9] The Parting Glass

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Jasper kills the engine, but makes no move to get out. The light drum of his fingers along the steering wheel punctures the silence sharply. Realising he needs the same push as he gave me, I gently pry his hand from the wheel and stroke a finger along the knuckles.

"I wish there was something I could do to make this better."

He smiles half-heartedly, swooping down to kiss my hand. "This is for their safety, and ours. We're going to have a child, Jordan, and despite...regardless of what we have to do, I won't let that be overshadowed."

My lips stretch in a smile, unable to deny the bubble of excitement in my stomach. "Yeah...we are."

Huffing out a breath, Jasper squeezes my hand. "Okay, let's do this."

Walking up to the house, holding onto one another tightly, we find Alice waiting at the door for us. She's bouncing on her toes, anxiously biting her lip.

"What's happening?" Her eyes have grown wide. "My vision...you're fading. Are you alright?"

Jasper struggles meeting her gaze, so I answer instead. "We're fine, Alice. But...there's something we need to talk to the family about."

"I know, I got them all here."

With a questioning glance thrown in my direction, Alice beckons us in. Regret seeps into my bones, knowing the only answer I have for her is the last thing she'll want to hear.

We step inside, and sure enough, the Cullens are all gathered in the living room. The uncertainty is clear on their faces, in the crossed arms and furrowed brows. It hits me, seeing them all, just how fond of them I've become.

Jasper stiffens at my side, becoming rigid with apprehension, the scale of our task showing itself without warning. Small, soft pulses of magic leave my finger tips, flowing along his hand and up his arm. After a moment, some of the tension dissipates from his body.

The first to come forward, Carlisle looks between us with dark eyes drowned by concern. "Jordan, Jasper...what's going on?"

Seeing Jasper's gaze fixed firmly on the floor, I take up the task of explaining. It's only right, as this is my problem, really. Without me, Jasper would have no fight with the Carvaar'sk.

"Queen Ithronel has requested my presence in the Realm. War has broken out, and she needs my help."

Rosalie fixes me with a calculating stare. "And you've chosen to go."

Swallowing, I confirm her statement with a nod. "There is no choice, not for me. I am the last Nala'si and protecting the Realm has always been our purpose. If I abandon them, it will mean their demise, and if they fall, so will this world. This isn't something I can turn my back on."

Her nostrils flare, and the spark on her tongue is held tightly behind her teeth. "You're assuming they need you to win."

"Rose!" Esme scolds, frowning.

Sending her a small smile, I raise my hand, preventing an argument by keeping their attention on me. "It's not me they need, it's my magic. The only other person with power like mine is trapped in a statue he can't get out of. The power of the Nala'si is the only thing able to truly destroy the Beyond."

Carlisle folds his arms, crinkling the sleeves of his white shirt. "I understand. You must go, and I take it you will not be returning for some time?"

Wincing at his choice of words, I sigh and look down. Jasper turns away, making a noise akin to whimpering.

"Will you ever come back?" Esme asks quietly, holding onto her husband's arm.

Neither of us speak. An ache radiates through my chest, guilt and pain fighting for dominance. I know, if I look at her, it will only get worse. But she deserves more than that.

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