A Normal Morning

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Sahara stood before Terrell's bed. Hesitating she turned to look downstairs. The twins and Naomi all shot her an encouraging grin and a thumbs up. Alegra looked disinterested.

Why does it have to be me? Sahara though miserably. She remembered how it all started right after she had gotten up.

"No," Alegra said firmly.

"Awe, come on," Reagan told her. "I know you don't like the guy. But it is his place after all. So doesn't he technically count as family?"

Alegra glared at him. They were sitting around the table, which Reagan and Arden had cleared and set after announcing that everyone should eat breakfast together like a family.

"Look, we're not family," Alegra told him.

"No?" Naomi looked crestfallen. "Are we family?" she asked Alegra uncertainly.

"Oh, Naomi, of course we are," Alegra's face softened as she turned to Naomi.

"Then why not them?" Naomi pointed at the twins. Since the evening before, where they had hidden out together under the table drinking strawberry milk, both the twins and Naomi had seemed to grow quite fond of each other.

"Yeah," Reagan asked. "Why not us?" He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. Arden put his head next to his brother's and made the same pitiful expression.

Sahara watched the exchange quietly.

Alegra growled. She muttered something under her breath but said no more.

"Well, who's going to wake Terrell?" Arden asked.

Sahara sunk lower in her chair.

"I will," Reagan announced cheerfully.

Oh boy. He doesn't know what he's getting in to, Sahara thought as she avoided all eye contact. Maybe I should warn him... but Reagan was already half way up the steps.

"Hey, Terrell," he cheerfully sung. "We're having breakfast." Terrell didn't move. "Want to join us?" Still no response. That's when Reagan reached out and shoved him.

It happened before the boy could react. Terrell's hand shot out and grabbed a firm hold of his foot. Reagan fell on his backside.

"Ahhh!" Reagan yelled. "He's got me! He's got me!" He tried to break loose.

"Just kick him!" Alegra helpfully yelled.

"Man down, man down!" came Reagan's response. "Arden!"

"Hold on!" Arden yelled back. Yet he didn't move from his seat. "If he kills you, can I have your board?" he yelled as an afterthought.

There was no response as Reagan finally managed to get free. He scrambled to a safe distance.

Terrell simply pulled his blanket up higher and turned around to face the other direction. He continued to sleep, unfazed. Reagan scurried back down the stairs.

"We need a plan B," he announced.

In the next few moments, Reagan and Arden rummaged around the counters. In the end, they both headed up the stairs together. Reagan was wearing a metal pot on his head. A rubber glove was pulled over his right hand in which he held a spatula. Arden followed, using a pillow as a shield. They both looked ridiculous.

"You poke him," Reagan told Arden when they reached Terrell.

"No way, you have the spatula!" Arden replied.

Swallowing, Reagan leaned forward and proceeded to poke Terrell once more, only this time with the spatula. Quick as a flash, Terrell whirled around. His hand flew out and he grabbed the spatula, tearing it from Reagan's hands. The twins jumped back, staring at Reagan's empty hand in horror.

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