Competition For The Position (Margarita Thatfree, ENTJ)

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Margarita Thatfree (ENTJ)
(Part 2 of Jealous John)

Started: Dec 17, 2020 (5:45 pm)
Finished: Dec 18, 2020 (9:28 am)


("My Way" by Frank Sinatra)

Margarita POV: I'm Margarita, but I prefer to be called ma'am Margaret, or manager Margaret. But some people call me Iron Lady for some reason, I don't know why, and I definitely do not like it. I just like war, power, and competition, what is wrong with that? Well someone here staring at me right now seems to finds it wrong...

Margarita is staring at John and vise versa in the squad meeting...

John: Well you've just made an enemy...

Margarita: You have no enemies you say? Alas! My friend, the boast is poor. He who has mingled in the fray, of duty that the brave endure, must made have foes! If you have none, small is the work that you have done. You've hit no traitor on the hip, you've dashed no cup from perjured lip, you've never turned the left or right. You've been a coward in the fight.

(Everybody looks at her speechlessly, including John)

Scene 2:
Margarita is in a hover board being head girl. She is roaming the school and catching "bad guys." She sees two students walking in a zig zag motion.

Margarita: Both of you zig-zaggers! Straight motion, straight!

(Both boys laugh)

Boy 1: My goodness pasta!

Boy 2: Margaret!

Margarita: It's BOSS Margaret!

(Both boys leave and Elizabeth confronts Margarita)

Elizabeth: Boss Margaret. They hate you. Why don't you-

Margarita: You have no enemies you say? Alas-

Elizabeth: Shut up.

Margarita: Shut up, shut up, shut up they say. To those who don't think shades of grey. The worlds more colorful than that. But the blind and sightless could not admit-

Elizabeth: Fine! You win. Again. You need to learn how to lose you know...

Margarita POV: Another thing about me, I always win. I can't believe people are so weak they have this thing called "losing gracefully." Well, I DO NOT lose gracefully.

Scene 3:
Margarita is helping her dad by being the cashier in her dads grocery.

Margarita: No. I stick with 263. Pay all of it.

Shopper: Honey I don't have 3 bucks...

Margarita: 3 bucks. Or no item. And call me boss.

(The shopper rummages through her bag for 3 bucks)

Shopper: boss...

(The shopper asks for 3 bucks from the other shoppers)

Margarita: It has to be your own money by the way, lazy.

(Margarita takes the item and throws it in the trash)

Shopper: know it all kid with the puff buff hair...

(The shopper leaves without the item)

Margarita: I win.

Rising Action:
Margarita is in the club meeting debating with Ben and John.

Margarita: So you see, I ALWAYS win. And I won't ever accept defeat!

Britney: Sore loser.

(Everyone stares at Britney)

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