Mer, My Beloved Friend

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"...Kemah..." "Kemah!" " are no longer a larkson..." "STOP!" "...Desakora..." I hear voices speaking, screaming and calling. I hear children crying, people wailing for their life.

"...Desakora..." my senses return and I feel something wet and cool rubbing my face. As it travels near my tattoo, but not touching, I snap my eyes open to see mando pulling a wet rag away from my face. I sit up slowly but feel a migraine coming on. I look down to see his cape covering me like a blanket.
" long was I asleep?" I ask slowly, not wanting to know.
"Only a few hours," his voice was still like a untouched pond. We were on the sand crawler again. Then I remember the deal we made with the jawas.
"Are we getting out stuff back?" I try to get up off the floor, pulling his cape off, but mando shoves me down again.
"You need to rest. Yes," he looks behind him. I try to get up again then realize I was not wearing the shirt I had on earlier. And no pants. Luckily the shirt I am wearing was long enough that it reached my knees. I look to my left and see my clothes, gun, my hilt and my missing underwear.
Something felt off, Like a missing spice in a recipe. I usually wake up with-
"MER! What did you do with her!?" I jump up so fast mando could see under the shirt. I know he did because he let out a strained cough.
I ignore it and run over to the nearest jawa and grab his collar but not picking him up.
He sheepishly mumbles about cat and how it kept attacking them
I let go of his shirt and walk over to my stuff. I start to pack my underwear in a bag, trying to stifle my anger but failing. I jump at the jawas, my red lightsaber on. I kill every jawa into room in a crazed rage. As I listen to their bodys smolder, mando walks over. I can hear his footsteps so he doesn't surprise me. He rests his heavy gloved hand on my shoulder. I want to cry, I need to cry but the tears don't fall. Not on a mission.

I eventually calm down enough drive the sand crawler to his ship.
I walk in and see Mer's food and litter which only makes me feel worse.
"Do you need some time alone?" He asks gently.
"Yeah. Probably," he climbes the latter to the cockpit, taking the child with him, leaving me alone.

I think back to when I got Mer. I had just left Naboo for the first time. Loftcat was common on the first planet I stopped on. I walk out on it and not two steps later did I find Mer rubbing against my legs. She wouldn't stop so I kept her. She was my world, my shipmate, my beloved best friend. For 3 precious years. And now Mer is...

Now, she's gone.

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