Chapter 42 A Fate Worse Than Death

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  The week that followed your arrival was a mixture of happiness and worry, all twirled up in some kind of sickening mixture.

 From one point of view, everyone was sincerely happy to have you back in the house and also, not in a body bag for just once. You were up on your feet in no time, with the marks that revealed your torturing, slowly but steadily fading away. Along with EJ and Jeff, Toby, Masky and LJ were not what you would describe ‘happy’ to see what the others had done to you. Especially Toby seemed to be affected the most by your condition, other than EJ and Jeff, trying to feed you anything that happened to be inside the house, as well as trying to cheer you up all day long. Your body had started to return to normal, with your bones being less visible and your starving state disappearing, with your cheeks and limbs returning to normal.

   But on the other side, your catatonic state that you had fallen into from the moment your eyes opened, was nowhere to change any time soon. The irises of your eyes were still nowhere to be found, as the blackness that spread on your eyes made it difficult for every single one of the Creepypastas to look inside of them, without averting their gaze elsewhere after a few minutes. You were not speaking, you were not moving, you were not reacting at all. To move, you needed someone to constantly be by your side to either push your legs lightly to give you the order to move, or take your hand and pull you along. Jane and Clockwork were making sure every single day that your appearance was as tended as the two killers could pull, combing your hair, brushing your teeth, dressing you up like a human-sized doll. You needed help to do even the smallest of things, like drinking water. If they left you sitting on a chair and came back many hours later, you would still be at the same spot. If the situation was different, you would really be the center of many teasing and bullying by the other Pasta, but right now, they all realized the difficulty of the situation. And even if they did try to mess with you, Jeff was lurking around you constantly, making sure that no one would even dare to think of touching you, not even have the chance to try. But he would also keep himself out of your field of vision –which was rather easy-, because every time you looked at him, you started screaming and trying to get away, kicking and punching your way out with everything you’d got. No one, not even EJ, was able to explain that, so the smiling killer tried to avoid you and was in constant bad mood, that was so evident, that Ben swore that he got a glimpse of it like a rain cloud above Jeff’s head, throwing thunders down on the man’s head. On the contrary, EJ was free to follow you nearly everywhere, being your constant caregiver, as you seemed not to mind him –or react to him-. He had connected you with an IV that allowed blood to enter your body and nourish you as well as made sure to constantly try to bring you back and make you interact with them, only to fail miserably. In fact, everybody was trying their best to bring you back. But the result seemed to always be the same.

  And it went like that from the moment you had woken up. You were the living corpse. A completely empty shell.

  ‘Look _____, I made you a picture!’ Sally turned towards you from the coffee table, raising the cute picture that she had been drawing for hours so that you could clearly see it.

  You had been sitting on the sofa of the living room for three hours now, looking at the TV that was on on some random channel, without really seeing. EJ was sitting right beside you, changing the channels every once in a while and asking you questions of any kind, trying to make you react and answer something. Jeff was also in the room, sitting on his usual chair and playing mindlessly with his knife, his patience running thin with EJ’s questions, but without even daring to interrupt the eyeless man and stab him on the throat to make him shut the f*ck up, in case his methods did indeed succeeded. So instead of doing anything else, he was sulking on his chair, looking out the window like he was looking at a lifelong enemy. All the other Pasta were scattered inside the house, doing various chores, and only Sally came in the living room at some point, deciding to draw a picture for you.

 Now that she was done, childish voice reverberated in the silent room, but you didn’t even blink.

‘See?’ she said pointing at two figures ‘This is me and this is you! We are playing at the forest with the pink pony!’

  Still no response.

 ‘Look! Look _____! You are smiling! Can you smile? Pretty pwease!’ she pouts adorably, hugging your knees and resting her head on them, gazing up on your lifeless face.

  ‘She can’t really hear you Sally.’ EJ says softly to the little girl, caressing her beautiful brown hair with tenderness.

 She turns her large, green orbs to the eyeless man, tears lacing the beautiful green ‘But why EJ? I love her so much, why isn’t she playing with me anymore?!’

  If EJ had a heart, it would have broken upon looking at the little girl’s crying face.

‘She is sleeping Sally. But I don’t know when she’ll wake up.’

 The little girl averts her desperate eyes back to you, tears rolling down her cheeks freely now, as she begins to push you as hard as she can, trying to wake you up.

 ‘Wake up ______! Wake up! It’s me, Sally!’ she cries out to you, as sobs begin to make her little body shake ‘’ake up ______. How long are you ‘oing to sleep? I wanna play with you! I miss ‘ou _____!’ she cries, as the sobs make her unable to speak clearly.

  EJ tries to comfort her the best he can, placing his hand over the little girl’s shoulder, but she is inconsolable, as she hugs your knees for dear life and starts crying out loud, her voice high-pitched and loud.

 ‘I miss you _____! Come back big sister! I love you!’

  ‘Sally please calm down.’

‘EJ make her stop.’ Jeff grunts loudly, trying to be heard over Sally’s crying.

 ‘NO! I WANT BIG SISTER ______!’ Sally claws herself on you as EJ tries to move her away.

  ‘Sally, you don’t want to make her sad now do you? She’ll come back when it’s time.’

‘NO! I WANT HER BACK NOW! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!’ she screams on the top of her lungs.

 ‘THAT’S. F*CKING. IT!!!’ Jeff screams as he ejects from his chair. It was the last thing that made the smiling killer lose it.

