Partys are fun ig

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"What the hell do you mean a party?" George asked unamused

"That text is from quackity. Him and Karl are having a party at their place tonight at nine. We're going. Besides you got a nap in at the movie theater so you should be very well rested!"

"Since it starts at nine we'll leave here at nine to get there around nine thirty or ten since we have no choice but to go." Said Dream

"Wait why are we leaving at nine if it starts at nine?" Asked George curiously

"Rule number 1 of party's: NEVER be the first ones there. You look desperate." Replied sapnap

"Oh ok. Dream can you come upstairs with me I! I need help."

"Yeah-" He barely had time to respond as George dragged him upstairs by the wrist into his bedroom closing the door behind him.

"I've never been to a party." He blurted out

"Ok and? It's not that big of a deal gogy."

"Ok well. Just help me pick out a decent outfit"

"Ooooooo wait. I'm just gonna wear what I'm wearing but add a black polo underneath my sweater and not wear white shoes. That's another rule never wear white shoes to a party. But you can wear what your wearing and borrow a white polo to wear underneath."

Reaching into his closet he pulled out a plain white and black polo t-shirts and two pairs of black air forces. One pair being small on dream meaning they would fit George.

Both threw on the polos and layered their sweaters over top. George was about to walk downstairs and put his shoes on when-

"George wait a second"

Dream walked over to his dresser and opened a small box. He reached in and pulled out a silver chain almost identical to his. He approached George and put it around his neck.

"Look it's the key to the padlock on my necklace! Now we match" he said giddily

"Ok let's go" George smiled grabbing ahold of Dreams wrist again bringing him down stairs back into the living room. Both sat on the couch, George leaning into Dreams shoulder, watching YouTube on the tv.

Sapnap cared A LOT about his appearance. He spent over an hour getting ready and finally came downstairs.

"Dreammmmmmmm you never made tacos" George said whining

"There'll be food at the party come on" said Dream standing up. He offered a hand to George to help him off the couch.

Dream got in the drivers seat once again with George sitting in the passengers side. Sapnap called aux for the ride there so Dream and George were stuck listening to rap, which was okay just not their vibe.

Pulling up at nine thirty they definitely weren't the first ones there. It looked to be about 50-60 people there only thirty minutes after the proclaimed start. Getting out of the car and just before walking in the door they were greeted by Quackity and Karl. They explained where the bathrooms were, where the food was, and of course where the drinks were.

Sapnap quickly made his way to the table of alcohol making drinks for him and his friends. Dream and George accepted the offer and sat down on a couch together. The sea of people in the room was crazy. And the music was loud enough to make your ears bleed. Being only ten, the time passing by horribly fast, the night had only just begun.


It was now eleven thirty. This was dreams fourth time already getting up to refill him and George's drinks. They were still sitting on the same couch just talking like they've been for the past hour. A song started playing. It had a nice beat to it. All of a sudden the brunette stood up.

"Come on we're gonna go dance"

"Oh no we absolutely are not" replied dream

"What's the matter clay? You nervous?"

Dream accepted the brunettes hand as he lead him out into the middle of the sea of people.


Releasing his hand George began to follow the people in the crowd jumping to the beat of the music. Neither Dream or George was this bold but the alcohol was liquid courage. The colorful strobe lights flashing over their faces. Both of them were lost. In the party, in the song, in the movement.

There's always that part in an upbeat song that slows down before it gets quick again. George took this opportunity in the song. He stopped dancing and stared at Dream till dream stopped dancing too. He walked closer to Dream, then grabbed him by his necklace, pulling him so close to the point where their noses were touching.

"George what are you-"

"Remember what happened at the movie theater today? How you called me babe and kissed me and held my hand and played with my hair?"

"Yeah I remember that wha-"

George pulled on the chain again to where his mouth was directly next to Dreams ear

"What if that wasn't only an act? What if that was real?"

He moved his head to where their foreheads were pressed together. The same mind numbing eye contact that they had in Dreams room the night before. Both were too intoxicated to control what happened next. George, never letting go of the others chain, leaned in...


SNSNSJJSJSJSJSJSJSJS enjoy the cliffhanger teehee

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