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Time skip 6-8 years later (ik that's a lot but plot)

Third Person POV

Both Dream and George were peacefully sleeping. Emphasis on the word were. That was until they woke up to a sudden weight on their chests, interrupting their comfortable position. 

"Dad, Dad get upppppppp! It's my first day of 1st grade!!!"

Not surprisingly it was their daughter, Salem.

Now I know what you're thinking. Daughter?!

Let's back track a little bit.

Most of their mornings went like the previous one. Breakfast together before Dream left for work, George just hanging around with Sapnap all day till Dream got home, the occasional date night (about once a week)

After about three months of this Sapnap got tired of the "corny couple bullshit" and moved in with Karl and Alex. This however left George in the house, alone, all day while Dream worked. And he absolutely hated it.

This is where it gets serious.

Dream quit his job. After all they were both financially stable with their Youtube and Twitch channels. Which brought up another thing.

After about a year of strictly streaming and filming for videos, they realized they couldn't do this forever. So they did one final stream, announcing everything. From their relationship, to them living together, to why they were done with streaming. And although this was a sad time for both of them, Dream did something not only responsible but something that would benefit both of them in the long run. He went back to school.

Now I'm telling you right now, there was no way he was physically going back to school. He did online college. For what you might be wondering. Well he got his teaching degree. Specifically for First and Second Graders.

And obviously George needed a job too, he can't just rely on Dream for anything and everything. Thankfully he had coding experience and got a well paying job at a software design company where he got good hours, and got to do something he loves almost everyday.

Let's just say during Dream taking online college courses, it wasn't the easiest. He often overworked himself and overthought a lot. So many late nights filled with takeout, and laughter, and music. About halfway through getting his degree, during one of these late nights, is when Dream proposed.

Listen it was not a grand proposal at all. Here's how it happened. They were sitting across from each other at the island in the kitchen, both stabbing their chopsticks into the small red and white boxes in their hands of orange chicken and rice at about 12:45 in the morning. George was to busy laughing cause Dream accidentally flung one of his chopsticks like halfway across the house, to notice the small box being slid across the counter toward him. When he finally pulled himself together he looked down to the black velvet box on the counter in front of him. His eyes flickered, between the box and Dream. And then this is what happened.

Dream forgot his entire sappy speech he had planned and said the first thing that came to mind, which happened to be

"Um......... marriage?"

Even with that poor choice of words, he still said yes.

After Dream completed his degree, they got married. It was a small wedding, with only their families (who were both completely supportive) and most of their old friends from the SMP.

Once they were married and settled with their new jobs for about a year, they wanted a kid. Which honestly was not expected from either of them. But ever since Dream started working with kids and mentioned all of his students to George everyday, they wanted one of their own.

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