Sleeping arrangments...

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A couple seconds after Sapnaps obnoxious scream, George finally climbed off dream. Dream with a hot pink glow on his face went to be seated on the couch with the other two and patches.

"So how long have you two been going behind my back to plan this?"

"Believe it or not just as long as we've been planning to move in together" replied Sapnap with a smug look on his face.

"Yeah it's been a really long time" added George "It was really hard keeping that secret from you considering we talk almost everyday"

"Well you definitely surprised me! So how long are you here for?"

"Well ummmmmmm.... Sapnap why don't you tell him"

"Ugh fine you chicken. He's moving in with us, of course if that's okay with you dream?"

Dream was in shock. He was going to be living with George?! It was really exciting but also nerve racking. He had no clue how to handle his comments on the phone let alone in real life.


Sapnap and a George looked confused and concerned. They took his excitement as anger. Noticing this Dream added on.


That definitely relieved them as he saw the worry leave their faces.

"There's only one problem though. All three bedrooms are being used. Me and Sapnap each have a room and the other room is where we keep our setup"

"Yeah about that Dream..." Said Sapnap prying. Dream had no clue where he was going with this. "So ummmmmm, I don't think George should have to sleep on the couch and I only have a twin bed and you have a queen soooooooo, is it okay if he sleeps with you?"

Dream gulped. He could barely get over them living together but them sharing a bed?!

"Um I don't care that's fine by me." Dream said running his fingers through his hair trying to act as non-chalaunt as possible.

"It will only be until we move the set ups somewhere else" chimed in George with a smile. He looked so much nicer in person. Skin as clear as porcelain with no flaws at all. The most gorgeous brown eyes dream had ever seen with small flecks of yellow and green in them. And the softest dark chocolate hair. And he smelled of cinnamon and cloves. Very comforting. His smile was contagious, lighting up the room as his face grew brighter.

"No it's fine really we'll take our time. No big deal." Replied Dream with a wide eyed smile.

The three just relaxed in the living room talking just as they did over the phone. Never any awkward moments. At around seven thirty that's when the hunger hit. All of them agreed on a supreme pizza because it's quick and good food. After eating pizza they were all just chilling in the kitchen. Dream and George sitting at the bar top and Sapnap sitting on the counter across from them. They were all on there phones until George spoke.

"Hey I'm tired from traveling all day. Do you guys mind if I shower then head to bed?"

"Honestly I'm right behind you. I didn't sleep well last night and I had to get up early for work so." Replied Dream

"So George the towels are gonna be your first door on the left when you're upstairs and the bathroom is right across the hall." Said Sapnap before George could even ask the question.

As soon as they heard the shower start Dream spoke.

"So how long have you been planning on me and him sharing a bed hm?" Dream asked sort of flustered

"Hey man I'm just trying to help you out okay? But ever since you told me your feelings for him. I mean he wasn't opposed at all soooooo" replying in a flirtatious tone

"Oh shut up. I know you said you were still gonna tease me but I wasn't expecting this much"

"Of course I have to tease you this much. What else are best friends for?"

The two sat in the same positions both on their phones. Around twenty minutes passed until dream decided to head to bed. George had already screamed goodnight to them while exiting the bathroom and entering Dreams room.

Dream went up the stairs after saying goodnight to Sapnap. His bedroom door was closed. So out of courtesy of not wanting to walk in on George changing he knocked. He heard a muffled "come in" from behind the door. When he opened the door he was surprised for the third time today.

There stood George in the middle of the room. He was wearing grey sweatpants like before and a lime green hoodie. Both of which swallowed his figure. That's because they were dreams. If Dream was being honest with him self George looked adorable, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Hey Im sorry, you don't mind I borrowed some of your pajamas. Mine are still being shipped up I don't have a lot of clothes here."

"It's fine don't worry about it" replied Dream with a straight voice

"Are you sure because-"

He was interrupted by Dream. Dream wasn't thinking and his legs moved for him. He walked over to George shutting the door behind him. They were now standing only about six inches away from each other. Dream put his thumb under George's jawline lifting his face so they made eye contact.

"It's. Fine."

Neither moved. Just stood there making eye contact, not wanting it to end. Dream broke their gaze by walking towards the bed and laying down. George just stood looking dumb founded.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna sleep?" Dream asked giggling

"Oh sorry haha I was just zoning out" he replied half heartedly

He claimed in next to Dream under the soft navy blue blanket. They were back to back laying in the bed. Dream was about to dose off when he realized George was shaking.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Oh y-yeah I'm just cold. I'm used to the Florida weather and I've never seen snow before let alone lived in it you know?"

"I completely forgot about that haha"

Without saying another word he flipped over and wrapped his arms around George's torso to where he was now the big spoon. George wouldn't be able to see it in the dark but dream had the goofiest grin on his face.

The comfortable silence was interrupted by a whisper from George

"Goodnight dreamie"

"Goodnight Gogy"



I hope you enjoyed shawtys 😼

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