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(Thank you @Sophiay0728 for giving me something to write about)

"We've been hit!"
"What is that bastard doing to my ship!?" I scream at Din from my room, who's driving Victorian.
I've been pregnant with our baby girl for almost 9 months and the due date is less then a week away. Me and Din have talked about settling down once our girl is born and we were about to before we realized we are still wanted by the empire.

The nurse droid we bought to help me around the house and with the baby, walks into the room.
"You should not be stressing your body. Doing so could trigger-" it didnt have to finish that sentence because I felt something wet slip out from between my legs.
"Ahh! Din! The baby's coming!" I scream in a panic. Hes still trying to avoid the bounty hunter who continues to shoot at us.
With those words, the nurse droid jumps into action. It gives me a dose of painkiller and props my body to prepare for the baby.

(To save you all the gruesome details, here's a time skip to after the baby is delivered and the other ship is shot down)

As the nurse brings our beautiful child back to me, Din runs into the room, ripping his helmet off. The nurse droid gently places the sleeping bundle in my arms. I look down to see my little girl. Her eyes are closed and her chest is rising and falling gently. I look to Din and he has tears in his eyes. He looks overjoyed and he wraps his arms me and the girl.
"What will be her name?" The droid ask me.
"Epidot," I smile as silent tears fall from my eyes.
"She looks just like her mother," din teases gently.
"I bet she will be as strong as her father,"  I hope she will have the force so I can train her myself.
"I love you both so much," din kisses Epidot's fuzzy head gently then rises to give me a loving kiss and for that moment we were more then just happy.
Exhausted from the delivery, I fall asleep to the sound of Din humming mandolorian lullabies to Epidot, who is sleeping in his arms.

I wake up a couple hours later to the sound of the ship landing. I look out the window to see sogan.
"Din why are we here?" I groan and try to sit up.
"Well cara wanted to meet Epidot," he scoops her out of her crib and puts her in grogus old carriage.
"Can you walk?" Din asks, connecting the carriage to his wrist controls.
"I think so," I stand on my wobbly legs and almost fall over but din catches me.
"I'm fine," I straighten my back and walk a few steps but fall on the floor.
"I'll get you a hover chair," Din smiles.
I chuckle, making pain shoot through my body.

I get changed and we walk to caras tavern. She recently bought the tavern to own herself. As soon as we get to the door, Cara jumps out from behind the counter.
"Kemah! Mando! Come sit. How are you guys holding up?" She guides us to a table and we all sit.
"We're good but I'm in a little pain," I say as Din holds my hand.
"So wheres the little missy?" Cara says looking around and spoting Epidot in the carriage.
"Guys...you put her in his old carriage..." she sounds like she on the edge of tears.
"Her names Epidot," I smile at Cara who's gushing over the little bundle.
"Can I...can I pick her up?" She says in a hushed tone.
"Yes just be careful. I know how strong you are," shes grinning as she cradles her head and body so gently as if she were to shatter at any moment. She gingerly places Epidot back in the carriage and turns back to us.
"If you guys need help running from the empire, I still got that gun," Cara offers.
"That would be greatly appreciated but we dont want to flood your tavern with bounty hunters and stormtroopers," Din objects and I nod in agreement.
"Ok then. But if you want to stay the night, your welcome to," we agree to stay the night and the morning.

That night I couldn't sleep and when I did I had a vision of Epidots future.

I would train her in her early years. She would be taken away from us not by force but by my decision. She would grow strong and gain knowledge. Then she would perish at the hands of her love Ben Solo. I would go to find her body in a sickly matter and I perish from the sadness.

I wake up in a cold sweat and Din wakes when he hears my crying. I tell him what I saw.
"Our baby girl is going to be killed..." I say in disbelief.
"Is there anything we could do to stop it?" He runs his hands between my shoulder blades to calm me down. I take a deep breath and respond.
"I've heard stories of a jedi who tried to stop a death of a loved one. He ended up causing her death. So I dont think theres anything we could do,"
"Well let's take it one day at a time,"

When Epidot was 2 1/2, she showed signs of the force.

When she was 7, luke Skywalker came to us again and asked us if he could train her at his temple. Din disagreed for a few days but finally let her go. I wanted her to go so she could learn the ways of the jedi and not a sith.

It was when she was 12 that we were aloud to see here again. She had grown strong in the force and in mind. I hated leaving my little girl to die and I knew when we left, that would be the last time I saw her alive.

When we got the transmission, it was from Luke. We were the only family he contacted because we were the only family to give up two force using children.
"I'm sorry but...Epidot is dead." The room was silent for a few seconds while the news sunk in.
"It was not just her, but all the padawan's, including...including Grogu," I was to stunned I didnt cry but I heard Dins breath hitch.

She was gone.

And grogu.

Our children.


I spun the ship around as fast as I could and headed to their planet. When we got there, part of the planet was on fire. We landed and I ran out, the force pulling me to Epidots body. It lay twisted. Her throat was swollen from a force choke and a lightsaber burn right through her heart.
"No...NO! EPIDOT! ANSWER ME!" I cried. I lay my hands over her burnt heart, trying to force heal her but the force would not allow it.
"no...Epidot" I whisper her name one last time as I slowly slip into darkness.

And just like that, I become one with the force.

Deadly Little Lovers//star wars mandolorian x Sith OC//Where stories live. Discover now