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There was a moment of silence as Terrell glared at Sahara. Naomi didn't even seem to notice the new presence as she continued to cuddle Mo. Alegra, however, turned in her seat.

"Who are you?" she asked.

Terrell raised an eyebrow. As Alegra got up, his eyes wandered up and down her. His lips twitched up in a smirk. "Are you lost, honey?"

Alegra snorted. "Excuse me?" She walked towards him, looking far from happy. It surprised Sahara. From what she had seen, girls usually switched to flirtatious mode around Terrell. She watched as Alegra came to a stop some way before Terrell. Seeing the two together made Sahara suddenly feel very self conscious. There was something that both of them possessed that she could only dream about. It made her feel so out of place.

"I asked who you were." Alegra told Terrell as her eyes swept him up and down in a similar fashion in which he had looked her over only seconds before.

"Me?" Terrell cocked his head to the side.

"No, I was talking to that board you're holding," Alegra told him sarcastically.

Sahara shivered. She felt as though there was electricity in the room.

Terrell ignored Alegra and brushed past her. As he walked past Naomi, she lost her grip on Mo and the cat made his escape. For the first time, the little girl seemed to notice Terrell's presence. She watched him put his board with the others. When he turned around, the little girl's eyes widened.

"Pretty!" she exclaimed as she pointed at Terrell.

A scowl came to Terrell's face. His eyes landed on Sahara. She felt her heart drop.

"Sahara, who are these people?" his voice was ice cold.

"T-they needed a place to stay," she stuttered, frozen to the spot.

"And you just brought them here?"

"Who are you?" Alegra repeated herself.

Naomi had turned her attention on trying to re-capture a terrified Mo. He was on a cabinet, hissing at the girl as she came towards him.

"I'm the owner of this place." Terrell turned angrily towards Alegra. "And you're intruding."

"We were invited," Alegra shot back.

"Not by me," Terrell replied. He stomped over to where Alegra had dropped her backpack. Picking it up, he tossed it at her. "You should leave."

Sahara's eyes widened. Why is he doing this?

Terrell turned to grab Alegra's board.

"No!" Sahara ran towards him. She grabbed his arm. "They need a place to stay!"

Terrell angrily brushed her hand off his arm and picked up the board.

"It's just for one night!" Sahara wasn't about to be put off.

Naomi ran by, following Mo towards the table. She crawled under it.

"Terrell!" Sahara grabbed onto his arm once more. "Please?"

Terrell paused. Alegra watched the exchange in silence, no emotion on her face.

"Please?" Sahara repeated in a whisper.

Terrell shot a sidelong glance at her. Letting out a frustrated sigh he put the board back down. "Fine." He whirled around. "One night," he directed this towards Alegra.

She didn't reply.

"And you," Terrell turned to glare at Naomi who had caught Mo by his tail. That cat was hissing in anger as he tried to run free.

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