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A/N- y'all do you like when the povs are written in third person? or do you want them to be in first? if you guys would prefer first i'll do that from now on, just lmk here <3

George pov

"Care to explain what the fuck those are?"

were  the first words spoken from Alex as soon as Dream and Sapnap left the room.

"Let me just-"

"George I love you but sometimes you are an absolute nimrod"

Karl butted in

"If you would let me-"

"Not even a week ago you were on the phone with us talking about how you're practically in love with Dream and then you show up and do shit like this. I mean how could you-" interrupted Alex


George was fed up at this point. His fists were clenched so hard the the palms of his hands would start bleeding if he didn't let go. His face was red as tears pricked in the corners of his eyes from frustration. All he wanted was to explain, but they wouldn't stop interrupting.

"Jesus if you're gonna yell at us then yeah i guess we can let you have an explanation"

"Ok thank you. So pretty much at the party last night i don't know if you saw but Dream and I were sitting on the couch. Even though we were just sitting doesn't change the fact that we were drinking. a lot. So after we were both sufficiently drunk we were dancing, and one thing led to another and next thing I know we were making out. I'm so upset that you guys wouldn't let me explain because they're from him okay?"

Silence. The silence was so incredibly loud. It was short lasting and interrupted but while it lasted, it was louder than the yelling from earlier.

"Shut your mom! Shut your entire mom!"

exclaimed Karl breaking the silence

"So are you two..... like a thing you know?"

"I have no clue. He remembered the whole thing and stuff but we haven't really talked about it.  And now here we are"

"Holy shit! I am so sorry for getting all mad Jorge. Will you ever forgive me all mighty George?"

Questioned alex while making prayer hands

"Of course I will forgive you Quackity my beloved! Bring it in guys hug it out come on"

George motioned with his hands while the other two happily obliged for the group hug.

"One rule about what we talked about"

"Yes Gogy?" said Karl

"Ok first off never call me Gogy again. Second off DO NOT tell sapnap or dream what we talked about okay? This is strictly between us."

"Got it Gog- I mean George!"

As if on cue Sapnap came waddling down the stairs. But where was dream?

"Dreams upstairs in his room George." Sapnap stated as almost reading his mind.

George got up from the group hug leaving the other two whining, although Sapnap happily took George's place, he dashed upstairs immediately going to Dreams room.

He opened the door to see Dream sitting on his bed doing something on his phone. The noise of the other entering caused him to look up. When he saw who it was his blank expression immediately changed to a smile.

"Gogy!" he said happily. He reached his arms straight out and made grabby hands. His smile saddened into a pout when George didn't get the memo

"Why are you sad now?" George said closing the bedroom door.

"No cuddles?" he said using almost a baby voice, continuing with the grabby hands. George let out a silent "oh" and granted his wishes by climbing into bed resting his head on Dreams chest and tangling their legs.


"Yes love?" those words practically made him melt on the spot.

"What are we?"

"We can be whatever you want to be." he spoke simply. Grabbing George's hand he intertwined their fingers and kissed his knuckles.

"I like this" George spoke after a couple seconds

"Well what is this?" Dream asked hopefully

"I want to be yours if that's okay with you?"

"Of course it is love" his words were genuine and laced with sweetness smoothly gliding off his tongue like honey or molasses.

"Yours?" George asked one more time

"Mine" Dream spoke picking up his phone again.

They stayed like this contently far past sunset. George was about to slip out of consciousness when he felt one last thing.

It was a soft kiss pressed to his temple and the words

"My Gogy"

He then drifted off to the world of sleep with a smile plastered on his face.


Guys I love this chapter so much.

I hope you guys are well and I love you all <3

Have a great rest of your day/night

as always

-Kam ❤️

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