One Step Further

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If this was early, then Sahara would change her name to Bill. She was up, yet Terrell lay fast asleep. It was as though he didn't have a worry in the world.  A digital clock, hanging up on one of the walls, said it was 10:05am.

Fidgeting with her hands, Sahara sat on the couch staring at the clock and wondering what she should do. She had already spent her morning looking around the warehouse and exploring it. Feeling hungry, she had opened the fridge only to find it was filled from top to bottom with cartons of strawberry milk. It was as though Terrell were stocking up in fear that he would run out

 Thirsty and seeing nothing else to drink, Sahara had taken one out and downed it. She then searched around some more until she found what looked like a box of granola bars. Not knowing if this was all there was to eat, and not wanting to wake Terrell, as she wasn't sure how he would react, she had simply eaten two. After this, she had tried to pass time by looking over Terrell's hover boards, which almost fell over again. However, even that incident, though it was filled with noise consisting of falling boards and Sahara letting out a yelp, did not wake Terrell at all.

In the end Sahara had moved to the couch where Mo joined her a while later and curled up beside her. Stroking him, Sahara watched the clock change to 10:09. As her mind wandered to the evening before, she felt her face heat up at the embarrassing memory.

She had gotten stuck in the shower stall with no way of getting out. After trying to shout numerous different commands, she had finally given up and sat down against a wall, wrapping her arms around herself. Every few moments she came up with another idea and would try it out only to fail. It had taken ages before she heard a creak and then Terrell's cautious voice.

"Uh, Sahara?" he had called.

Feeling relief flood through her, Sahara had jumped up at once to respond when she remembered her predicament; she was in the shower, naked.

"Are you alright?" Terrell had called. By the sound of his voice, he was still at the door and thankfully had not come in.

"I'm...I'm stuck!" Sahara had responded to him in a small voice.

As a result there was a moment of silence before Terrell asked, sounding completely confused, "Stuck?"

"In the shower," Sahara told him miserably. "I don't know how to get out."

Again there was a moment of silence, in which Sahara was sure Terrell had been wondering how stupid one could get. "Just give it the command," he had finally spoken up. He sounded more confused than before, as well as closer. Sahara guessed he had moved to the bathroom stalls so he could hear her better, and yet thankfully he had not come within sight of the showers.

"But...what is the command?" Sahara asked.

"It's..." Terrell paused. "It's another word for finished."

Sahara had felt confused that he wouldn't tell her the word.

"It begins with the letter 'c'." Terrell gave her the hint.

Just say it! Sahara thought in annoyance as she stood up. Yet her mind was already working. Another word for finished that begins with the letter 'c'?

Her eyes widened in realization. "Complete!" she yelled while Terrell yelped "Wait!" at the exact same time.

The walls around her responded by whooshing down faster than they had gone up and Sahara found herself standing in the open. It was then she realized why Terrell had not said the word. Horrified she whirled around while trying to cover herself with her hands, yet thankfully there was no sign of Terrell. Hearing a door close she realized he had made a dash and disappeared from the room.

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