Popular Problems (Will Kim, ENFP)

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Started: Dec 24, 2020 🎄 (11:33pm)
Finished: Dec 24, 2020 🎄 (4:12pm)


("Dynamite-Holiday Remix")

Will POV: I'm Will, the Pollyanna optimistic dude of the group. Probably more optimistic than Pollyanna perhaps, I mean I'm like the "Teamwork makes the dreamwork, you can do it" guy. To add up, it's also the most optimistic season of the year, December! Which means Christmas, and joy, and friends, and-

Will is eating dinner with his family...

Will POV: My pessimistic family comparing and complaining about everything they could name in the whole wide world...

Will's mum: You have to get a 100% in the maths finals.

Kill: Actually, all the finals...

Will's mum: Yup.

Will: Kill, you're killing my life.

Kill: I ain't. It's called eXpEcTaTiOnS...

Will POV: Expectations, the very thing that makes our generation depressed. It's true. And then they're asking why we're so depressed, it's right in front of their eyes!

Brian: Anyways, let me name all the ways I have failed today...

Will POV: That's Brian, the very pessimistic violin genius best friend of my big brother, Drill. My mum's jealous of him and really wants ME to be like him. Well unfortunately, I won't...

Kill: Will it's your turn!

Will: There are many things I'm thankful-

Will's mum: Ah ah ah! Tell how you FAILED today...

Will: Do you really have to be that pessimistic!?

Will's mum: Why can't you be like him for once?!

Will: Well I'm different, and I'm optimistic! You guys could stay in the dark clouds forever, I won't. And its December, the happiest time of the year and-

Kill: Happiest...

Will: Exactly! You don't even know what it feels like to be content and to stop coveting pessimistic people because they aren't perfect!

Will's mum: You called Brian not perfect?...

Will: I kept commiserating for you, but now it's time I stop!

Will's mum: Well guess what, the word commiserate doesn't exist...

Will: It does.

Will's mum: No it doesn't!

Will: Emma said so!

Will's mum: So what?

Will: So it exists!

(Will breaks the bowl and storms upstairs)

Will's mum: Come back down you stuff-breaker!!!

Rising Action:
Will is in the squad meeting with his friends...

Alicia: Why are they even jealous of him?

Emma: Thou shall not covet...

Will: I don't think she even knows what the word covet means. I mean she literally thinks the word commiserate doesn't exist...

Marilyn: Everyone knows what that means...

John: Commiserate, to feel sympathy for.

Donald: She's a grown adult but doesn't know that word so I'm smarter than her yay!

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