2] Song of the Merfolk

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Jasper and I spent a few hours more at Charlie's, doing our best to cheer him up. By the time we went home, he seemed a little happier. If I could, I would have stayed there all night, but Jasper needed to hunt.

My thirst has not flared even once since the other day. It's never been as intense as the Cullens' bloodlust, but now it's non-existent. In the back of my mind, images of the bear replay whenever the subject comes up in my thoughts.

With Jasper off for lunch with Alice, I am left to wander by myself. The forest feels different, like something has changed. My magic tunes into it while I walk, listening to the sound of wind in the trees, carrying birdsong on it's back. Everything has a feeling, similar to a vibration, and I can identify things through that; originally, the forest sung quietly, akin to a gentle hum. Now, it's song has turned to a symphony.

It's only as I turn a corner around a massive oak tree that I start to understand why. Small huts are dotted around the circling of trees, hastily erected by the looks of them. But small trinkets and details make it seem much more homely.

Remaining cautious, I approach the centre of their ring where a firepit has been dug out from the ground. Above me, strung up on the branches, are hand-made lanterns and decorations, mainly different phases of the moon made from wood.

"Lady Jordan," comes a voice from behind me.

I turn sharply, facing the small female faun. "Oh, hello!"

Her hair reminds me of Tivy's, but her eyes are an amber colour instead of his silver. "Can I help you with anything?"

"I'm sorry for intruding, I wasn't aware this village existed, so I was curious," I say, awkwardly scratching my head.

She smiles at me, placing her basket of wildflowers by the firepit. "Do not fret, I saw you approach. Thank you for allowing us to stay in your forest, it is a peaceful home for us."

My eyes shoot up, widening in surprise. "I mean, I'm glad, that's good. I know what its like to feel unsafe in a place that is supposed to be your home, but this isn't...my forest."

"Oh, but it is," she says strongly, stepping closer, her hands clasped in front of her, "the whole forest responds to you; haven't you noticed? The animals follow you, the flowers basically bloom at your feet as you walk and since your arrival the trees sing a new song."

Words fail me. I turn to look at the path I took to get here, noticing for the first time the trail of purple and gold plants lining my steps. On every branch of every tree there are birds, most of them blackbirds, watching us with keen, intelligent eyes. Quiet chirping surrounds us, the tree leaves swaying gently with their melody.

"You see now?"

I look at her, nodding dumbly. What am I supposed to say in reaction to that? Now I can't help but see the details, how the connection in my blood flows out and into the essence of the world around me. With the tiniest tug, I could raise a meadow right under my feet.

"Here, sit with me." She guides me to a large log, clearly used as a seating area. "I have gathered these for the celebrations in a few nights time."

I oblige, looking at the baskets. "Celebrations?"

A happy glint comes into her eye as she nods. "Yes! It is nearly the Festival of Falling. It's my favourite time of year."

I take the handful of flowers she separates for me, watching her begin to skilfully weave them together. "The Festival of Falling?"

"Mhm, it's an ancient tradition from the forests of Dalásifee. A long time ago, before the Great War, even before the days of the dragon lords, the faeries lived in a land far above the clouds. Apparently it was beautiful, and it was a time when magic thrived beyond anything you could imagine. Unfortunately, those living below did not benefit from any of it, and the fae looked to aid them. Their king, who's name no one remembers anymore, sadly, used his magic to bring their land down to the rest of us, so everyone could share in their prosperity."

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