Full House

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"So, is this it?" Reagan peeked over Sahara's shoulder at the warehouse. Arden stood beside him. Both boys had a large duffle bag slung over their shoulder and a board under one arm.

"Terrell's going to kill you," Alegra spoke the words Sahara was thinking.

Sahara cringed. When the twins had asked her where she lived, she hadn't expected them to announce they would be moving in too. However, when they had looked her with their pleading eyes, she didn't have the heart to turn them down.

From behind Alegra, Naomi was still staring from one boy to the other. She still hadn't been able to grasp why they looked so much alike. In fact, since she had met them she had developed an odd habit of walking up to them and pinching them ever so often, as though checking to make sure they were real.

Sahara looked at the two guys who were both staring at the warehouse. They looked so alike she wasn't sure which one was which. Alegra led the way to the warehouse, with Sahara trailing behind. She didn't want to have to explain this to Terrell.

Throwing the door open, Alegra walked in as though she had been living there her entire life. The warehouse was dark.

"Lights," Alegra commanded. The lights immediately went on.

"Owe!" Arden complained when Naomi pinched him. She watched him with narrowed eyes, then, seeming satisfied that he was indeed real, she scurried past and began to search the area. Sahara could only guess that she was looking for Mo.

"Cool place," Reagan commented. Arden nodded in agreement.

Both boys walked in, looking around all the while. They dumped their duffle bags together in a corner. Arden sat on the couch. Reagan followed, jumping on and squishing his brother who let out a yelp as he scrambled to get out. It ended up in a game of wrestling.

Alegra rolled her eyes.

"Look. Bed," Naomi announced pointing at something.

To her surprise, Sahara noticed the mattress standing against one wall.

She looked at Alegra who shrugged. "I didn't get it."

Terrell? Sahara thought. She put her board away and then turned to see that the guys had pretty much ended their game. Reagan lay sprawled on the couch while Arden, who seemed to have lost the fight, sat on the floor, his back leaning against the couch.

"So, who's older?" Alegra asked.

"Arden," Reagan replied.

"Who is which one?" Alegra peered at the two.

The boys exchanged glances and then shrugged.

Sahara turned to look up at Terrell's lofted area. Maybe he's here but just asleep, she thought. Deciding to check in order to be on the safe side, she started up the stairs. Each step made her heart beat fasted as she hoped she wouldn't find Terrell at the top. She heard the sound of something bang shut behind her, yet she didn't pay any attention as she reached the top. Peaking over to Terrell's mattress, she let out a breath of relief as she saw that he wasn't there.

Turning, she was about to head back down when she froze. There in the doorway, stood Terrell. He was staring at the scene before him.

"Eeeekkk!" a high pitched scream erupted from his mouth making Sahara jump. He pointed his finger at the offender. "M-my strawberry milk!"

Sahara's head turned to see that Arden look up innocently from a carton of strawberry milk he was drinking.

Terrell dropped his board and bounded towards him, the intent to harm radiating from every pore. He seemed to have switched to terminator mode. Arden's eyes widened. He leapt into action and ran for his life around the room, carton still in hand, as Terrell chased him.

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