What are we

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George was the first to wake up at 11:30. All of the memories of last night flooding back. He kissed Dream? Then, oh fuck Sapnap caught them. There's no way he remembers though. Right? And what if he did? What are we gonna do? Hell what even are "we"? His thoughts were interrupted by a kiss on the lips.

"Good morning" spoke the blonde boy. His voice was a bit raspy considering he just woke up.

"Good morning to you too! Based on that I assume you remember last night"

"How could I forget?" The grin never leaving his face. "But speaking of remembering, what are we gonna do about Sapnap? If he remembers that is."

"Well there's only one way to find out. We've gotta go downstairs and face him"

"Noooooooo I don't wannaaaaaa" said dream wrapping his arms around George more "besides I have a headache from this stupid hangover"

"We have to go down sooner or later so we might as well get it over with." He said climbing out of bed.

"Yeah I guess your right" he said standing up. He approached his bedroom door while George approached the mirror to do something with his hair. He was combing through it with his fingers as Dream was grabbing the door knob. He was turning the knob when he heard

"Clay!" In a whispered voice. The brunette motioned for dream to come over. That's when he noticed why he sounded nervous. Two bruises one under his jawline, the other at the bottom of his neck.

"Well if Sapnap didn't remember last night after seeing those he will" spoke Dream as he brushed his thumb over the marks "give me two seconds I'll be right back"

He left and came back a few moments later with a small blue pouch in his hands. He sat on the bed crisscrossed and patted the space in front of him. George took the opening sitting across from him

"What the fuck is that?" He asked dream as he unzipped it

"A hickey kit. My older sister made it for me back in high school and gave it to me when I was a freshman. We had strict parents so I was grateful even though I only needed it once up until now." He took a dark salmon colored concealer and applied it to the marks. Then taking a small purple sponge he blended it out. Then taking a concealer, closer to George's skin tone than his own, he applied it over the now dark orange marks. George flinched at the touch.

"You okay?"

"Yeah it's just cold haha"

Back returned the comfortable silence. Dream relifted the sponge blending in the new color

"You know, it's a shame you've gotta cover these up" he said

"And why is that?" George asked with a chuckle

"They look good on you." (We love a good heatwaves reference)

"Shut up and get back to work" George replied slightly flustered

He then took a foundation powder and small brush and applied a thin layer over the concealer.

"Voilá! Go look"

The marks were gone. It was like they disappeared

"You ready?"


George and Dream left the room one behind the other. Downstairs they found Sapnap with his head down on the bar top in the kitchen.

"Hey guys" he groaned "Jesus fuck do you need every light on in the damn house Dream?" He said as he picked his head up

"Considering I only turned on one light I would say no. I'll turn it off if you don't want breakfast"

"Nevermind the light is fine. I'm starving what are you making?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes?"

"Yesssssssss. Sapnap doesn't get a say in it that's what we're having!" Chimed in George

Dream pulled all of the needed supplies for the simple food out of his pantry. Before mixing everything in a bowl he heated a pan and added a small amount of butter. He pour small pancakes on the pan while George and Sapnap sat at the bar

"Damnnnn Dream you got some cake!" Said Sapnap. While talking he moved his pointer finger and thumb across his chin

"Oh shut up"

The pancakes were ready and they were all eating happily when Sapnap got a text

"Who's that" asked George

"It's Karl. He asked if him and Alex could come over. He said their hella hungover and wanna be hungover with us. Maybe have a movie day or something. Is that okay?" He practically pleaded

"It's all good with me. What about you George?"

"Yeah that's fine by me." His words muffled by the food in his mouth

"Ok they just told me that even if you said no they were already on their way. They're like ten minutes out"

"Oof okay um can you guys grab a sheet and the projector? I'm gonna hop in a shower. Maybe it'll get rid of this headache"

"Yeah sure. George I'll grab the stuff you just grab blankets and pillows since you know where that is"

When Dream came down stairs Karl and Alex were standing in the middle of the room

"Karl come here we're gonna cuddle" said Sapnap patting the seat on the couch beside him

"Yessssss I love cuddling with the homies!" Said Karl taking the seat

"I swear you two are the most homie-sexual people I know" added in Alex

Everyone was seated on the couch. Karl and Sapnap cuddling with George right next to them, Alex chose to sit in between Dream and George.

They were watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets (they let dream pick)

"Ok so hold on" dream said as he paused the movie "What do you guys remember from last night, 'cause there is no way you remember everything?"

"Last thing I remember I was playing beer pong with these two nimrods, next thing I know someone has a joint, and I woke up here. I have a fat bruise on my ass though will someone please explain that?" Sapnap replied

Ok good he didn't remember walking upstairs.

"Well, pretty much George and I got tired of sitting on the couch so we went upstairs into the hallway and were, um talking." Great cover up dream, he thought to himself  "but then you walked up and started talking to us and your words were slurring and you turned around to walk away and busted your ass falling down the stairs. So we called an Uber which brought us home"

Subconsciously George had been rubbing and itching his neck while this conversation

"Woah-ho-ho, looks like Gogy did something he forgot about too!" Alex exclaimed matter-of-factly

The subconscious rubbing of his neck lifted the makeup revealing, faintly as not everything came off, the two bruises on his neck.


I- so that's that

That chapter was kinda hard to write that's why it took so long loves :)

And on top of that I've been really unmotivated recently so chapters are gonna take a little longer, sorry for that

But I hope you liked it! Next chapter will be out (hopefully) by the end of this week

Love you all <3

- Kam 💕

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