Too Many Rules (Natalie Washington, ISTJ)

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Started: Jan 5, 2021 (7:48am)
Finished: Jan 5, 2021 (1:33pm)



Natalie POV: I'm a member of such a fun, weird, and amazing squad. Everyone's so nice, even Donald, and special. Ben's a charismatic servant leader, Will's an optimistic stuff-breaker, Steve's addicted to pizza, Margaret's tough as a rock, Sarah's a kid lawyer, Elon builds nukes, Bill's a logical kid doctor, John is very precise, Mari's all into crime, Donald is a living toddler, Brit's charming and great at singing and sculpture, Micheal's the all hands guy, Alicia's an artistic style icon, Lizzie's so good with cooking and animals, and Emma...the crème of the crop. She's smart, rich, idealistic, cute, pretty, stylish, gifted, and she's just...special. And me...I'm just plain old Natalie. Normal clothes, normal house, normal family, normal...personality. I'm Jewish, which makes 14.7 million people, and I'm an ISTJ, which I heard is the most common personality. I'm ok with that, but when you're in a place full of special people, you start to feel pressured. I don't even know if I'll still have my position anytime soon. Well they haven't said anything to me but...

The squad is having a meeting...

Ben: Guys what's your favorite movie? I like Batman...

Will: I like Briends and Kpop

John: Kpop is not a movie...

Will: Oh...

John: I like Stiff Minds...

Donald: I like Bearny!

Marilyn: Stop being such a baby. I like High School Not A Musical...

Britney: Isn't that a bit old...

Marilyn: It's nostalgic...

Sarah: I like The Heads...a definite government thriller...

Elizabeth: Me too! It's so nostalgic...

Emma: Mines The Square...

Will: What's that?

Donald: Never heard of it...

Marilyn: The only thing that guy watches are baby shows, but I don't know that either...

(Emma sighs)

Ben: It's ok M...what 'bout you Natalie...

Natalie POV: Emma has a nickname?! Everyone has such cool names and favorite movies and me...I can't let them down. But I also wanna be reliable, and honest so...

Natalie: Mines Mediocre...

Donald: That's the most normal movie ever...

(Natalie sighs)

Natalie POV: I normally don't have a problem with average, but looking at how sensitive people are around me, I could get taken off anytime soon. Besides, I'm literally useless...

Scene 2:
Natalie is eating dinner with her family, parents and a big brother. A typical family...

Natalie's mum: What's wrong with being average?

Natalie's dad: Would they get hurt with average?

Natalie: You could trust me couldn't you?

Natalie's mum: Of course we could.

Natalie: Then why won't you believe me?

Natalie's dad: Well it's impossible for you to let them down...

Natalie POV: I'm not a sensitive person, I'm even logical perhaps. But these are about the very people I care about the most. And when it's about the squad, it's a whole different story. I want them to know I could be in the squad, that I'm reliable, and that I could do my job well. And if they call me average, I definitely have to improve...

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