1] The People We Trusted

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~The fire inside had started slow, but now it burned with the ferocity of ancient blood awakened from within~

I'm floating in nothing, weightlessly suspended in the air. It's so peaceful here, the silence brings serenity instead of fear. Every black thought, every dark day I ever experienced has vanished into the calm of oblivion. It doesn't last forever.

Voices slowly drift by my ears, words and conversations I've never had or heard, sometimes in languages I don't recognise. It builds in intensity as time goes on, turning into a whirlwind inside my head, crashing into my own thoughts like bricks on windows. They collide, and merge, parts of me connecting with them.

"-I never asked for this!"

"The barrier, something is-"

"-I don't care, Jordan!"

"-under attack!"

"-we need you, my prince."

"-a sister that will go to bat for you-"

"Ama vasu de'lo..."

"Your father...I am sorry..."

"-lucky I didn't kill 'im for them."

"La mea, I have no choice, the realm must survive-"

"Farewell, my love."

"Do you remember anything that helped?-"

"-the Realm is saved!"


My eyelids flicker, blurred images clearing steadily as I come to. Smiles spread over the faces hovering above me as I sit up and hold a hand to my head, wincing at the painful throbbing. Sighs of relief come from the Cullens and Emmett laughs briefly, leaning against his knees.

"A nuclear bomb couldn't kill you, wings," he says, grinning at me.

"For which I am incredibly thankful."

The voice chases the rest of the fog from my mind. I turn to find Jasper sitting beside me, smiling gently. Without thinking I throw my arms around him, knocking us both into the back of the sofa. He laughs softly, burying his head in the crook of my neck while his hand brushes through my hair.

"You're okay," I gasp, holding his face in my hands and breathing in his scent, my voice falling to a whisper, "you're okay, you're okay."

"Only because of you," he replies, nuzzling my cheek.

We stand up, holding one another closely. Despite the elating happiness I feel at seeing him alive, my mind is split. Part of my attention is not on Jasper, but the tugging sensation I cannot locate the source of. My body feels warmer than before - why, I can't say, but it comes in waves.

Beyond all the information my senses are picking up, the wind brushing against the windows, creaking floorboards, there it is: the prickling feeling down the back of my spine.  And it is not one of the Cullens because there are only eight of us here, now that Carlisle has gotten home from the reservation. I know what their presence is like, I've become accustomed to it. Not to mention the magical aura of whatever I'm sensing is like sparks floating in the air around me.

Alice darts forward and hugs Jasper too, sharing a smile with him before latching onto me with a giggle. "You're both okay!" She beams, stepping back on her heel, then Alice falters as her eyes glaze over. "Uh...g-guys?"

"Alice, what is it?" Jasper walks over, placing a hand on her arm. "What do you see?"

Her face clears, then contorts with a fury that surprises us all. Jasper falls back, bumping into my shoulder, no doubt from the force of her anger. "They left us!"

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