Movie theaters

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The position they woke up in, Well it was definitely questionable. Dream woke up first and was surprised to say the least. He was really warm. Which he was confused by considering it was twelve degrees out. Then he realized. He was laying on his back with a human blanket on top of him. George on top of dream. Dream always thought it would be the other way around, but that's besides the point. He pushed him off to the side making sure he didn't wake up then headed down stairs.

The time on the microwave read ten thirty as he passed by on his way to the kitchen. He hadn't realized he slept so late but wasn't going to complain about it either. There sat Sapnap on the couch watching something on the tv. Dream didn't pay attention to what it was. As soon as he sat he was questioned.

"So, how'd you sleep?" He asked not moving his eyes from the show.

"Pretty good. Why do you ask?"

"I mean I would sleep pretty good too if my crush was sleeping on top of me STRADDLING me." He replied glancing at him.

"What?! How do you even know about that?"

"Well I walked in to see if you guys were awake and I saw both of you sleeping and you were like rubbing his back man. It's obvious he's into you why won't you just do something?"

"I don't know. You know me I'm bad with shit like that."

Just then George came down stairs. He had dreams comforter wrapped around him as he slowly descended down the steps.

"Do you guys wanna do something today? I mean dream said he slept good so you guys should have energy." Asked Sapnap

"I'm down. Is there anything in particular you wanna do?" Replied George.

"Oh there's this really cool vintage drive in movie place downtown. Let me see.... they're showing Back to the future at 2:30. Does that sound good?"

"Fine by me." Said Sapnap

"Ooooooooo yeah that sounds cool." Replied George

"Ok movie theater it is! We'll leave here around 1:30 cause it's about a twenty minute drive and then we need time to park and get snacks and things"

"Ok one thirty it is!"

They made breakfast for lunch. The meal consisted of eggs, waffles, toast, and sausage. George and Sapnap were surprised by dreams cooking skills. Everything tasted like they ordered it from a local good diner.

It was about one twenty and they were gonna leave. Sapnap was wearing simple black champion sweatpants and a white t-shirt. George was in a dark blue hoodie and black jeans. Dream was wearing an emerald green sweater with black jeans and the same padlock chain he wore with every outfit.

The drive was chill just listening to music. Dream was driving with George in the passenger seat and Sapnap in the back. He lost Rock Paper Scissors. After around twenty five minutes, there was slight traffic, they arrived. After driving to find a parking spot for about ten minutes they decided for a spot towards the middle of the lot. Dream and George went to go get snacks leaving Sapnap to set up the trunk of the car to full comfort.

The snack bar looked like a diner from the fifties. Sapnap wanted sour patch kids, George wanted snow caps, and dream wanted junior mints. They were all gonna share a popcorn. George and Dream were sharing a blue raspberry icee and Sapnap just having a coke.

Dream left George at the picnic tables while he went to order. When he came back with most of the items, just waiting on the popcorn to be poppep, George stood uncomfortably talking to a group of girls. Dream could tell from far away two things. One that they were flirting with him. Two that he was NOT enjoying. He began acting faster than his mind could realize what he was doing. He walked up behind George and wrapped his arms around the from of his body resting his head on his shoulder. Then this happened.

Placing a kiss on George's cheek he said
"Hey babe! Just waiting on the popcorn. Are these some friends of yours?"

George was caught off guard but went along with it.

"Hiiiiiiiiii. Um no they just asked me where the bathrooms were."

That's not what they actually said but they had to sell it

"Oh ok. Well let's go grab our food!" He held out his hand "Shall we?" Dream asked. George grabbed it intertwining their fingers and walking away. As soon as they turned the corner they were cracking up.

"Oh my god did you see the look on their faces?! That might've been the highlight of my day!" George said absolutely hysterical.

They grabbed the popcorn and the rest of the snack foods and headed back to the car. They didn't realize but their hands were still locked. Arriving at the car Sapnap had done a pretty decent job. A blanket lined the bottom of the trunk with multiple pillows on top and each having their own blanket.

Dream let go of George's hand to climb in next to Sapnap. George followed next to him sandwiching Dream in between the two. He grabbed Dreams hand again. Dream grabbed back hesitantly but gave in. Dream began moving his thumb up and down the side of George's.

Sapnap saw all of this happen but didn't say anything.

About an hour into the movie Dream felt a heavy weight drop onto his lap. George had layer down on his lap resting his head on the others thighs. Dream took his free hand and began to play with his hair. About fifteen minutes later George fell asleep. Sapnap took advantage of this moment.

"You know, you two may be the cheesiest humans on the planet?"

"I hate you" dream said with laughter

"Love you too Dream"

The movie ended and George woke up this time climbing in the backseat with Sapnap calling shotgun. They arrived home and Dream unpacked everything from the car. They were home for about two hours.

"Guys I'm fucking starving" Sapnap spoke up

"Ok well I can make tacos. I make some bomb ass tacos" Answered Dream

"Ok sounds good too me." Said Sapnap and George in unison. Just then someone's phone dinged. It was Sapnaps. He smiled at his phone quickly replying to the text

"Ok, how would you guys like to go to a party tonight?"


Teehee so just an fyi next chapter is pretty fire. I hope you enjoy :)

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