Hi, and Goodbye

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Hello, those of you who are still here. If you are, know I appreciate you very much, and I'm sorry.

I had grandiose plans for this last book, a long, high fantasy story that I poured my heart into. I made maps, playlists, constructed conlangs, and most importantly: I wrote all of my plans onto countless pages of a word document.

There was thousands of words, pictures, everything I wanted to do with this story, on that document. And one day, it was all gone.

I don't know what happened, my only theory is that an issue between my college account and my personal account somehow corrupted the files or removed them, but everything is just...gone.

I have never been more crushed. I couldn't even open Wattpad for weeks, and I apologise for that. I'm aware I was getting comments around this time period I never responded to, which wasn't fair.

I just don't think I can do this all again. I put so much time and energy into what I was preparing, the fact it's all gone is so upsetting.

That is what I am most sorry for. I know I've said it before, but the people who have read and interacted with these books have been pivotal in helping me develop as a writer - and a person. I wanted to deliver a full and satisfying ending for you, which is why I took my time writing everything and getting it right.

At this point in my life, I'm (hopefully) in my last year of college and aiming to start university next year. I don't have the time to redo all my work, especially because of how angry I still am about the fact it's fucking gone.

So, I'm sad to say, I think this is goodbye. I will still be active on this account, it has too much value for me to just abandon. I'm not sure about whether I'll leave the series up, on the one hand I still want others to enjoy it, but leaving it unfinished feels scummy...let me know your thoughts? You guys are the ones reading it, after all.

I hope all of you are well, and happy; and if you're not, things will get better, I promise. Things seem much darker when you're in the night than when you reach the morning. Flowery language? Yes. But it's true.

I wish every single one of you the best of life. Thank you for all the wonderful conversations, comments, and laughter that have been shared on these books over the years. I will treasure them always.

Farewell, and good travels my friends.

May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks.

- Amon Rawya.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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