6] Wings of Night

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I'm not proud of my reaction. I cowered, desperately trying to avoid the claymore aimed at my head. But as I brought my arms up to cover myself, a high-pitched keening noise travelled through the air, like a projectile hurtling towards me. Part of me hopes it's Tritan's spear, but no weapon he bears could make that noise.

A jet black form sings past my ear, the neon blue glow of it's tail the only thing visible in the darkness. The creature connects viciously with the Carvaar'sk, tearing into it's flesh. I watch in facination, waiting to see if it turns on me next.


Whatever is attacking the damned thing, it's doing a number on it. The terrible shrieking, thrashing and squealing borders on deafening before a final snarl cuts through a dying cry. As silence falls, two eyes shine at me from out of the darkness; brilliant purple, sparkling and intelligent.


"Jordan Scàlorëe," a quiet voice says.

I kneel down to see the creature properly. The black scales blend in so well with the crumbling ash of the Carvaar'sk I need to hover a ball of light above us. My jaw drops open when the form of a small dragon appears from the shadow.

"My Queen," the same voice says, the illuminated tail flicking around.

"How do you know my name?" I stare at him, amazed by the detailed scales covering his body.

The dragon grins, revealing rows of sharp, white teeth. "Everyone knows the name of the Nala'si, my Lady. The question is, do you know mine?"

My teeth anxiously tug at my bottom lip. "...Eito?"

"At your service," he replies, opening his wings and lowering his head in a bow.

A wave of intense happiness comes from nowhere, hitting me in the chest and chasing away anything else lingering after the fight. I can't help the smile on my face, and reach out my hand to press against his head. Eito's eyes widen, then he presses against my palm, purring gently.

"Thank you for saving my life," I say, amazed by the familiarity of his scales.

He flicks his tail, sending sparks from the pointed end. "I swore an oath many long years ago, my Lady, to protect your bloodline. I do not take this lightly. But I must apologise for taking so long to find you."

Before I am able to answer, the beat of hooves takes my attention. Tritan gallops over, face dark with concern. "Jordan! Are you alright?"

Pushing hair away from my eyes, I muster a confident smile. "I'm fine, Chief. What about you? Did I get it in time?"

Scanning his four-legged form, I can't see any immediately obvious wounds, but still wait for a response. He shakes his head, the shaggy mane flying everywhere. "I am unharmed, my Lady, and I owe you my life."

"You owe me nothing, Tritan," I say quickly, "you are my friend. I do not leave friends to die."

The wolf pack has gathered close by, eyes roaming over the three of us. I imagine we look quite the sight, and Eito's glowing scales won't do anything but increase our strange appearance. Sensing their fear, I beckon the small dragon over by stretching my arm out towards him. The movement feels natural, and Eito responds to it without hesitation. Curling around my neck, his heartbeat flows through me like flickering flame, warm and comforting. 

"Sam, as far as we know, these are the only ones to come here just now," I explain, "but if you see or hear any more, send a signal. We'll come back, okay?"

The giant black wolf nods his head, the gratitude clear in his eyes. The rest of the pack follows as he turns and leads them back to their homes. I watch, unable to stop the worry twisting in my stomach. There are so many people at risk, I can't protect them all.

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