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Tw// Happy Couple Shit

Narrator POV (yall next chapter will be first person :p)

The gentle gleam of the morning sun peeked through the crevices in the blinds. The slivers of light illuminating specific parts of the room showing those small translucent dust particles that you wouldn't be able to see otherwise. As soon as the light hit his eyelids, George woke up, still completely in his now boyfriends hold. It felt nice to be able to think of it like that. To be able to have that state of mind. And although he wished he could stay there forever, his stomach had other plans making a low grumble indicating he was hungry. Slowly but surely, as to not wake Dream up, he replaced his body in Dreams hold with an unoccupied pillow and climbed out of bed.

This movement caused Patches, who was sleeping in a curled up ball at the foot of the bed, to wake up. She did a long stretch and gracefully jumped off the bed, proceeding to walk to the bedroom door with George. Peering down, he picked her up in his arms and left the bedroom shutting the door behind him as quiet as possible. She purred as he scratched behind her ears while walking down the annoyingly loud stairs.

"Good morning sweetheart" he said at almost a whisper placing a peck in between her ears and setting her down on the floor. He then wandered toward the fridge, Patches following in suit, ultimately deciding to make scrambled eggs and toast (personal opinion eggs are gross :D).

He grabbed the half filled carton of eggs, along with some butter and strawberry jam for his toast, and placed them on the smooth marble counters of the kitchen island. Turning on his heel he grabbed one of the pans hanging from the hooks above the stove and placed it on a burner. A small amount of butter was then placed in the pan and the dial of the burner was turned with a click.

Standing on his tip-toes, he reached into the cabinet above him grabbing a bowl, and the drawer in front of him to grab the whisk and spatula. Before scrambling the eggs he placed four pieces of toast in the toaster, one side set to where the toast was barely cooked, the other set to where it was practically burnt. He never understood how Dream could eat it like that, but nevertheless he cooked it the way he liked it.

Moving back towards the bowl he cracked in four eggs, two for him and two for Dream, (he figured Sapnap probably wouldn't wake till noon which he was correct for assuming). He then slowly whisked the whites and yolks together careful not to hit the sides of the bowl and cause a racket. Once the contents appeared to be thoroughly mixed, he poured them into the pan with is making a soft sizzling noise. Letting the eggs sit for a second, he heard a pop from the toaster. However, as he was about to turn around to retrieve it a pair of arms were snaked around his waist and a chin was placed on his shoulder.

"Watch a doin Gogy?" He barely spoke before placing a kiss on his cheek

"Well I'm trying to make breakfast" he smiled

"Mhmmmm. Well I have a better job for you" Dream hummed.

Before George had the chance to reply, he was being picked up by the waist and placed on the counter space next to the stovetop.

"And what is this job?" George asked once he was as comfortable as he could be on the hard surface.

Dream then walked over and stood between his legs, hands on either side of the others thighs resting on the cold marble, and placed a quick kiss to the tip of his nose.

"Sit there and look stunning" he stated simply before walking to the island to put the toast on a plate and retrieve the spatula.

He maneuvered the eggs with the spatula and sprinkled them with salt and pepper. After deciding they were cooked he grabbed two small blue plates from the cabinet to his right, and scooped the contents of the pan onto the platters. He buttered his and George's toast, adding some jam on top of George's. Lastly he grabbed two forks from a drawer to his left and handed George his plate, taking a seat on the island across from him.

They ate in a comfortable silence which was broken by Dream asking

"What time is it love?"

George peered down to the stovetop reading off

"8:15, why?"

"Oh I have to get ready for work"

George shot him a confused look.

"I never told you?" The question earning a head shake from the other. "When I first started YouTube, I got a job at Starbucks just in case things didn't work out. And I could've easily quit by now, but I don't know, I like the consistency of it. Hell its one of the only consistent things in my life other than getting canceled on Twitter ever other day" (*cough cough* kaceytron 😐) the last part he said with a laugh.

George simply nodded as he got down from the counter grabbing both of their plates abandoning them in the sink. He waltzed over to the couch to sit with Patches as Dream made his way upstairs.

When he came back down around ten minutes later he was wearing semi wide legged blue jeans, a black crew neck (with a white polo underneath of course), small silver stud earrings, and doc martens. He did a quick self pat-down at the end of the stairs making sure he had everything (phone, keys, wallet, etc). After seeming satisfied he walked into the living room to see Patches sleeping in George's lap as he stared at whatever he was watching on the T.V. He gave him a kiss on the cheek and said

"See you later love" with a smile

"See you later" he said his voice filled with giggles

On his way out the door he grabbed his fleece coat and got in his car to go to work.


Ayo, new chapter. Pog!

I really like this chapter ngl

Also one of my friends read this and now all she does is send me references to my own fanfic (Ik you're reading this aly wally)

Also if there is any errors I'm sorry, I'm literally writing this at like 11:30 at night soooooooooo


Also I dyed my hair purple 😳

N e ways I digress

New chapters soon :D

As always

-Kam ❤️

Love y'all sm

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