Double Trouble

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They boarded back to the warehouse in silence. Sahara was lost in thought as she watched Terrell for half of the time. She still couldn't believe what had happened to her, how things had gotten so out of hand.

When they arrived at the warehouse, Terrell got off his board. Sahara did the same. She followed him to the door when Terrell froze. Sahara would have walked right past him if he hadn't held out his hand to stop her.

"Wait." Terrell was listening closely. "There's someone inside."

For the first time, Sahara noticed the light filtering through the crack in the bottom on the door.

Terrell led the way, not making a sound. When he reached the door, he paused. Then, he suddenly swung it open. Sahara followed him inside.

There, sitting on the floor, sat Naomi. She was once again hugging poor Mo.

Sahara's eyes flew to the table. Sure enough, Alegra looked up innocently from where she sat. She jabbed a finger at Naomi. "She missed the cat."

"Alegra!" A grin spread across Sahara's face. "You're back!"

"Seems like it," Alegra replied.

"I hope you're only dropping by," Terrell told her as he went to put his board away.

"Actually..." Alegra's eyes followed him. "We were thinking of taking up Sahara's offer and making it permanent."

Terrell whirled around. "No way, not happening!"

"I think it's great," Sahara said. After the night's events, she really would feel safer with more girls around.

"No," Terrell repeated stubbornly.

Mo let out a strangled 'meow' as he finally got free and scampered off. Naomi was once again in hot pursuit.

"Look." Alegra got up, "I happened to see you at the moonlight gathering." She paused and gave Terrell's split lip a questioning look. Then, she turned her attention on Sahara. "Apparently you're looking to start a crew. Why you don't just join one, I'm not sure." She shot a look towards Naomi. "If you feed us and cloth us, then we'll join. No questions asked."

Sahara's felt excitement fill her. "Really?"

"Don't believe her. She's proven she can't be trusted," Terrell told Sahara.

"I can," Alegra protested. "Besides, there's no reason I have to do anything to Sahara. She's actually quite decent...compared to you."

Terrell snorted.

"Terrell," Sahara turned to him."Please let them stay."


"It's the right thing to do," Sahara tried.

"Don't care."

"Think of what will happen if you don't let them stay!" Sahara argued. "They'll starve!"

"Don't care."

"I'd pay higher rent."

It made Terrell pause. He looked at Sahara. "You're already paying more." He turned to Alegra. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he muttered. "Fine, but you'll be paying rent," he threatened. "For both of you." He shot a meaningful glare in Naomi's direction.

Alegra's eyebrows rose.

"And I won't accept it if it's from selling stuff that isn't yours, especially if it was my stuff first."

"That's ridiculous!" Alegra protested.

"There's the door," Terrell pointed at it.

Alegra scowled at him.

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