Defend Yourself (Elizabeth Franklin, ISFJ)

86 4 0

Started: Jan 6, 2021 (7:48am)
Finished: Jan 6, 2021 (1:31pm)


("Dancing Queen")

Elizabeth POV: Call me the princess of the squad. I'm dutiful, poise, and formal. Oh yeah, and I'm Lizzie. I do all my homework, I make sure the squad has food, and I couldn't go to sleep without unsaddling my horses. I'm living a very happy life, fulfilled, and content. But most of all, I'm a member of a happy family...

The squad is having a meeting...

Elizabeth: Mari you're over sharing! Again!

Marilyn: What? It's just notifications...

Donald: Why don't you try Twitter...anyways apparently I'm in the same class as Gordon. As in the boy who only passes cooking class. He should be a janitor...

Elizabeth: His grades are higher than yours. YOU should be the janitor...

Britney: Anyways apparently Ariana's trying to overshadow me in music class...


(Everyone stares at Donald)

Donald: Euh sorry...

Ben: Anyways we have understudy for the role of flower in the play...

(Natalie and Britney grin)

Ben: But apparently we don't have the lead cast herself. This teacher legit forced me to direct a play that would obviously be horrible...

Will: Think positive. I don't think it will...

Ben: Also, we need a narrator...

Donald: I wanna be narrator!

Ben: Are you illiterate?

Donald: I guess...

Ben: Then read...

(Ben hands him a book)

Donald: Diarie oof a wumpei keed bie-

Ben: Uh Donald that's the cover...

Elon: How bout you read Epic of Gills...

(Elon hands Donald a copy of epic of Gills)

Will: The small book of BTS!

(Will hands Donald a copy of The Small Book of BTS)

Emma: Hairy Potter!

(Emma hands Donald a copy of a Hairy Potter book)

Micheal: The Jordan Jules!

(Micheal hands Donald a copy of The Jordan Jules)

Bill: Busy Adventures!

(Bill hands Donald a copy of Busy Adventures)

Elizabeth POV: It was such a fun, happy meeting. I was about to let Donald read my favorite book, which is, of course, some horse magazines, but then I received a call...

(Elizabeth's phone rings)

(She picks up the call)

Rising Action:
Elizabeth is in the living room with her family...

(Her family is celebrating her uncles death, everyone except for Elizabeth)

Elizabeth's dad, mum, and sister (Margaret): WE ARE THE INHERITORS! WE ARE THE INHERITORS!

Elizabeth POV: Ok. This is so inhumane. My own family is celebrating the death of my uncle. I don't think it's the death their celebrating though, I think it's the fact that we're moving up the social ladder. You know, inheriting the company, the land, the clients. My family owns some big business that is apparently inherited, and the next in line is me...

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