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I was still sleepy but I still managed to put the dead body on a hovercraft and dragged it out.
I walked into the cantina to see the the casual crowd of people. I pushed Mer off my shoulder and placed her on a low hanging branch where she started to clean herself
I strutted in and spotted Greef. I'm nicer to him because I have to for work but not by much.
He was talking to a mandolorian in shiny armor. I don't care if hes talking to someone else or dying, I want my credits. I slam the body in the table making Greef jump.
"Hello to you too, miss grumpy. Cant you see I'm busy?" He sarcastically whined. I messily flipped the body on the table, making his drink spill over him.
"Do you want to stop calling me that or do you want to be dead in a ditch?" He seemed unfazed by my threat.
"Oh go throw your temper tantrums somewhere else," he shouted while cleaning himself up.
I walk away leaving the body on their table. I head over to the bar and ask for something without alcohol. I like to keep a level head at all times.
I wait till they are done and walk over. I sit where the mandolorian sat but call back to him
"Hey, steelhead(meant as a insult) when you die, let me know. I could use some of that shiny stuff!"
He spins around and walks to me.
"Whats your name!?" He demands.
"Sorry what was that? I cant hear you through your broken moderater," I tease, knowing it will likely end bad for me.
"What is your name" he says through what sound like gritted teeth.
"Desakora. Now back off. I dont want to scratch up my future armor." He quickly whips around stomping out the door.
"Well hes fun" I say flatly, turning to Greef.
We finish our business and I'm about to head back to Victorian when I see a blaster shot land near my feet.

(For those who are confused: kemah lavarson was her first name. Desakora is her second name she changed to, later explained in the story.)

Deadly Little Lovers//star wars mandolorian x Sith OC//Where stories live. Discover now