The Sky

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It had rained last night, and as such the Sky was a spiraling pool of colors and shapes. "Really washed up all the Signs huh?"
Milo nodded in agreement, continuing to look at the washed away words that streaked a myriad of colors across the blue canvas they called the Sky.
The City Council had decided to have it built a few decades ago, mostly for advertisements that could be used for funding, but it was also just nice to look at. His thoughts were interrupted when Liv lightly thrusted their elbow into his side. "Look, they already started cleaning," she pointed upwards at the hazy gauze that covered the actual sky, it was being poked at by some city workers in special made engines, the boat like vehicles keeping them afloat in the holographic sea as they rearranged the inky mess.
The mass of colors were still spiraling and mixing together as the Sky shifted, a swathe of pinks, reds, blues, oranges and yellows creating a permanent sunset, even during the grey of dawn; Milo let out a low whistle as the city grew brighter and brighter, a warm golden light washing over everything and everyone.

 A City of Color: An AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now