ Jeff walks up to the two of you, removing the rings from around your neck and the rest of your body.

  ‘Let’s be grateful I had an extra needle.’ EJ says, as he cradles you like a little child against his chest.

  ‘I’ll carry her Jack.’ Jeff states and picks you up from the eyeless male, bridal style.

 ‘Even if I want to, I can’t carry her in the condition my leg is.’ EJ murmurs sadly, making sure that your head was resting well on Jeff’s shoulder and secretly caressing your hair.

  ‘Let’s go home Jeff.’


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