5] High Moon

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A female centaur comes forward, bowing her head. "Lady Jordan, I am Ember. I will stay behind and protect your friends."

Her skin is tan, and her hair falls down in neatly made box braids. The height given by her hindquarters is enough for me to crane my neck to look her in the eye. "Nice to meet you, Ember. I would appreciate you doing so."

Tritan sweeps his gaze over his herd, numbering around twenty. "You will all stay. We will give chase."

A bit surprised, I open my mouth to ask if he's sure, when he answers my question for me.

"There are four of them, my Lady, the herd must stay to ensure none slip past us and come here. Whatever their purpose is, they will not attack such a large force in small numbers. Us alone will be enough to take care of them."

I trust his decision and face Jasper. His brow is creased, and the worry filling his eyes spills into his body. The way his mouth goes from open to shut repeatedly obviously shows he is preventing himself from speaking. Taking in a deep breath, he shakes his head and pulls me in for a quick hug.

"Be careful," he says, and we break apart.

I clasp his hand. "I'll see you soon."

Tritan twists a great sword in his hand, a grim look on his face. "It is the Carvaar'sk who need to be careful. Come, let us catch them before they reach a settlement."

He stands at the edge of the small clearing, waiting. I adjust my grip on my blade, beginning to walk over. But my steps falter, Kalan's voice reappearing in my head. The tone is serious.

A warrior does not go to battle in rags, dear child. Cast your magic, and speak the words 'mafie'ta rec'.

Glancing around, I shrug and decide there's no harm in trying. A purple flame follows the arc of my hand through the air. "Mafie'ta rec."

The instant the words pass my lips, the flame sparks and spits, covering and moulding to my body. No heat comes from it, and within seconds the substance has solidified. Looking down, I find the rags of my dress replaced by tough metal and leather armour.

Tivy's voice echoes around the clearing. "That was awesome!"

Slightly grinning to myself, I catch up to Tritan and follow him into the forest brush. The armour does not impede my movements, nor does it bear any great weight on me. It even has small slits in the back for my wings, in their full form, to come through. The spell is certainly useful.

"Tonight, you will learn," the chieftan says softly, stepping over a log.

My lips drop into a frown. "Learn what, Tritan?"

He pauses, pawing at the ground. "What I meant when I first spoke to you."

Stowing my giddiness at the magic, I focus on his words, as they are amazingly sobering. These Carvaar'sk are no joke, that much I know already. And the words he spoke to me that day, which seems like years ago, have not been forgotten, nor taken lightly. Tritan has shown a great faith in me; why, I do not know, but I refuse to let him down.

"About the aligning of Mars and the Nala'si star," I say, carefully watching his reaction.

He slowly nods his head. "Yes; and the Great War."

"The one Kalan fought in," I say, under my breath.

"What lies in this direction?" He asks, pointing with his sword at the trail left behind by the Carvaar'sk.

Upturned trees, dead flowers and claw marks where they have vaulted rocks and logs clearly show their path. It does not diverge for as far as I can see, leading in one direction for a considerable distance. The area is not unfamiliar to me, and a grim set comes to my mouth.

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