Virus Spreader (Bill Gutlain, INTP)

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Author's note: Hey guys sry I didn't write on the 25th. Christmas is for God and loved ones. Also, I got grounded (cuz my mum thinks I'm playing too much games even tho I'm not) in between writing so this took quite some time. Thank you for understanding...

Started: Dec 26, 2020 (8:50am)
Finished: Dec 28, 2020 (5:03pm)


("Chemo Hero")

Bill POV: Bill signing up. Statistically speaking, I mastered a lot of skills, like cognitive psychology, nephrology, gastroenterology, which everyone calls gross, and immunology, in which-

Bill is in the emergency room getting treated for his severe allergies, also called anaphylaxis.

Doctor: He got treated for anaphylaxis right?

Bill: Yes. Specifically in Asian soup, all kinds.

Doctor: Well after some of our tests it looks like he ate or drank or what do you call that when you put Asian food in your mouth then swallow it?

Bill: Eat I'm guessing...

Doctor: Ate. He ate Asian soup...

Bill's mum: Bill! You know you can't eat Asian soups!

Bill: Well they served that in the party!

Bill's mum: But you know you're not allowed to eat that!

Bill: Well it's my brain, and my own mouth too. Medically speaking, a prevailing theory in neuroscience says that the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex makes choices, good and bad. So really, it's not my fault!

(Bill's mum is left speechless)

Doctor: Bill you do have some talent!

Bill: Medical studies is one of my passions.

Bill POV: Everyone tells me I'm either talented or just a medical nerd. I know, I know, it's why I mentioned it in the first place. Although medical nerd does sound-

Scene 2:
Meanwhile, the rest of the squad is having a meeting...

John: Weird. Not only is it weird it's risky!

Donald: FaceChatting him will like cause our lives! Runnnnnnnn!

Ben: You're already running...

Alicia: It's just FaceChat cmon.

Elon: He has a spreadable virus!

Ben: Alicia's right, it's just FaceChat to be honest. What's up with you guys?

Marilyn: Elon found it on Spacebook! Bill is the cheese touch!

Britney: I found that too fellow spacebooker!

Emma: You really think Spacebook has genuine news?

Elizabeth: I mean he's in the emergency room so it's pretty risky itself...

Micheal: If that kid goes near me I'll chop him with a chainsaw!

Sarah: IF that kid ever goes near me I'm suing him for the rest of my life!

Margarita: IF that kid ever goes near me I'll be shooting him like I shoot the Argentænes!

Ben: You literally shoot Argentænes? You're talking games here-

Margarita: NOPE! I have pictures of stupid Argentænes who wants to take my backyard from me. Well they don't know...I'm shooting them!

Emma: World peace Margaret, please...

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