Definitly more than friends

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A/N- what the f a w k is happening at this point. i literally have an F in biology and i'm sitting here writing gay fan fiction about a green block man and a british twink 😜🤘

at least i have my priorities straight 🙏

George leaned in closing the gap between the two. Dream was hesitant at first, but eventually kissed back. They're first twenty four hours together and they can't stay away from each other. George kept his hand pulling on the others chain while Dream moved his hands. One moving to cup George's face, the other moving to his waist. And they're they were. Making out in a sea of people at their best friend's party. And they didn't care. Just staying there. Up until George pulled away as the song was dying out.

"Dream?" He whispered

"What?" He replied back in the same hushed voice

"What if Napsap seeeeeeees ussssssss"

"Did you just call him napsap?" He giggled both still whispering


They were both dying of laughter.

"Come on!" He finished the sentence intertwining their fingers in a tight grip. George lead dream up the stairs into a corridor. Releasing the grip of the others hand, dream looked into George's eyes before leaning in again reconnecting their lips. They stood in the center of the corridor until George was pinned to the wall. George's hands were wrapped around dreams neck while dreams hands slid down to the others waist. Everything was going smoothly until-

"Heyyyy guys I've been looking allllllll over for-"

That voice was all too familiar. They looked up to see an incredibly drunk Sapnap staring at them.

"Well! I am soooooo sorry to interrupt!" His words slurred together as they left his mouth. Too busy paying attention to their friend George was still pinned to the wall by his waist.

"Well I'll just leave you two-" He was turning around as he spoke to go downstairs. His vision was so blurred from the alcohol, and weed they later found out, that he slipped and plummeted down the stairs.

Immediately releasing their position they peered down stairs to see their friend laying on the floor

"I am allllll goooooooodddddddd" he said giving a thumbs up. That's the moment when they called an Uber to get them.

Around thirty minutes later the Uber was there. Dream and George pulling their friend by the wrist out of the house.

"I don't wanna leaveeeeeeee. Karl will miss me too much!" He said pouting

"I'm sure Karl will be fine, now let's get you home" replied george

They slid into the Uber and sat in silence on the car ride home.

"Thank you very much sir!" Sapnap said giggly to the Uber driver seconds before the door was closed in front of him by Dream

"I don't even know why you guys brought me home! I am completely specfabulous!"

Moments after that beautiful sentence he crashed on the couch and was dead asleep in five minutes. After noticing he was asleep there was no hesitation with George. He immediately grabbed Dreams hand leading him upstairs into their room. It was almost like nothing happened as they resumed what happened at the party. Dreams hands at the others waist. But this time they were moving. This movement wasn't large until they moved so much that George fell back on the mattress with Dream on top of him. Never breaking contact. And they stayed like this for a little, till Dream got bold. He began moving his lips to where he was kissing from the others jawline down to his collarbone.



"I'm getting tired"

"Are, you, sure?" He said placing a kiss on the others lips in between each word


"Ok" dream immediately stopped after hearing those words

"Goodnight gogy, I had fun tonight" grinning as those words left his mouth

"Me too dreamie, me too"

They fell asleep cuddling like the night before. Except tonight it was different, you know considering they just made out for like an hour. They knew this was definitely gonna change things, but didn't wanna deal with that till the morning. Speaking of which it was now eleven thirty am...


TEEHEE. Um so that's pretty pog

The next chapter will be released soon luvs <3

Also thank you so much for seven hundred freaking reads. It means a lot to me and I hope all of you are doing well

Thank you all for supporting my writing and I hope you are enjoying!

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