 His unblinking eyes burn like iron as he stomps his way towards the three of you, with Sally immediately stopping crying and ejecting herself on EJ’s arms, as the eyeless killer hugs her protectively in his arms, trying to shelter her from the upcoming unleash of rage from the smiling killer’s point. But instead of starting to beat everyone into pulp, Jeff walks up to you and kneels himself in front of you, his hands flying on your chin, pulling it down and making you look into his black, unblinking orbs.

  ‘Doll, I bet ‘ts time to wake up. You made even Sally cry.’ He says strictly, his voice controlled and seemingly calm, but it’s evident that the anger is boiling angrily underneath.

  Still, he gets no response.

He sighs.

‘Hey, com’ on now, you don’t want us worried over ‘ere! C’mon now.’ He pleads, flicking your forehead.

 Your head moves back a little bit, but you allow it to fall back in the front, nailing your empty eyes once again to the smiling killer, not reacting at all once again, with Jeff’s patience at its limits. Sally cries out once again and buries her face on EJ’s shirt, staining it with her tears, as the auburn haired man wraps his arms around her reassuringly, his empty stare still nailed on his best friend and you though. Jeff’s hands fall on your shoulders, as he grabs you hard and growling angrily, he shakes you with power, trying to knock you into your senses once again.

 ‘C’mon you idiot! Wake up before I f*cking knock some senses into you! Wake the f*ck up!’

  ‘Jeff I don’t think this will hel-‘

‘Wake up _____! WAKE UP NOW!’

EJ watches as his best friend shakes you violently, knowing that his next move was to beat you conscious ‘Jeff, you are not helping!’


Jeff had raised his hand to slap you across the face, in a try to wake you up. EJ had ejected his own forward to try and stop his best friend. Both males immediately came to an abrupt stop and froze on their tracks, their eyes falling on you.

 From your point though….. you simply cocked your head to the side and blinked once.

  It appeared as you were looking at Jeff curiously. It took the two bloodthirsty killers by surprise. Automatically, both of them leaned in towards you, holding their breaths in fear that the rare opportunity would disappear into thin air in the slightest sound. Jeff’s eyes opened even wider as he watched you loosen your lips a little bit and parting them, taking in a breath that sounded like gunshot to the killer. His heart was one step away from beating, he was so d^mn sure about it!

  But you remained like that.

 Jeff positioned himself better, loosening his grip on your shoulders considerably, trying to keep his cool in this critical situation ‘C’mon babe, say it.’ He encouraged you.

  You blinked once again and a faint shrieking sound came out, but nothing like a scream this time.

 ‘C’ mon.’

Everybody held their breaths.

All eyes were on you.

 You breathed out and….



‘……….Who……a-are……’ you paused and blinked once again ‘…..Who are you?...’

Jeff was left dumbstruck. His eyes widened and his cut lips half opened in confusion and shock. He couldn’t realize what the hell was going on. He didn’t want to realize anything at that moment.

  And as the smiling killer was left unable to react, you suddenly leaned in to him, moving for the first time in nearly a week and to the total surprise of everyone present, you sniffed him. Jeff was unable to understand what the hell was going on and for the first time in many years, he was left unable to move, even if his own mind was literally screaming to him to move, to do something! You sniffed him once again, then jolted yourself backwards as if something had burned your face horribly, a mask of utter horror painting your face, as your lips parted harsh and a shrieking scream left your lips, reverberating like a gunshot to the now silent room, as you started kicking and fighting once again with all your might, before anyone else was able to register all the sudden information.

  You managed to land a kick straight into Jeff’s face, with the killer failing to protect himself and taking the blow full-faced, but before you were able to hurt Sally that was sitting too close to you, a silver glow flashed and a needle found its way on your carotid, allowing the heavy sedating drug enter your body immediately, as EJ pushed the plunger hard, his lips forming a straight line under his navy-blue mask.
 In a matter of seconds, your eyelids flickered and eventually, closed, with your body falling limp in the front. Jeff wrapped his arms around you immediately, stopping you from falling on the ground.

  ‘Sh!t got real. What the f*ck was that?’ he asks his friend immediately, making sure to hold you tightly.

  ‘I-I have no idea. I……I…… M-maybe…’

‘Don’t f*cking say it Jack.’

‘How would you explain it then Jeff? I-I don’t like it either but, she might in reality be-’

‘Allow me to enlighten you children.’ Both teenagers turn to the entrance of the living room, only to see the master of the house, Slenderman, walking inside, his tall figure almost reaching the ceiling, as he made his way towards the sofa, taking Sally in his hands, as the little girl ran up to him, hugging him tightly.

 ‘Halloween is not yet lost my children.’

‘Then how do you explain her condition Slender?’ EJ questions the faceless man.

  ‘It appears that your lovely sister, my children, is burdened by her own mind. There is no physical injury that does not allow her to completely recover and come join our family once again. The problem is not her physical body, but her mind. She is being held down by her own state of mind, a fate that is worse than death. Memories and injuries of the mind are troubling her far beyond her capability, completely allowing her to fall into the oblivion of the darkness. The mind, my children, is a dangerous tool in the hands of all living things that resident this small planet. It can be a weapon in the hands of the wicked, it can be a tool for creation in the hands of the capable. But just as it allows as to create, it is capable of leading to our total oblivion, pulling us into a whirlwind of destruction that does not manifest anywhere else, but inside our own minds. And in the case of your lovely sister, I am afraid we barely have time to save her.’

   ‘How are we gonna do it then Slender?’ Jeff stands up decisively, still holding you on his arms, looking at the tall man.

 ‘It is rather simple Jeffrey. We will enter her mind.’

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