Jealous John (John Judy, ESTJ)

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John Judy (ESTJ)
Inspired by Dawn and the Impossible Three


("Save Up Your Money, John D. Rockefeller Put the Panic On")

John POV: I'm John. I like order, predicting, and most of all, management. As I, John, am the proud manager of my dads farm. Which is why the farms been so successful these past years.

John is helping his dad manage the farm.

John: We have harvested exactly 4,732 potatoes this year. Around 3.2365↑ from last years harvest. With 67.98762% of the potato harvest sold last year, I say that we would sell exactly-

John's dad: Woah woah woah woah wait there. We could not predict the exact amount of sold potatoes. We could only estimate.

John: Yes we could. I like to be sure.

Rising Action:
John is having an emotionless conversation with Margarita at lunch.

John: I have already made the predictions for the elections of the officers. I am very sure that they will all win.

(Passes paper to Margarita)

Margarita: Isn't this supposed to be estimates? And it's actually more likely that intuitive types will get these roles, which you apparently gave it all to sensors. I think intuitive types are better for bigger roles as they tend to think of possibilities.

John: I am very sure of this. They will all win.

Margarita: Oh really.

Scene 2:

John POV: That night, I made sure I would prove her wrong. Besides, I am better than her. But most of all, I made sure I will win president.

(John is doing research on the internet)

Scene 3:
John is passing out posters to vote him squad president.

John: Vote for John!

Micheal: Nominations haven't even started yet!

John: Vote for John!

Margarita: I wonder, John, if your "predictions" actually have any backup research to prove these.

John: It's very heavily insured.

Scene 4:
Margarita is going to the library to study possibility and leadership. She will secretly join the competition, knock the other nominees, and win president.

John POV: Meanwhile, Margarita skipped club meeting to plan something somewhere against everyone's will...

Margarita: Bonjour bibliothécaire. Je veux les livres des direction et les livres des possibilité. Qu'est-ce que tu as?

Librarian: ...English?...


Librarian: Well we're got some pocket books for tweens and...

Margarita: About management and predicting possibility please...?

(The librarian stares at her)

Margarita: Specifically "Political Debates of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858 in Illinois", "Wisdom for a Young CEO", "Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World", and Rene Descartes if you have any.


Meanwhile, John is getting so stressed about the presidency even though nominations haven't even started yet. He lashes out at his own family.

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